Presidential Debate 2020

I know common sense.

It's like Field of Dreams. Antifa will come Ray. They'll come for reasons they can't even fathom. They'll turn up your driveway, not knowing for sure why they're doing it. They'll arrive at your door as innocent as children, longing to burn it down.
How classy is it to use your dead son to try to score some political points?
Is that how you read that? Interesting ....

As opposed to what other way to read it?

What was the point in bringing up his deceased son? Same as when he lied for a decade straight and ruined an innocent man, by saying a trucker and I QUOTE " drank his lunch instead of eating it" and killed his wife and daughter? The truth, in court records, is that his 1st wife ran a stop sign and was hit by a completely sober truck driver, who did nothing wrong. He brought up his dead son looking for a sympathy vote from the military...probably related to the viral video this week of him cussing insults at them...which he LIED tonight and said that he never said. Seriously...lied about a video that half of America watched in the last couple days. Unbelievable, yet true.

Trump came across in the short time that I watched as rude and aggressive...but he accomplished 2 BIG things: he got Biden to deny wanting to DEFUND the police...lost a chunk there....and to deny supporting the GNDeal, even though, as screeshot here, HIS website CLEARLY says that he supports the GND, and Kamala CO SPONSORED IT !!!!!! Hahaha hahaha

Is this gonna make those hard lefties come vote for Trump??? No. Of course not.

Will it KEEP them at home instead of going to vote for biden, who they feel abandoned their important issues in the defund police and GND???? I think so.....
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Your post confirms that people will see what they want to see in a debate. Debates don't change minds. I have read post after post on this forum over the last 3 months doubting that Joe Biden would ever have the courage to take the stage with "The Great Debater, Donald Trump". That line of bull will apparently continue through the third debate. It was stupid 3 months ago. It's even more stupid after tonight.

It will be of service to Biden, that the Trump campaign has set such a low bar for his performance. He doesn't have to do much in order to give the appearance that he has exceeded expectations. That is all he really has to do. That is not smart politics by the Trump campaign.

He stumbled when Trump mentioned his and Hunter's corruption. He looked weak and sounded timid. He speaks in flat monotone and doesn't really command authority. This is the guy that socialists like AOC and Nancy Pelosi will run roughshod over. That's who you really vote for when you vote for Joe Biden. Radical extremists like Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. People who would tear down the best of our country and replace it with slums where people defacate in the streets like they do in San Francisco.
He seemed a bit lost when it came to naming his law enforcement endorsements.
Biden did well enough for his supporters to feel comfortable with him. He doesn't have to set the world on fire. Neither one of them are going to look good in an arena like this. That was annoying. I had to turn to a movie channel a few times because my ears couldn't take it anymore. It's uncomfortable to hear constant cross talk. The ratings for this debate will probably be great across the board, but I will be surprised if they don't go way down for the next one.
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He stumbled when Trump mentioned his and Hunter's corruption. He looked weak and sounded timid. He speaks in flat monotone and doesn't really command authority. This is the guy that socialists like AOC and Nancy Pelosi will run roughshod over. That's who you really vote for when you vote for Joe Biden. Radical extremists like Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. People who would tear down the best of our country and replace it with slums where people defacate in the streets like they do in San Francisco.

Speaking in hyperbolic terms like this (and like Trump) doesn’t change anyone’s mind who’s mind is open to be persuaded. Normal people don’t think Nancy Pelosi has fangs or Hillary Clinton smells like sulfur. Normal people see with their eyes and hear with their ears. Your candidate did himself no favors with those people.
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2020, decide whether you'd rather have explosive diarrhea or projectile vomiting. But get out there and vote because it matters........

My arse!
As opposed to what other way to read it?

What was the point in bringing up his deceased son? Same as when he lied for a decade straight and ruined an innocent man, by saying a trucker and I QUOTE " drank his lunch instead of eating it" and killed his wife and daughter? The truth, in court records, is that his 1st wife ran a stop sign and was hit by a completely sober truck driver, who did nothing wrong. He brought up his dead son looking for a sympathy vote from the military...probably related to the viral video this week of him cussing insults at them...which he LIED tonight and said that he never said. Seriously...lied about a video that half of America watched in the last couple days. Unbelievable, yet true.

Trump came across in the short time that I watched as rude and aggressive...but he accomplished 2 BIG things: he got Biden to deny wanting to DEFUND the police...lost a chunk there....and to deny supporting the GNDeal, even though, as screeshot here, HIS website CLEARLY says that he supports the GND, and Kamala CO SPONSORED IT !!!!!! Hahaha hahaha

Is this gonna make those hard lefties come vote for Trump??? No. Of course not.

Will it KEEP them at home instead of going to vote for biden, who they feel abandoned their important issues in the defund police and GND???? I think so.....

Speaking in hyperbolic terms like this (and like Trump) doesn’t change anyone’s mind who’s mind is open to be persuaded. Normal people don’t think Nancy Pelosi has fangs or Hillary Clinton smells like sulfur. Normal people see with their eyes and hear with their ears. Your candidate did himself no favors with those people.

I don't think Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio Cortes smell like sulfur or have fangs either. I have to ask where the **** from left field did that weirdness come from?????

My point is that vote for Joe Biden is a vote for these radicals in the Democrat party who will control him. Nancy Pelosi is the center of the Democrat universe. She is a radical from San Francisco who doesn't think anything like normal people here in Tennessee do, or most of the rest of the country outside of large run down democrat cities for that matter.

But she is old. Alexandria Ocasio Cortes is even worse than Nancy Pelosi. She's an unapologetic Marxist wildly out of step with the typical beliefs of ordinary Tennesseans. She is the future of the Democrat party. That's who you vote for when you vote for Joe Biden and democrats.
Then who does the "coordinating"?
Stampedes are coordinated action in that everyone has the same purpose (to escape) and does the same action (run in the same direction). But there is no leader or director. Lots of protests are similar. Somebody doesn't like what's going on. They go out and protest. Other see and join in and invite even more. Soon there's a mass of people chanting and doing various things together, even though no one person or group of people are leading the protest.
I don't think Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio Cortes smell like sulfur or have fangs either. I have to ask where the **** from left field did that weirdness come from?????

My point is that vote for Joe Biden is a vote for these radicals in the Democrat party who will control him. Nancy Pelosi is the center of the Democrat universe. She is a radical from San Francisco who doesn't think anything like normal people here in Tennessee do, or most of the rest of the country outside of large run down democrat cities for that matter.

But she is old. Alexandria Ocasio Cortes is even worse than Nancy Pelosi. She's an unapologetic Marxist wildly out of step with the typical beliefs of ordinary Tennesseans. She is the future of the Democrat party. That's who you vote for when you vote for Joe Biden.

You’re right, no hyperbole lol

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