President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

Just every nation will come against her..

Even a non beleiver would have to admit in a vacuum of the US leadership, Israel will be barraged.
I am not familiar with Obadiah.

The complete destruction of the house of Esau.
I think that has to happen before the Gog MaGog war.

If you believe in that sort of thing
The complete destruction of the house of Esau.
I think that has to happen before the Gog MaGog war.

If you believe in that sort of thing

Oh I believe every since I read The Late Great Planet Earth as a child.Prophecy and geopolitical events have always fascinated me.
Haha. Card carrying member of "Q" and the Proud Boys, I see. Carry on with your conspiratorial nonsense, as it does nothing but show your ignorance.

Dipstick, I don't know much about either. I've never even posted in the Q thread. Proud Boy's. Didn't liberals say they are white? Apparently you don't know much about me. I just call it like see it and you don't have any ammo for the heat I pack. Don't let @Septic talk you into something.
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If only trump could've had the Taliban visit Camp David to talk about all of this like he wanted, then I'm sure none of this would be happening right now.
Trump would have catered in KFC and his secret Russian brothel for the Taliban. Never underestimate the power of fried chicken combined with some tail.
Haha. Card carrying member of "Q" and the Proud Boys, I see. Carry on with your conspiratorial nonsense, as it does nothing but show your ignorance.

BTW, I will agree with you democrats on something though.

America must be a racist country because ain't no way in hell a black man as old and dumb as Biden would step foot in the oval office. The black man would be cutting hair, delivering meals or something. Only a white man can be that embarassing because he is laughable.

America is also racist because you put a token idiot as VP based on race and sex. How dumb do the voters have to be. To think how bad she makes black people look as clueless as she is. Liberals know how to help make blacks look bad, I will give you that.
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