Presidential Debate 2020

It’s crazy to care about spending at this point. The party of fiscal conservatism is dead. When was the last time an administration balanced the budget, or at least attempted to in a meaningful way?
I don't completely disagree with you but what Joe is proposing is preposterous. It's spending while killing the revenue source.
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It is. And one of those two will be our next president.
Choose wisely.

I didn't watch any of the debate, but from all I can gather the country is a worse place today than it was yesterday because of the debate. That's on Trump and a perfect example of what I mean when I say Trump has made the country a dumber, angrier, and more divisive place in which to live. That will continue as long as Trump is in office.
Uh.....Biden was literally half of the debate. This is the type of post that makes people not take you seriously.
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No it's on clueless Biden too. You just want to point fingers without accepting any responsibility for supporting the Dem party. Joe was simply repeating talking points and trying to look sincere about changes he's evidently been waiting 5 decades to implement

I'm voting for the wisest choice of the 3 offered on my ballot
Biden is far from the ideal candidate, but much better than the only other viable alternative.
I get it, you're voting against both.
I'm voting against one.
Whether I accept the candidates or not means nothing right now. “Close to being lost” is optimistic I’m afraid.

To the point of money, though, which party’s policies has demonstrated anything resembling fiscal responsibility? Again, I ask, when was the last time we balanced the budget?

When Newt Gingrich controlled the spending.
Uh.....Biden was literally half of the debate. This is the type of post that makes people not take you seriously.
Do you think Biden would have debated that way against any other candidate?
Do you think Trump would have debated that way against any other candidate?
Enough said.
I beg to differ.
biden wins and the economy tanks. That is a guarantee.
Wall Street is certainly looking in that direction. One of my trading platform has started increasing the amount of cash required for margin trading in anticipation of a rush to the exits. They have never done that before. Biden wins, and with his vacuous 'soak the rich' tax policies, the market will go down.
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Can someone explain to me why Trumpers love conspiracy theories so much? I mean, seriously. Just someone explain it please. Is reality so terrible for you that everything has to actually be something than what it actually is?

I’ll hang up and listen - too busy to argue about it - gotta get this adrenochrome that I harvested from unsuspecting children on the stove for a little simmer before I start my day.

No idea but I just have fun with everyone because both candidates are dumbasses
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He actually gave (or tried to give) substance on covid policy, healthcare, police reform, economy, and climate change. That’s off the top of my head. Also, off the top of my head, he was interrupted multiple times during each.

Can you name one policy Trump even attempted to lay out for the future?
He's going to shut down the country... that will kill more people than covid.

And climate change... pathetic. Once again, America gets to pay for everybody else's transgressions. Awesome.
Can someone explain to me why Trumpers love conspiracy theories so much? I mean, seriously. Just someone explain it please. Is reality so terrible for you that everything has to actually be something than what it actually is?

I’ll hang up and listen - too busy to argue about it - gotta get this adrenochrome that I harvested from unsuspecting children on the stove for a little simmer before I start my day.


I don't think he cares too much about them, what he knows is that the people do believe in them also support him and that's good enough reason not to trash them. Same goes for him not condemning the white supremacists', I don't think he's one per se, but his inability to disavow that bloc in a meaningful way speaks to his win at any cost character.
Nothing enlightening about the whole s**t show. Trump is an egomaniac that should learn when to shut up sometimes, but does have a record of getting things done. Biden is a lying dumbass of epic proportions that has been in government raping the American people for decades. And people wonder why some of us vote Independent and third party.
Republicans are unwilling to change in a lot of ways and Democrats are just plain ignorant and so far removed from the needs and wants of the American people. It is damn sad !!!
Can someone explain to me why Trumpers love conspiracy theories so much? I mean, seriously. Just someone explain it please. Is reality so terrible for you that everything has to actually be something than what it actually is?

I’ll hang up and listen - too busy to argue about it - gotta get this adrenochrome that I harvested from unsuspecting children on the stove for a little simmer before I start my day.


Have you been asleep the last 4 years? It's not just Trumpers that love a conspiracy theory.
Point out the part of what I said that's untrue?
My point is you'll believe whatever liberal, socialist, communist rag that props up your beliefs. There's no evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians. On the other hand their is ample evidence that your senile Biden's son did take money from a Russian political figure. And there's increasing evidence that the Dems led by Hillary and Obama spied on the Trump campaign. It's blatantly obvious the Dems are mob level criminals.
Do you think Biden would have debated that way against any other candidate?
Do you think Trump would have debated that way against any other candidate?
Enough said.
Uh no Biden wouldnt have been any different. We can go back to the democratic primaries for examples. He was a complete wet noodle in those as well.

All i have read from the transcript of the debate has confirmed that both are dogs chasing cars with no idea what they will do when they catch it. And for some reason the color of their fur makes a difference.

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