Presidential Debate 2020

There's no hyperbole. AOC and Nancy Pelosi are wildly out of step with typical Tennesseans, that is a fact. Joe Biden is weak and has no leadership qualities. These radicals will play him like a puppet.
I certainly hope then that Tennesseans will vote those two out. Worst representatives Tennessee has ever had. Amirite?
I certainly hope then that Tennesseans will vote those two out. Worst representatives Tennessee has ever had. Amirite?

Are you always so condescending? That's the leadership and future leadership of the party you support. Your democratic candidates and reps here in Tennessee march to their orders.
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Proud Boys got your message Mr. President...loud and clear.

That was a softball question and he blew it!

Yeah, not a good look. Tee’d up and ready to be knocked out of the park. Whiff.
If Trump truly is the more mentally-capable candidate, and I maintain my belief that he is, then he simply has to avoid tiffs with (less friendly) moderators in the next two debates and and craft responses/questions/statements that cause Joe to fumble.

Round one went to Joe, largely given the low bar set for him, but it shouldn’t be hard for Trump to show a composed side for ~180 minutes going forward.
If Trump truly is the more mentally-capable candidate, and I maintain my belief that he is, then he simply has to avoid tiffs with (less friendly) moderators in the next two debates and and craft responses/questions/statements that cause Joe to fumble.

Round one went to Joe, largely given the low bar set for him, but it shouldn’t be hard for Trump to show a composed side for ~180 minutes going forward.

It shouldn't be hard, but you know as well as I do that it's just not going to happen. He has never been a polished debater in the eyes of anyone with an IQ capable of fathoming the mechanical advantage of the wheel.
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If Trump truly is the more mentally-capable candidate, and I maintain my belief that he is, then he simply has to avoid tiffs with (less friendly) moderators in the next two debates and and craft responses/questions/statements that cause Joe to fumble.

Round one went to Joe, largely given the low bar set for him, but it shouldn’t be hard for Trump to show a composed side for ~180 minutes going forward.

Fair analysis. After taking a bit of time thinking back on the know, all we really see of Trump, in a meeting type setting, you know, sitting around a big table, press yelling questions, he seems pretty calm. Goes around the table, nodding, maybe a question etc...

After tonight, I wonder if he acts like he did tonight when someone tells him something he doesn’t wanna hear or disagrees? You know, when it’s behind closed doors.

More importantly, I wonder if others are asking the same question?
Trump campaign going full North Korea/Dear Leader on us tonight:

"President Trump just turned in the greatest debate performance in presidential history, displaying a command of the facts and control of the conversation." --Bill Stepien

Sometimes you gotta believe they have a contest where they see who can come up with the most over-the-top statements.
Quick summary for those who missed the debate

Actually, the bird flipping was more presidential than Trump.

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