Presidential Debate 2020

They will cut Trump’s mic, won’t they?

I heard they are going to strap a shock collar with about 5000 volts on him. Every time he opens his mouth when he’s not supposed to, the moderator zings him. Or give the moderator a Tazer. That would be the only way I’d watch that trash. From what I see and read this morning, last night would have been the last and only debate. Trump will never control himself and I wouldn’t bother if I’m Biden. I’d just hold some town hall meetings, put out my platform to the people and let Trump talk to himself in the mirror.
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Federal lands have been mismanaged for decades. There is zero reason for the US Federal government to own almost 50% of all land out west. None, zero!

That's where they (Gov) take all the UFOs they pick up after they crash here on Earth.
C'mon man, they've got to hide the evidence and keep all the secrets of the TRUTH hidden from the public's view.
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I didn't watch last night.

I won't watch any of them.

Give me one reason, not having to do with morbid curiosity, why you would want to waste your time hearing stuff you have already heard multiple times? As if anything either candidate is going to say is going to change your mind?

I'll read about it the next day, shake my head and say to myself, "What a sh!t show."
My wife told me to.
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I heard they are going to strap a shock collar with about 5000 volts on him. Every time he opens his mouth when he’s not supposed to, the moderator zings him. Or give the moderator a Tazer. That would be the only way I’d watch that trash. From what I see and read this morning, last night would have been the last and only debate. Trump will never control himself and I wouldn’t bother if I’m Biden. I’d just hold some town hall meetings, put out my platform to the people and let Trump talk to himself in the mirror.
I'm seeing more than the typical amount of backlash against Trump for boorish behavior. He behaves much more like the leader of a cult, than the leader of a country. His manner is completely selfish and uncivil.
Gingrich became speaker of the House in 1995, after Republicans won control of the chamber in the 1994 midterm elections, two years into Clinton’s presidency. In 1993, the Democratic majority in Congress passed – and Clinton signed – a budget bill that raised taxes on the wealthy, cut taxes for small businesses and for the poor, and required that future budgets balance and reduce the deficit. Not a single Republican voted for that bill.

Well I'll be.
So much for your revisionist history.

The 1993 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act did not require future balanced budgets. The balanced budget Act was not passed until 1997. Get your facts straight Luther.
I'm paraphrasing, but the interaction went like this.

"Will you condemn white supremacy?"

"I'll say whatever you want. What do you want me to say?"

"Will you tell the proud boys and white supremacists to stay away from the conflict?"

"Yes. Proud boys, stand down and stand by"

Whatever that means. Once again, you guys are taking Trumpisms as literally as possible when it is convenient, when the man did not say one sentence that wasn't hyperbole and Trumpy fluff talk the entire night.
Federal lands have been mismanaged for decades. There is zero reason for the US Federal government to own almost 50% of all land out west. None, zero!

Absolutely there is. Your perspective is off. That land is yours and mine. If you view yourself as a public land owner it’s extremely empowering. I take off every year to hunt WY. I camp there and roam wherever I please on the public land (mostly NFS, State, and BLM land). It’s a fantastic exercise that more people should take advantage of.
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The functioning of society directly effects your family.
People need to consider more than just the direct and tangible, the indirect and intangible end up having far greater impact over time.
Only if things stay good. If there is uncertainty in the system you need those tangible benefits to take care of yourself.

What happens to the indirect and intangible when the government dries up on the direct benefits?

The indirect stuff is about controlling the population. And it only provides skin deep benefits which can be whisked away with no lasting results.
Absolutely there is. Your perspective is off. That land is yours and mine. If you you view yourself as a public land owner it’s extremely empowering. I take off every year to hunt WY. I camp there and roam wherever I please on the public land (mostly NFS, State, and BLM land). It’s a fantastic exercise that more people should take advantage of.

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I heard they are going to strap a shock collar with about 5000 volts on him. Every time he opens his mouth when he’s not supposed to, the moderator zings him. Or give the moderator a Tazer. That would be the only way I’d watch that trash. From what I see and read this morning, last night would have been the last and only debate. Trump will never control himself and I wouldn’t bother if I’m Biden. I’d just hold some town hall meetings, put out my platform to the people and let Trump talk to himself in the mirror.
You socialists don’t want him debating because he can’t handle the heat and you know at any moment he could go completely off the rails and who knows what may come out of that frail senile idiots mouth
Federal lands have been mismanaged for decades. There is zero reason for the US Federal government to own almost 50% of all land out west. None, zero!
Ownership/title should be with the state the land is in and if the Feds want to have a say they need to execute a lease or usage rights. But the Feds should have zero ownership of any land in the US outside of DC.
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