Presidential Debate 2020

Funny he doesn't look hispanic.

My apologies thag gentlemen is the one of the leaders...
Enrique Tarrio - President, Proud Boys
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Well after reading the last few pages I think it’s safe to say:

Neither candidate “won” that **** show and we are the real losers here.

It’s hilarious watching people point to and mock the opposing candidate’s gaffs while totally ignoring or even out right misrepresenting their own candidates gaffs. BOTH sides.

The moderator at the next debate needs a jar of marbles and a wrist rocket.

Jo Jorgensen is getting straight up robbed by not being allowed on the stage with both of these clowns.

I agree with this right here.

I did find it interesting that Trump interrupted Biden so much. Seems like the practical thing to do is let someone with alleged cognitive issues speak freely for prolonged periods of time.
No it's crazy not to care about how our money is wasted. About how our kids future is being leveraged by politicians pet projects and vote buying. Quit accepting the absolute turds represented on stage last night and have some pride in your vote. That debate should be ac wake up call that we are close to being lost
It is. And one of those two will be our next president.
Choose wisely.

I didn't watch any of the debate, but from all I can gather the country is a worse place today than it was yesterday because of the debate. That's on Trump and a perfect example of what I mean when I say Trump has made the country a dumber, angrier, and more divisive place in which to live. That will continue as long as Trump is in office.
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I agree with this right here.

I did find it interesting that Trump interrupted Biden so much. Seems like the practical thing to do is let someone with alleged cognitive issues speak freely for prolonged periods of time.
I think that inability highlighted Trump's own cognitive issues.
It is. And one of those two will be our next president.
Choose wisely.

I didn't watch any of the debate, but from all I can gather the country is a worse place today than it was yesterday because of the debate. That's on Trump and a perfect example of what I mean when I say Trump has made the country a dumber, angrier, and more divisive place in which to live. That will continue as long as Trump is in office.
No it's on clueless Biden too. You just want to point fingers without accepting any responsibility for supporting the Dem party. Joe was simply repeating talking points and trying to look sincere about changes he's evidently been waiting 5 decades to implement

I'm voting for the wisest choice of the 3 offered on my ballot
Be that as it may, Trump *gasp* lied about the Sheriffs support.

When he said it I figured he meant Kenosha Sheriff whom I saw had come out in support of him. I had seen no statement on Portland so had no idea. But that’s on Trump if he wants to drop bomblets like that they need to be correct.
I agree with this right here.

I did find it interesting that Trump interrupted Biden so much. Seems like the practical thing to do is let someone with alleged cognitive issues speak freely for prolonged periods of time.

It was a poorly executed debate by Trump.
He pushed Biden (where the the media wont) and then wouldn't allow him to trip all over himself trying to explain something he can't.
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Can someone explain to me why Trumpers love conspiracy theories so much? I mean, seriously. Just someone explain it please. Is reality so terrible for you that everything has to be something *other* than what it actually is?

I’ll hang up and listen - too busy to argue about it - gotta get this adrenochrome that I harvested from unsuspecting children on the stove for a little simmer before I start my day.

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I agree with this right here.

I did find it interesting that Trump interrupted Biden so much. Seems like the practical thing to do is let someone with alleged cognitive issues speak freely for prolonged periods of time.
That is a good point. More than that though, the President should follow the rules established for the debate by the respective campaigns. Trump was constantly interrupting, arguing with Wallace... and creating an ugly scene.

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