President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

Media has influenced thinking since the times when printed words were made easily available.
This dynamic isn’t going to change, and will only get worse.
The decision point is what a person chooses to consume.
Sure, didn’t work out for Dan Rather or any for that matter that continues to push false narratives. Just the facts by CBS, NBC or ABC, don’t alienate half the audience with opinions as being facts for one side.
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I don't know that he's had good name in the last 45 years. He's been scuzzy pretty much since he got to Congress.
So, what does it say about the person beaten in an election by someone so horrible? Assuming you don’t believe the election was “stolen,” of course.
So, what does it say about the person beaten in an election by someone so horrible? Assuming you don’t believe the election was “stolen,” of course.

When some people don’t have to make an effort you can convince them to do anything…..or they’ll let you do it for them.
So, what does it say about the person beaten in an election by someone so horrible? Assuming you don’t believe the election was “stolen,” of course.
I think our candidates say more about us than anything else. Going back 10 years.


Does anyone honestly believe these 5 people are among the best candidates to lead our country?

Politics are insane. They really are.

I think Hog stated it in another thread. Anyone that should run, is smart enough not to.
Fauci seems to be connected to the Wuhan lab more than he was the wet market.
I wasn’t talking about just the virus but all of the problems you reference being created.

But, back to the virus for a second…you’re saying Fauci had something to do with its creation and reported escape?
I think our candidates say more about us than anything else. Going back 10 years.


Does anyone honestly believe these 5 people are among the best candidates to lead our country?

Politics are insane. They really are.

I think Hog stated it in another thread. Anyone that should run, is smart enough not to.
Politics has become a profession rather what it was intended to be.
Term limits for Congress can start to help some of this.
I wasn’t talking about just the virus but all of the problems you reference being created.

But, back to the virus for a second…you’re saying Fauci had something to do with its creation and reported escape?

The release from the virus seemed to cascade a sequence of events that just happened to be in an election year. Connect the dots as you will or just chalk it up to coincidence. Fauci’s name should have never been connected to the same lab that produced the once in a decade pandemic. Again, you can believe it was coincidence in an election year.
What needed to happen was the media not influencing an election. In sports, it’s never good when the officials become part of the game in key moments. Both should never be noticed.
True, but it's been a long time since the media was close to impartial. CNN and that Vanderbilt boy did their utmost to ensure that Hillary got the nomination, and then the election in 96. And Fox has been the right wing Bush, Neocon, Trump etc. soapbox for years.
So, what does it say about the person beaten in an election by someone so horrible? Assuming you don’t believe the election was “stolen,” of course.
Says the power of social media influences when fabricated stories of Russian Collusion are ran as truth, but pictures of Hunter Biden with a crack pipe in his mouth are taken down.
I wasn’t talking about just the virus but all of the problems you reference being created.

But, back to the virus for a second…you’re saying Fauci had something to do with its creation and reported escape?

He was funding gain of function but I'm as much concerned about the coverup. That seems obvious to most.
He was funding gain of function but I'm as much concerned about the coverup. That seems obvious to most.
I believe there were organizations within the US funding gain of function and I’m sure there have been many attempts to hush any potential bad press related to this funding.
I don’t believe there was some grand conspiracy to release such a virus due to an upcoming election.
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So, what does it say about the person beaten in an election by someone so horrible? Assuming you don’t believe the election was “stolen,” of course.
Just because I can recognize that Biden is a turd doesn't mean that I don't see that Trump is also a turd. Both are rotten. Each candidate got a lot of votes because they were not the other. May we have at least one good candidate in 2024, that cares about the good of the country over enriching themselves and their donors / masters.
While I'm at it, about inflation: each president since W, and each Congress, treated the Treasury like a candy jar, spent far beyond their means and effectively said 'we'll just print more'. That put us in bad shape for inflation anyway, and then Biden came in with his 'spending a trillion or 4 for my corrupt schemes will cost us nothing' song and dance and blew the lid off it. Even if he or his replacement becomes a fanatic fiscal conservative next week the damage is done and the dollar will continue to lose value. Which sucks for those of us who like to buy things like food and shelter.
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I believe there were organizations within the US funding gain of function and I’m sure there have been many attempts to hush any potential bad press related to this funding.
I don’t believe there was some grand conspiracy to release such a virus due to an upcoming election.

I never said that last sentence. However it did end of being 1) convenient 2) used to help change election laws, and 3) covered up and used as a major political in some cases vouching for the Chinese mainly from the left. That helped give China time and propaganda to lie and deceive. I also think China didn't do enough to try to prevent it from getting out of their country.
Just because I can recognize that Biden is a turd doesn't mean that I don't see that Trump is also a turd. Both are rotten. Each candidate got a lot of votes because they were not the other. May we have at least one good candidate in 2024, that cares about the good of the country over enriching themselves and their donors / masters.
While I'm at it, about inflation: each president since W, and each Congress, treated the Treasury like a candy jar spent far beyond their means and effectively said 'we'll just print more'. That put us in bad shape for inflation anyway, and then Biden came in with his 'spending a trillion or 4 for my corrupt schemes will cost us nothing' song and dance and blew the lid off it. Even if he or his replacement becomes a fanatic fiscal conservative next week the damage is done and the dollar will continue to lose value. Which sucks for those of us who like to buy things like food and shelter.
No doubt we are in dire need of some fiscally conservative leaders.
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I never said that last sentence. However it did end of being 1) convenient 2) used to help change election laws, and 3) covered up and used as a major political in some cases vouching for the Chinese mainly from the left. That helped give China time and propaganda to lie and deceive.
Wasn’t attempting to put words in your mouth, just stating what a few others seem to believe.

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