Presidential Debate 2020

How exactly does Trump go about setting policies in liberal ran urban cities he doesn’t control in any way shape or form ? Why do we not put the responsibility where it actually lies , in the political leaders of those cities ?

Going by Trump’s own words in his tweet - he’s the leader - of the country. He’s not President of all states and cities, not just republican ones
Nothing new, I have already conceded that point. He didn't propose raising taxes, increasing spending by 10 fold and re-implementing industry killing regulations so IMO that is better than any new proposals.

So you prefer a candidate who is obviously unstable and has no plan. Ok
Biden will most likely have a Dem house if he wins. If Biden wins I see the Dems keeping the house and possibly taking the senate, then it would be Katy bar the door on spending.

Lol nice 2 step you’re doing around giving Clinton credit.
Trump was correct.

He was correct? So if “clean forests” are the answer, around 60% of the forests on the west coast are federal land, don’t you think he should start there? You know, lead by example? Orrrrr, maybe, do you think this is just another ploy to deflect blame and responsibility?
That showed No Collusion.
It isn't black and white. The report details hundreds of active involvements between the Trump campaign and agents acting on behalf of the Russian government. It really depends on how the word collusion is defined. It has become a hot button word when it's actual meaning is rather broad.

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