Presidential Debate 2020

Then explain.

Bc before Trump, Fauci was the most well respected infectious disease expert in the country.

And if you donā€™t want to believe Fauci, who do you want to believe? My Pillow Guy? Demon sperm doc?

Before Covid no one outside of infectious disease knew him. He is your typical lifetime professional beauracrat.

I believe the numbers I've seen along with what I have seen in my life.
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He was correct? So if ā€œclean forestsā€ are the answer, around 60% of the forests on the west coast are federal land, donā€™t you think he should start there? You know, lead by example? Orrrrr, maybe, do you think this is just another ploy to deflect blame and responsibility?

A better idea would be to sell that federal land to individuals or give it to the states. You're right the federal government does a **** job of managing most everything it manages and it's high time the feds gave up the majority of land it does own.
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A balanced budget. You know, the last administration to have one.

Clinton was on the fast track to be a one term president, he fought Newt tooth and nail on the budget and his numbers dropped. Remember that Clinton shut the government down instead of compromise with Newt? I guess at some point it dawned on him that he liked being POTUS and compromised.
A better idea would be to sell that federal land to individuals or give it to the states. You're right the federal government does a **** job of managing most everything it manages and it's high time the feds gave up the majority of land it does own.

Terrible idea, and youā€™re right, our current administration basically does nothing right and points the finger at everyone else.
A better idea would be to sell that federal land to individuals or give it to the states. You're right the federal government does a **** job of managing most everything it manages and it's high time the feds gave up the majority of land it does own.
Have you ever been to a federal facility? Most of them are EEO staffed utopia's of love and little work.
Clinton was on the fast track to be a one term president, he fought Newt tooth and nail on the budget and his numbers dropped. Remember that Clinton shut the government down instead of compromise with Newt? I guess at some point it dawned on him that he liked being POTUS and compromised.

Clinton got more done with opposition from the legislature than any president has in my lifetime.
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Clinton was on the fast track to be a one term president, he fought Newt tooth and nail on the budget and his numbers dropped. Remember that Clinton shut the government down instead of compromise with Newt? I guess at some point it dawned on him that he liked being POTUS and compromised.
I love your revisionist history.
ā€œI think he did work with me to pass some good budgets,ā€ Clinton said Tuesday in an interview with NBCā€™s Ann Curry. ā€œā€¦I had a decent working relationship with him. But the vast lionā€™s share of balancing the budget was done by the budget in 1993 that he led the opposition to.ā€
I love your revisionist history.
ā€œI think he did work with me to pass some good budgets,ā€ Clinton said Tuesday in an interview with NBCā€™s Ann Curry. ā€œā€¦I had a decent working relationship with him. But the vast lionā€™s share of balancing the budget was done by the budget in 1993 that he led the opposition to.ā€

No bias there.
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Federal lands have been mismanaged for decades. There is zero reason for the US Federal government to own almost 50% of all land out west. None, zero!
My only misgiving would be giving that land to the states so they can turn it in to money making ventures like California, Oregon and Washington would do. The liberal states never miss an opportunity to generate tax revenue.
My only misgiving would be giving that land to the states so they can turn it in to money making ventures like California, Oregon and Washington would do. The liberal states never miss an opportunity to generate tax revenue.

Better that than it be wasted on fire wood.
Pretty much.
I remember the first time I started voting write in or 3 rd party for president. It was because I couldnā€™t believe the Bush Vs Gore was the best the 2 parties had to offer. I now long for those days.
I donā€™t know how anyone can this there was a winner last night
I knew who the loser was, the American people.
That isn't how I remember it. I remember tremendous push back on Hillary's health care agenda in the first term.
Oh yeah, she was blasted as being a non-elected "person" that was trying to interject her beliefs and ideas and the country didn't want any part of her. Billy took a lot of flack over Hillary and she was relegated to the back burner after her healthcare debacle.
No bias there.
Gingrich became speaker of the House in 1995, after Republicans won control of the chamber in the 1994 midterm elections, two years into Clintonā€™s presidency. In 1993, the Democratic majority in Congress passed ā€“ and Clinton signed ā€“ a budget bill that raised taxes on the wealthy, cut taxes for small businesses and for the poor, and required that future budgets balance and reduce the deficit. Not a single Republican voted for that bill.

Well I'll be.
So much for your revisionist history.

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