President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

How is it possible even 44% approve?? These are the people that flat out don’t pay attention or are too brainwashed to have their own thoughts.

81M refusing to believe they could have been wrong. Buyer's remorse is a terrible thing; people would rather deny the obvious than admit they screwed up.
The guy knowingly spreads false info that is eaten up and reposted by clowns. He now sponsors some poll and we're supposed to believe it's totally legit?
And that’s why no media in this country have any credibility. They all post knowingly false and misleading information to generate traffic. It’s sad but, between money and integrity, money almost always wins.
That’s a matter of opinion.
I have never seen a country more on the brink of disaster than it was during his term.
I'm circling back here, in what ways?

I'm assuming you didn't answer because you realized how silly the list would sound in attempting to prop up your hyperbolic statement.
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I admitted as such that it is a DC failure. So you admit the Feds are about incompetent as one can get. It is PoliSci 101.
Yet u and your type want to give them Healthcare, Climate Change or whatever. That is effed up
My type? I'm not in the woke left camp, bro. Life long Republican until 2016 and now consider myself Independent.
BTW, I will agree with you democrats on something though.

America must be a racist country because ain't no way in hell a black man as old and dumb as Biden would step foot in the oval office. The black man would be cutting hair, delivering meals or something. Only a white man can be that embarassing because he is laughable.

America is also racist because you put a token idiot as VP based on race and sex. How dumb do the voters have to be. To think how bad she makes black people look as clueless as she is. Liberals know how to help make blacks look bad, I will give you that.
WT literal F? Your rambling post makes no sense.
Yes ... so, what's the count as of now ... 5 or 6 huge crisis this lunatic has created?
It's one thing to create a crisis so that you look like a hero when you save the day, it's another when you create one and the striking picture is your back with slumped shoulders as you walk away from a questionless presser.
81M refusing to believe they could have been wrong. Buyer's remorse is a terrible thing; people would rather deny the obvious than admit they screwed up.
I can't believe Bernie, and many of the other Primary losers haven't jumped out in front of this and spouted how well they would have handled the situation as a jump start to 2024......the dems picked the wrong candidate.
My type? I'm not in the woke left camp, bro. Life long Republican until 2016 and now consider myself Independent.
As a guy from the opposite camp having abandoned the Democrat party…. It m curious who you would have supported from the Republican Party in 16?
Not a gotcha question…I find both parties candidate pool severely lacking.
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One thing they definitely got right in the article is they are keeping Harris insulated and out of the news. I truly wonder if Biden can physically survive the riggers of the job. Lord help us if he doesn’t and Harris is inserted.

I think these tough issues are taking and are beginning to take its toll on him. I think that is why the media was playing softball becsuse they knew he was fragile but the world is watching this latest issue that he has tanked on so the media's credibility serving a tray of propaganda is at stake.

Rachel Maddow can't turn MSNBC into the new National Enquirer as fast as she wants to.
The fact that they are testing it out near the White House on the Vice President is alarming.

The fact that the VP is actually the VP is even more alarming. You are absolutely right though because feeling free to use that in this country means they've stepped up the game. I believe the original proposed culprit was a Cuban/Russian split; I've always thought it was China. We had been to Cuba less than a year before it all started, and China was obviously serious about filling the void in Cuba after the Russians left.
I posted in another thread that the Democrats, right now today, are blocking a bill that would rescue stranded Americans in Afghanistan. If this is true, then the Democrats are literally the spawns of Satan. I'm trying to find or waiting on a link to post as soon as one is released.
Remember biden cancelled everything Trump? Didn't know what he was signing, but he was doing executive orders at a record pace effectively trying to erase Trump. Biden changed May to Mayday.
When were they going to start planning the end of a 20yr campaign? Biden cancelled in January right? So you're telling me no one had started a plan in January for a full pullout in May? That is extremely hard to believe
When were they going to start planning the end of a 20yr campaign? Biden cancelled in January right? So you're telling me no one had started a plan in January for a full pullout in May? That is extremely hard to believe

In Jan Biden said no to May, in April he said Sep 11, we pulled out on Jul 2 and July 8 Biden said August 31. HTF were other players supposed to plan an orderly exit?

The Supreme Court is the nearest thing we have to totalitarian government. It sits atop the Judicial system and Branch; courts can hear or not hear as they wish, and the ultimate decider on that is the SC. The SC decides what is or isn't "Constitutional", and they do it with some particularly innovative logic. What that means is they and not the legislative branch really have the last say on our laws, and the courts make law by fiat ... at all levels through precedent. They can uniquely operate on precedent and standing to rule or ignore as they wish, and there is no process of checks and balances for the SC - they can rule til they die.

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