President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

Ok so what big West Virginia project needs federal funding? What family member needs a fed slush fund job?

Opinion | Why I Won’t Support Spending Another $3.5 Trillion

I, for one, won’t support a $3.5 trillion bill, or anywhere near that level of additional spending, without greater clarity about why Congress chooses to ignore the serious effects inflation and debt have on existing government programs. This is even more important now as the Social Security and Medicare Trustees have sounded the alarmthat these life-saving programs will be insolvent and benefits could start to be reduced as soon as 2026 for Medicare and 2033, a year earlier than previously projected, for Social Security.
What a joke ... Biden is talking about making good paying jobs but yet he goes & kills the Keystone pipeline the very first day in office that effected 10K or more good paying jobs. What a moron that was put into a leadership role.
55 Big Corporations paid NO taxes last year..... Biden (they) write the laws to do that.
Time for them to pay their fair share to the larger burden that's on the American workers. Same ole same ole speech we've heard for 45 years now. Never happen.
Uh, Oh .... Joe is going off record on answering a question on the Texas abortion laws.
Looking like he was lost to answer the ? the best he could without fumbling the ball.
We've been carrying dead-weight Republican districts for years. Not surprised it's no different now.
Ha, ha, let's let those dead weight republican districts truly let you carry us. A "blue" county gets all the credit for company headquartered in a blue county but all the actual production isn't created in that county. Let those 2500+ red counties decide to take a couple month vacation - especially at harvest time - and let's see how well those blue counties 520 fare.
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That's what the left does. Victory laps and pats on the back all around when there is bad news. Dem voters swallow it all while the media holds their noses.
While he was patting himself on the back on how the market continually sets new highs the market ticker was just sinking and sinking. Hilarious.
Attaboy Joe - sucks when you have to follow the science

Covid-19 Vaccine Booster Launch Could Be Delayed

"Federal health officials are asking the White House to push back the start of a planned Covid-19 booster campaign, at least for the Moderna Inc. and Johnson & Johnson vaccines, people familiar with the discussions said.

The Food and Drug Administration needs more time to collect and assess the data on safety and efficacy, the people said."

How much data do you need?

"Asked earlier this week about concerns the booster campaign was premature, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said, “This was a recommendation made by our nation’s leading health experts based on mounds and mounds of data.”"
55 Big Corporations paid NO taxes last year..... Biden (they) write the laws to do that.
Time for them to pay their fair share to the larger burden that's on the American workers. Same ole same ole speech we've heard for 45 years now. Never happen.

The irony is that 81M+ never question the fact that politicians they elected wrote the same tax laws that corporations use to avoid paying taxes. And even more ironic is that the same people can't figure out that they pay the taxes for the corporations who can't avoid paying taxes. I'd suggest teaching that the cost of taxes, energy, and and other overhead are to business what friction is to a machine ... why you can't have perpetual motion; but you'd have to assume that 81M+ have the capacity for rational thought and their reasoned thought on biology proves otherwise.

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