President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

Ha, ha, let's let those dead weight republican districts truly let you carry us. A "blue" county gets all the credit for company headquartered in a blue county but all the actual production isn't created in that county. Let those 2500+ red counties decide to take a couple month vacation - especially at harvest time - and let's see how well those blue counties 520 fare.

Red states do the production, and blue states add the overhead and take credit for the production. It's like magic - all those busy bees clogging up highways and public transportation and no factory worker bees anywhere in sight. Of course, someday they are going to find that worker bees in red countries rather than red states don't contribute to this country, they've been draining our nation's wealth, and the overhead class will maybe finally understand they drained the system and their masters are coming for them.
Try again, top ten states with the most welfare recipients per 100k is five red and five blue. Red numbers 2,3,4,5, and 6. Blue number 1,7,8,9 and 10

It would be even more interesting if people in the blue states hadn't exported our manufacturing jobs - especially with a lot of US jobs that were moving to southern states.
That's what the left does. Victory laps and pats on the back all around when there is bad news. Dem voters swallow it all while the media holds their noses.
Just wait until the .gov stops paying people to sit home on ass collecting checks. Then they will HAVE to go out and take one of the 10 million open jobs out there. The Lefties will crow about how they are creating jobs... and the MSM will swoon all over them. Can't wait to see the resident cat lady's orgasmic postings about Joe's 'crushing it'.
Just wait until the .gov stops paying people to sit home on ass collecting checks. Then they will HAVE to go out and take one of the 10 million open jobs out there. The Lefties will crow about how they are creating jobs... and the MSM will swoon all over them. Can't wait to see the resident cat lady's orgasmic postings about Joe's 'crushing it'.

That is why they are trying to bank $5T. Once the payoffs were to end, it would be the end of progressives

Let’s say this is true. I’m not sure it is. What was the breaking point for that 20 percent?

Probably the most damning poll they can generate. I think this number will go up as the Biden presidency gets worse. He has not brought people together one iota like he promised. He is incompetent. He appears senile.

He will always keep a base of hard leftist idiots because they have no where to turn because they are so far from objective and reasonable. This is the Bolshevik types.

Erik Prince: 'Good leadership can turn a country around'
Sep. 04, 2021 - 2:49 - Former U.S. Navy SEAL officer, and founder of Blackwater USA Erik Prince discusses the future of America on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'
The Decline and the FALL of America ---------> Thanks to Joe the Potato in Charge.

Warning .... An Opinion piece as follows .... The Troubles with Biden's Brain. Everyone saw how Biden's evacuation fiasco ended up killing 13 U.S. soldiers and stranding an unknown amount of Americans and Afghan allies plus gifting the Taliban with tens of Billions of American paid TAX dollars worth of US military equipment to be used or to sell ... good lord, what an idiot in chief for 3 more years.
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