Presidential Debate 2020

Trump campaign going full North Korea/Dear Leader on us tonight:

"President Trump just turned in the greatest debate performance in presidential history, displaying a command of the facts and control of the conversation." --Bill Stepien

Sometimes you gotta believe they have a contest where they see who can come up with the most over-the-top statements.
CNN says Biden killed it. Fox says Trump killed it. Truth is somewhere in the middle. Funny thing is you’re over here posting CNN links and probably think you’re one of the sane ones! o_O
CNN says Biden killed it. Fox says Trump killed it. Truth is somewhere in the middle. Funny thing is you’re over here posting CNN links and probably think you’re one of the sane ones! o_O

Watched Fox a little. Didn’t get the impression that Trump “killed it” over there either.
If Trump truly is the more mentally-capable candidate, and I maintain my belief that he is, then he simply has to avoid tiffs with (less friendly) moderators in the next two debates and and craft responses/questions/statements that cause Joe to fumble.

Round one went to Joe, largely given the low bar set for him, but it shouldn’t be hard for Trump to show a composed side for ~180 minutes going forward.

He has to do a 180 if he wants to do anything resembling positive in the next debate. It will be town hall style and if he can’t keep it together while facing regular citizens then he’s gonna dig that hole even deeper.
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CNN says Biden killed it. Fox says Trump killed it. Truth is somewhere in the middle. Funny thing is you’re over here posting CNN links and probably think you’re one of the sane ones! o_O

It was a complete crap fest all around.

Biden is early stages dementia.

Wallace sucks as a moderator.

Trump sucks at debating and needs to learn when to shut up and let the other guy slice his own wrist.

All this did tonight was make me miss my childhood and remember when this country still felt normal.

I wish I was joking but I think when saturday morning cartoons and the cartoon Express ended and we got 24 hour news channels we died as a country and didnt even know it.

I honestly feel anymore this may be how Rome began to feel before it fell. I think we are watching the final death crawl off our country.
It was a complete crap fest all around.

Biden is early stages dementia.

Wallace sucks as a moderator.

Trump sucks at debating and needs to learn when to shut up and let the other guy slice his own wrist.

All this did tonight was make me miss my childhood and remember when this country still felt normal.

I wish I was joking but I think when saturday morning cartoons and the cartoon Express ended and we got 24 hour news channels we died as a country and didnt even know it.

I honestly feel anymore this may be how Rome began to feel before it fell. I think we are watching the final death crawl off our country.
And this country will be in hot hell if Harris is President
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As opposed to what other way to read it?

What was the point in bringing up his deceased son? Same as when he lied for a decade straight and ruined an innocent man, by saying a trucker and I QUOTE " drank his lunch instead of eating it" and killed his wife and daughter? The truth, in court records, is that his 1st wife ran a stop sign and was hit by a completely sober truck driver, who did nothing wrong. He brought up his dead son looking for a sympathy vote from the military...probably related to the viral video this week of him cussing insults at them...which he LIED tonight and said that he never said. Seriously...lied about a video that half of America watched in the last couple days. Unbelievable, yet true.

Trump came across in the short time that I watched as rude and aggressive...but he accomplished 2 BIG things: he got Biden to deny wanting to DEFUND the police...lost a chunk there....and to deny supporting the GNDeal, even though, as screeshot here, HIS website CLEARLY says that he supports the GND, and Kamala CO SPONSORED IT !!!!!! Hahaha hahaha

Is this gonna make those hard lefties come vote for Trump??? No. Of course not.

Will it KEEP them at home instead of going to vote for biden, who they feel abandoned their important issues in the defund police and GND???? I think so.....
Joe Biden had already said multiple times that he was not going to defund the police.
He has to do a 180 if he wants to do anything resembling positive in the next debate. It will be town hall style and if he can’t keep it together while facing regular citizens then he’s gonna dig that hole even deeper.
The town hall format should be more structured with fewer interruptions from Trump. However, the questions asked don't usually lead to specifics concerning substantive policy, but instead general discussions of issues currently in the news.

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