President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

Joe Biden: “I will not let this country be bullied by the unvaccinated!”

Also Joe Biden: “Federal workers who refuse the vaccine will be bullied into losing their jobs!”

What a hypocrite. 🤡

some Federal workers - the one's without a strong enough union to fight back.

ironic the pro-union POTUS is getting thwarted by unions
Of course there are unnecessary laws. But people too often see laws as purely limiting and impediments to freedom. But it is often the complete opposite. Laws are also empowering and facilitating in that they set norms that allow people to take action based on those norms knowing what the likely results will be.
Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.

You really believe we would be staring at dirt all day if we didnt have laws.

I dont want to live on this planet anymore.
Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.

You really believe we would be staring at dirt all day if we didnt have laws.

I dont want to live on this planet anymore.

Do you want to live in a country where, if you have a breach of contract, there's a legal remedy, or one in which we say "tough titty, take it up with the guy who didn't do his end of the bargain." The reason we have a strong economy is because we have strong norms held in place by law. That makes action predictable. When action is predictable people can plan and do business and make money. You know, the whole rule of law thing that Republicans used to like.
Do you want to live in a country where, if you have a breach of contract, there's a legal remedy, or one in which we say "tough titty, take it up with the guy who didn't do his end of the bargain." The reason we have a strong economy is because we have strong norms held in place by law. That makes action predictable. When action is predictable people can plan and do business and make money. You know, the whole rule of law thing that Republicans used to like.
1. Not a republican.
2. One law could take care of the situation you described. Legal contracts are X, breakers of said contracts are held fiscally responsible for losses from broken contracts. Period.
3. We are far far beyond that. To the point where the laws and governments are shutting down businesses, kicking workers out. Hard to pimp our strong economy when you are pushing laws and actions that directly contradictory to that message.

We are seeing the regulations and laws shutting down small businesses, limiting competition, and creating uneven playing fields. Not everything has to be as defined as they currently are for a nation to operate well. This is your lawyer background speaking with no idea how the real world actually operates.

A limited scope of government and laws is not "no" government or laws, so dont get hysterical about people wanting to roll things back.
It becomes semantics….if a person can be fined or fired for an action or lack of action, it is a de facto law in its operatinal impact.

regulations can have the power of law true

but Biden didn't create a mandate law. claimed authority by an executive or agency is easier to defeat and easier to reverse.

this one will crumble under legal challenges both to it's claimed authority AND because we'll see all sorts of carve outs for favored groups as we've already seen for the USPS. Can pretty much guarantee that SEIU will push back. Once people see that minority businesses and Federal contractors are being hurt they'll be carve outs based on race.
Depends on your standard of what constitutes "unnecessary." What is "necessary" will be shaped by our moral and political views.
Assuming you have moral views as well as political views, how many are unnecessary to you?
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Holy cannoli, that's a lot. Any idea how that compares to other months in year's past when inflation was accelerating?

If I understand the question we were running in the mid 5%'s (annualized) for the last couple months. If it jumped to 8.3 that's a big friggin jump

Edit - it's the PPI rather than the CPI. Still

Final demand prices rose 8.3% from a year ago, the biggest increase on record going back to 2010.

On a year-over-year basis, the gauge rose 8.3%, which is the biggest annual increase since records have been kept going back to November 2010. That came following a 7.8% move higher in July, which also set a record.

The data comes amid heightened inflation fears fed by supply chain issues, a shortage of various consumer and producer goods and heightened demand related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Federal Reserve officials expect inflationary pressures to ease through the year, but they have remained stubbornly persistent, with Friday’s numbers indicating that the trend likely will continue.
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I missed the origin of the whole laws be good/laws be bad but surely no one is arguing Biden's vaccine mandate is a law...right?
El began to conflate (I think more likely equate) laws and mandates with this:
Mandates are wrong!?!?

How many of our laws would have to be struck down because they mandate certain action?

The freedumb crowd is getting insufferable
If I understand the question we were running in the mid 5%'s (annualized) for the last couple months. If it jumped to 8.3 that's a big friggin jump

Edit - it's the PPI rather than the CPI. Still

Final demand prices rose 8.3% from a year ago, the biggest increase on record going back to 2010.
Per Google: Over a year; not a month.
Since the founding of the United States in 1776, the highest year-over-year inflation rate observed was 29.78 percent in 1778. In the period of time since the introduction of the CPI, the highest inflation rate observed was 19.66 percent in 1917.
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Geez....there's so much bad news out there today about the Biden administration and democrat controlled congress that I don't know where to start.
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Your position is further eroded because not only are there unnecessary laws, the consequences of breaking laws are not equally applied. There really isn't a known expectation. One murderer goes free because they could afford a legal team the majority couldn't. One pot smoker is hammered because they get a bad draw of public defender. One party in an iron-clad contract is breach but isn't made whole because of a judge's opinion contradicting the law.

When Rs pine for the rule of law, they are wanting the everyone to be treated equally under the law. We certainly don't have that today.

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