I agree. It's completely counter-intuitive. Just goes to show how successful Democrats have been at creating class envy over tax cuts that logically are larger for people who pay more taxes.I just do not connect with this world and what brings voters in. How are "tax cuts" viewed as a bad thing. I hate Obama's thinking.
I just do not connect with this world and what brings voters in. How are "tax cuts" viewed as a bad thing. I hate Obama's thinking.
McCain's comments couldn't possibly have been harder to understand than the above sentence.I had trouble following McCain's responses they were so muddled with canned comments he was eager to get in because he thought they were slight Obama in some way, it made trying to make sense out of position painful.
I agree. It's completely counter-intuitive. Just goes to show how successful Democrats have been at creating class envy over tax cuts that logically are larger for people who pay more taxes.
oklavol, you must love shiny toys. you need to listen to the substance of what they were saying. it was obvious that hussein obama is very ignorant when it comes to foreign policy. retreat and surrender will not bode well 8-10 year from now. that's what you libs just don't understand.
you have to understand liberals thoughts, they think they know how to run our lives better than we do. they think if they provide us with everything, we'll all be happy little sheep.
liberals have to play devisive politics, whether it's race warfar or class warfare, they are truly the party of and for division. it's truly sad.
Your the clueless one.
Remind me again which party controls congress?The country is in the position it's in now, in part because of the total vacuum of leadership in Congress and the White House.
I kept waiting for McCain to present some idea or solution to our problems he didnt have them. Obama kept going over all the mistakes this country has made in foreign policy including Iraq, and how we need to do things differently in the future and then McCain tried to defend the obviously poor choices that need to be rethought. How can he win a debate like that? He can't.
It's you're.
Remind me again which party controls congress?
O-blame-a did nothing but blame the problems on Bush and refer to McCain as a Bush supporter. He clearly cannot win on merit and issues, so his primary tactic is blame. Weak. Very weak.
It's you're.
Remind me again which party controls congress?
O-blame-a did nothing but blame the problems on Bush and refer to McCain as a Bush supporter. He clearly cannot win on merit and issues, so his primary tactic is blame. Weak. Very weak.
If you think we would be in Iraq now if the democrats had the majority in 2002 you are clueless. We are in Iraq now because of how the Republicans went along with Bush's very poor foreign policy. You really think the democrats would take power in 2006 and then immediately pull out of Iraq? I guess your the same ones saying the same thing about Obama now.
If you think we would be in Iraq now if the democrats had the majority in 2002 you are clueless. We are in Iraq now because of how the Republicans went along with Bush's very poor foreign policy. You really think the democrats would take power in 2006 and then immediately pull out of Iraq? I guess you are saying the same thing about Obama now.
That's just ridiculous.