President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

Exactly. PJ sorta reminds me of a McCain or Romney guy.

If anybody is cheated, it is the legal immigrants. They seem to appreciate our law and actually gives meaning to become American citizens. They assimilate and appreciate. The illegals still have home allegience.
You said to immigrate legally. Green cards still take years. Neither addresses an immediate and seasonal need for labor

You said 10 years, not me. I honestly dont know how long it takes.
If the pipeline is full over a ten year period, it is the same flow rate every year. Think about that.
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There's no policy in place that addresses the real need for labor on this country. That and criminalizing those who how outside the rules

BS. I was an engineer in the 90's when "we needed foreign engineers". We "needed" foreign engineers because they were cheap and could be threatened with deportation if they didn't go along with policies that brought corporate debacles. I would have told anybody who would listen not to bother with engineering because there was no promise of longevity and no real job satisfaction associated with the work it took to get a degree. Screw people over long enough and they just don't want to work for you. We've had and probably have most of the labor we need if we didn't have policies in place to keep people from employment ... mostly a lot of "safety nets" so they don't actually need to work. Look at the industries that used to exist in the US - the ones that produced strategic materials like steel; what do you suppose those people are doing today? I don't think they and their families evaporated when the jobs went away.
BS. I was an engineer in the 90's when "we needed foreign engineers". We "needed" foreign engineers because they were cheap and could be threatened with deportation if they didn't go along with policies that brought corporate debacles. I would have told anybody who would listen not to bother with engineering because there was no promise of longevity and no real job satisfaction associated with the work it took to get a degree. Screw people over long enough and they just don't want to work for you. We've had and probably have most of the labor we need if we didn't have policies in place to keep people from employment ... mostly a lot of "safety nets" so they don't actually need to work. Look at the industries that used to exist in the US - the ones that produced strategic materials like steel; what do you suppose those people are doing today? I don't think they and their families evaporated when the jobs went away.
This isn't about engineers and I've stated as much in my posts
You said to immigrate legally. Green cards still take years. Neither addresses an immediate and seasonal need for labor

There are programs in place for labor including seasonal labor; but if you don't follow them and allow a lot of leakage, then you never actually have the data to fine tune or replace them. Just wandering around and more shooting in the dark.
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So you think those strawberries will make it 2 years while the govt sorts out all the green cards required?

That is why I said the reservior is always full and the flow is the same. Why I said "think about it". It is not turning off the spigot. You act like they are "just starting to issue green cards day 1. The applications and approvals from year(s) ago are becoming mature
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That is why I said the reservior is always full and the flow is the same. Why I said "think about it". It is not turning off the spigot. You act like they are "just starting to issue green cards day 1. The applications and approvals from year(s) ago are becoming mature
And those forecasts from 2 years ago are still good? The simple fact is our current system does not address this need.
BS. I was an engineer in the 90's when "we needed foreign engineers". We "needed" foreign engineers because they were cheap and could be threatened with deportation if they didn't go along with policies that brought corporate debacles. I would have told anybody who would listen not to bother with engineering because there was no promise of longevity and no real job satisfaction associated with the work it took to get a degree. Screw people over long enough and they just don't want to work for you. We've had and probably have most of the labor we need if we didn't have policies in place to keep people from employment ... mostly a lot of "safety nets" so they don't actually need to work. Look at the industries that used to exist in the US - the ones that produced strategic materials like steel; what do you suppose those people are doing today? I don't think they and their families evaporated when the jobs went away.

One issue not discussed is automation and production efficiencies. They day the veggies,fruits and poultry workers become short, you open the green card spigot a little more.
Guess that be asking too much of our inept gov though. Lets just flood tens of millions
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This isn't about engineers and I've stated as much in my posts

That's fine. My example was simply meant to demonstrate the systemic cluelessness (or worse, graft) of the politicians and bureaucrats pushing issues. We've relied on seasonal labor for decades to augment what we have in house. Perhaps there's really a different problem - that of corporate farming rather than making it possible for farms to be passed along in a way that doesn't cause families to have to sell out to corporations. BTW, if farms need labor, what is it that millions of illegals are doing to pay for food and shelter? And a lot of the fruit in the groceries seems to come from somewhere outside the US. Look at a Welch grape jelly jar and it no longer says US grown - it says N American grown grapes - that includes Canada and everything down northern S America ... including the countries that the southern border jumpers are fleeing.
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And those forecasts from 2 years ago are still good? The simple fact is our current system does not address this need.

Where's the demand? Our population growth has slowed or stopped, and there should be plenty of illegals to work farms. Of course, you might argue they can't because they are here illegally, and you could still argue they could have come legally to work if they didn't jump the border. Either way, it's stupid to change policy if you don't let policy work to see what's wrong.

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