President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

My question was if we are going to place blame on an administration for a poor economy, shouldn’t we also give credit to an administration for positive economic news?
My main point is to point out presidents get too much credit (and gladly take it) when the economy is booming, and too much blame when it is poor.
Positive news isn’t taking credit for jobs that were lost to a manufactured virus getting back to pre-pandemic numbers. He can’t get credit for a vaccines he said would take 8-12 years to safely produce. He can’t get credit for a stock market that was skyrocketing to only be hit by the manufactured virus fallout. He can’t get credit for not being on the golf course when he calls a lid and heads to Delaware.
I've often heard and I'm sure many of you as well something like when you get domestic policy wrong it cost the economy but when you get foreign policy wrong it cost lives. This adminstration has screwed the pooch on both.
That’s a fair saying.
Positive news isn’t taking credit for jobs that were lost to a manufactured virus getting back to pre-pandemic numbers. He can’t get credit for a vaccines he said would take 8-12 years to safely produce. He can’t get credit for a stock market that was skyrocketing to only be hit by the manufactured virus fallout. He can’t get credit for not being on the golf course when he calls a lid and heads to Delaware.
And…just like that…you’re back to the regular talking points..
And…just like that…you’re back to the regular talking points..
And just like that you had no rebuttal of proving any of those talking points to be wrong. Would you rather discuss his past history on inner city crime reform, abortion support of prolife or maybe his family babysitter? We can go Kamala calling him a racist on the national stage or we can side bar to how he doesn’t have picture of his grandchild out of wedlock in the White House. Just take a route
To an extent this is true.

The frustrating part is Trumps administration would be working to address these issues. Bidens administration is too busy worrying about ensuring we all agree that “men can menstruate” and blaming Putin for everything. Face it dude, this administration is terrible. If we had a somewhat fair media, his approval rating would be even lower.
I absolutely agree that a different administration would take a different approach to addressing some of these issues. And I’ve not once argued the current administration is effectively handling them.
My point is that it isn’t always accurate to blame a president for the creation or even existence of an economic issue. However, the steps they take to attempt to address are absolutely fair game.
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To an extent this is true.

The frustrating part is Trumps administration would be working to address these issues. Bidens administration is too busy worrying about ensuring we all agree that “men can menstruate” and blaming Putin for everything. Face it dude, this administration is terrible. If we had a somewhat fair media, his approval rating would be even lower.

That's the worst part of this. The media has covered for this guy and he still has historical low approval. If they were intellectually honest the whole cabinet would be subject to impeachment. They are that bad.
And just like that you had no rebuttal of proving any of those talking points to be wrong. Would you rather discuss his past history on inner city crime reform, abortion support of prolife or maybe his family babysitter? We can go Kamala calling him a racist on the national stage or we can side bar to how he doesn’t have picture of his grandchild out of wedlock in the White House. Just take a route
Goodness, dude.
I questioned to what extent an administration is responsible for the state of the economy, and you go full blown tucker talking points.
Let’s just agree to disagree and move along.
Goodness, dude.
I questioned to what extent an administration is responsible for the state of the economy, and you go full blown tucker talking points.
Let’s just agree to disagree and move along.

Given the desire to continue spending at the federal level when everyone could see the inflation coming, they are knee deep involved in this mess.

Additionally, much of the current inflation is driven by energy costs. So if you aren’t in an all out sprint to do everything possible to encourage exploration, drilling, processing, etc, then you are adding to the problem.
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Considerably, given the desire to continue spending at the federal level when everyone could see the inflation coming.

Additionally, much of the current inflation is driven by energy costs. So if you aren’t in an all out sprint to do everything possible to encourage exploration, drilling, processing, etc, then you are adding to the problem.
All fair points that are similar to traditional conservative and liberal differences, imo.
Would much rather have these conversations than listen to the oft-repeated trump and tucker talking points.
Goodness, dude.
I questioned to what extent an administration is responsible for the state of the economy, and you go full blown tucker talking points.
Let’s just agree to disagree and move along.
You can keep saying Tucker as if that continues to help your cause. But those are just paying attention points if you just observe the landscape without the media. The world isn’t as racist as Joy Reid or Nicolle Wallace paint the picture for their audience or a violent as Hannity portrays with the riots in metropolitan democrat I ran cities. The sweet spot is in the middle for those who just want to be comfortable.
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Just curious. How much of what you’re complaining about do you lay at the feet of the current administration?
No one’s denying inflation is at an all time high. No one’s denying there continues to be major supply chain issues.
However, these are global issues, not just issues impacting the US.
Regardless of who had won the 2020 election, we would still be dealing with these issues.
However, Trump and tucker are excited that you believe otherwise.
All of it. Be adult about it and own it or STFU
What do you consider regular talking points? The manufactured virus remark? Surely you don't believe it came from a wet market? You can't be that naive, can you?
I don’t claim to be a scientist nor understand virology.
However, I do agree that it seems more likely the virus was manufactured rather than a product of the wet market.
My comment on “regular talking points” was related to how quickly the post dissolved back into the same complaints when all I am doing is asking a simple question about an administrations credit or blame for the economy.
You can keep saying Tucker as if that continues to help your cause. But those are just paying attention points if you just observe the landscape without the media. The world isn’t as racist as Joy Reid or Nicolle Wallace paint the picture for their audience or a violent as Hannity portrays with the riots in metropolitan democrat I ran cities. The sweet spot is in the middle for those who just want to be comfortable.

The crime problem is more real than the racist problem.
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The crime problem is more real than the racist problem.
Agree, but can’t go that route because the media/left will portray it has targeting demographics. Crack down on inner city violence, target back woods meth and clean up society rather than demonizing those that are suppose to protect. Tell the full story vs the end result.
My question was if we are going to place blame on an administration for a poor economy, shouldn’t we also give credit to an administration for positive economic news?
My main point is to point out presidents get too much credit (and gladly take it) when the economy is booming, and too much blame when it is poor.

One should be able to differentiate whether policies directly attributed to the positives or negatives.
All of what? I understood you were asking about Trump coming back in '24, I just don't know what you mean by "all of this".
Biden beating Trump in 2020 was certainly what needed to happen.
If enough people are crazy enough to reelect Trump, that has little to nothing to do with Biden.
Everything we’ve endured these past few years.

Ten Times the White House Refused to Answer Questions About Hunter Biden

President Joe Biden and his staff continue refusing to answer any questions about Hunter Biden’s corrupt foreign business dealings and information found in his abandoned laptop.

Staff who work for Biden know it is a sensitive subject, and it has been since he was the Vice President in former President Barack Obama’s administration.

“Everyone who works for him has been screamed at,” a former Biden adviser told the New Yorker in a Hunter Biden profile which also reported that others were wary of hurting his feelings.

“It’s like you’ve hurt him terribly. That was always my fear, that I would be really touching a very fragile part of him,” a business associate of Biden’s told the New Yorker regarding difficult conversations about the president’s family.

Biden’s staff refuse to answer questions about it.

Here is a roundup of times the White House refused to answer questions about Hunter Biden and his laptop:

10 Times the White House Avoided Questions About Hunter Biden
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All of what? I understood you were asking about Trump coming back in '24, I just don't know what you mean by "all of this".
Biden beating Trump in 2020 was certainly what needed to happen.
If enough people are crazy enough to reelect Trump, that has little to nothing to do with Biden.
What needed to happen was the media not influencing an election. In sports, it’s never good when the officials become part of the game in key moments. Both should never be noticed.
I don’t claim to be a scientist nor understand virology.
However, I do agree that it seems more likely the virus was manufactured rather than a product of the wet market.

Hahaha ha. This is Gold.

Two years ago, I was an absolute lunatic for saying the above. Q anon, Conspiracist, Science-denier....

Now, like almost everything else the non-Branch Covidians argued (goofy masks are not effective at stopping viruses, vaccines will not prevent the virus from mutating and will not be able to eliminate a respiratory virus, young people are at almost zero risk from CV19, locking people up will create significant collateral damage to mental and physical health, etc), it's becoming common knowledge.

Learn from this, people.
Hahaha ha. This is Gold.

Two years ago, I was an absolute lunatic for saying the above. Q anon, Conspiracist, Science-denier....

Now, like almost everything else the non-Branch Covidians argued (goofy masks are not effective at stopping viruses, vaccines will not prevent the virus from mutating and will not be able to eliminate a respiratory virus, young people are at almost zero risk from CV19, locking people up will create significant collateral damage to mental and physical health, etc), it's becoming common knowledge.

Learn from this, people.
Nice of you to chime in kiddie doc.
To be clear, I have never pretended to know whether the virus was created and released from a lab, or came from the wet market.
My critique was related to someone pretending to know more about the origins and evolutions of viruses than virologist.
I still stand by that criticism, btw.
Hahaha ha. This is Gold.

Two years ago, I was an absolute lunatic for saying the above. Q anon, Conspiracist, Science-denier....

Now, like almost everything else the non-Branch Covidians argued (goofy masks are not effective at stopping viruses, vaccines will not prevent the virus from mutating and will not be able to eliminate a respiratory virus, young people are at almost zero risk from CV19, locking people up will create significant collateral damage to mental and physical health, etc), it's becoming common knowledge.

Learn from this, people.
Common sense then and common sense now. The virus was a way to protect Biden, install voter suppression voting methods, create scare tactics of talking down the status quo of the American lifestyle by putting it on a global stage. Interesting the Covid death tickers aren’t advertised like college football scores on tv.
What needed to happen was the media not influencing an election. In sports, it’s never good when the officials become part of the game in key moments. Both should never be noticed.
Media has influenced thinking since the times when printed words were made easily available.
This dynamic isn’t going to change, and will only get worse.
The decision point is what a person chooses to consume.
Common sense then and common sense now. The virus was a way to protect Biden, install voter suppression voting methods, create scare tactics of talking down the status quo of the American lifestyle by putting it on a global stage. Interesting the Covid death tickers aren’t advertised like college football scores on tv.
Who was behind all of these shenanigans in your mind? The Democratic Party??

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