Presidential Debate 2020

An absurdly off the beaten path example being masquerades as the whole. I live in Portland and the whole thing is a local afterthought. Life goes on as normal. You should visit so you see how much you've been lied to by Fox News to scare you.

The videos and pictures say different. Don't have cable, haven't watched Fox News ever.
That is not the point of my post.
Biden has been in DC for 47 years and has done ??????????

Wait so we’re changing the subject from presidents blaming past and future presidents for their problems to Joe Biden’s tenure in the govt? Let me know next time would ya.

Not sure if you’re aware, but Joe Biden was senator and then later VP, not president. Joe Biden didn’t have power to do things on his own. Senators can’t sign EO’s and make things happen.

But by this logic you’re saying we should never elect someone to POTUS who has been a senator. Bc I promise, as a senator, they’ve basically not done sh*t on their own.

So reality tv stars for prez every election it is!
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Wait so we’re changing the subject from presidents blaming past and future presidents for their problems to Joe Biden’s tenure in the govt? Let me know next time would ya.

Not sure if you’re aware, but Joe Biden was senator and then later VP, not president. Joe Biden didn’t have power to do things on his own. Senators can’t sign EO’s and make things happen.

But by this logic you’re saying we should never elect someone to POTUS who has been a senator. Bc I promise, as a senator, they’ve basically not done sh*t on their own.

So reality tv stars for prez every election it is!
We should probably stick with Governors
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Wait so we’re changing the subject from presidents blaming past and future presidents for their problems to Joe Biden’s tenure in the govt? Let me know next time would ya.

Not sure if you’re aware, but Joe Biden was senator and then later VP, not president. Joe Biden didn’t have power to do things on his own. Senators can’t sign EO’s and make things happen.

But by this logic you’re saying we should never elect someone to POTUS who has been a senator. Bc I promise, as a senator, they’ve basically not done sh*t on their own.

So reality tv stars for prez every election it is!

Got to admire your verbal garbage and love for all things Biden.
The point is, Biden is a career politician that has done NOTHING while becoming a millionaire off you.
( I don't have to give you a heads up for squat)
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That’s like saying citizens in other countries hate the policies of their city leaders and instead of blaming the ones responsible we are just going to blame the leader of the country . Place blame where it belongs instead of trying to put it on a president that can’t set policies in those urban cities . 🤷‍♂️
No it's not. It's saying they are unhappy and they are going to voice their displeasure where they live.
Got to admire your verbal garbage and love for all things Biden.
The point is, Biden is a career politician that has done NOTHING while becoming a millionaire off you.
( I don't have to give you a heads up for squat)

If you want to have a convo, you def do. Bc we weren’t speaking on this subject. That’s how conversations work.

And it’s not a love for Biden. I was just explaining to you how it worked bc you clearly didn’t understand. Although yes, as of now I’ll be voting for him.

IMO our entire system sucks. 2 party system pigeon holes everyone. And every issue, every comment, hell somehow even wearing a 5 inch piece of cloth for the benefit of your neighbor became a R or L issue. It’s absurd and the real reason we’ll always be stuck in this perpetual state of having elected officials get rich off of ALL of us. Money steers this ship, not your ideals or my ideals.
I never said that stuff that happened under Obama wasn’t his fault. I even posted Trumps own tweet about leadership. Obama shouldn’t have blamed anyone, just fixed it. Just as Trump can’t blame anyone else. He’s the leader. Lead.

Things happening now aren’t Obama’s fault. And they’re not Biden’s fault. They’re Trump’s fault. Just as he said in his own tweet

How exactly does Trump go about setting policies in liberal ran urban cities he doesn’t control in any way shape or form ? Why do we not put the responsibility where it actually lies , in the political leaders of those cities ?
Yep. I remember all the other guys talking about negotiating new trade deals, American exceptionalism, staying out of foreign wars, building a wall at the Southern border, making NATO pay up, rolling back regulations, tariffs on China, trashing the establishment politicians that got us into this mess, etc. No, all that I remember from the other guys is "my dad was a mailman" and "Donald, you aren't going to insult your way to the nomination."
They were all saying basically the same thing. Some just preferred the way Trump said it.

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