Presidential Debate 2020

the fact check is incorrect A) he said 1 in 500 B) there have been 40,000 African American deaths out of 42M estimate I found from 2010 I’m sure that’s gone up by now. So that’s a little over 1 in 1000 but the statement was 1 in 500. LMAO the fact checkers are rewriting the transcript 😂
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Absolutely there is. Your perspective is off. That land is yours and mine. If you view yourself as a public land owner it’s extremely empowering. I take off every year to hunt WY. I camp there and roam wherever I please on the public land (mostly NFS, State, and BLM land). It’s a fantastic exercise that more people should take advantage of.

So give it to the states and let them manage it.
Ownership/title should be with the state the land is in and if the Feds want to have a say they need to execute a lease or usage rights. But the Feds should have zero ownership of any land in the US outside of DC.

I won't go as far as to say no land outside of DC. But there is zero reason the fed owns 1/2 the land in the western states.
There were multiple links between Trump Campaign officials and individuals tied to the Russian government. Those links included Russian offers of assistance to the Campaign, and in some instances, the Campaign was receptive to the offers.

Oh bull ****. That’s a shade weak ass indictment that doesn’t allow Trump to respond.

“well we think we saw evidence of collusion but we can’t prove anything”

“So you have no proof of collusion”

“Well we saw indications of...”

“What proof do you have that collusion occurred. Where are your recommendations for indictments on collusion?”

“We didn’t make any”

“Next witness your honor”

Yes. That is an accurate paraphrase.
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I won't go as far as to say no land outside of DC. But there is zero reason the fed owns 1/2 the land in the western states.
I will. Unless they have a specific need then why should they own it? And if they have a specific need then let the states set up a 100 year lease.
Going by Trump’s own words in his tweet - he’s the leader - of the country. He’s not President of all states and cities, not just republican ones

By that logic then the left owes Trump credit for every good thing that happens in this country everyday . I’m not seeing this game of tag going on much further. 😊
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Putting your personal benefits above all else pretty much sums up the problem with this country. It’s the pervasive “**** you I got mine” attitude.
If that’s the problem as you define it then wouldn’t voting for a man who has made his family and himself rich off of being a career politician be contributing to that problem?
Oh bull ****. That’s a shade weak ass indictment that doesn’t allow Trump to respond.

“well we think we saw evidence of collusion but we can’t prove anything”

“So you have no proof of collusion”

“Well we saw indications of...”

“What proof do you have that collusion occurred. Where are your recommendations for indictments on collusion?”

“We didn’t make any”

“Next witness your honor”

Yes. That is an accurate paraphrase.

Trump didn’t have to respond. His attorney general had already lied about the conclusions and most of his people still erroneously believe that rendition of the facts. Case in point: you.

Of course that still didn’t stop him from actually responding. Which he did. Many times. All dishonestly.
Absolutely there is. Your perspective is off. That land is yours and mine. If you view yourself as a public land owner it’s extremely empowering. I take off every year to hunt WY. I camp there and roam wherever I please on the public land (mostly NFS, State, and BLM land). It’s a fantastic exercise that more people should take advantage of.
No it isn’t. If it isn’t titled to an individual or Corp it’s the state’s property. No reason for the Feds to own public lands. I hunt and fish on public lands and lakes all over Texas too. STATE lands. And the parks are generally better maintained.
Signed off on crappy budgets, his COVID bailout agreement, his refusal to be fiscally responsible. His non eviction cdc order

Those are the things that caused the riots , burning and looting a of businesses in liberal ran cities ? You guys are jumping on luthers blame Trump for everything bandwagon , he’s being disingenuous because he never allows the blame to fall where it belongs , he likes to skip the managers a lay all blame at the feet of the CEO.

Trump didn’t have to respond. His attorney general had already lied about the conclusions and most of his people still erroneously believe that rendition of the facts. Case in point: you.

Of course that still didn’t stop him from actually responding. Which he did. Many times. All dishonestly.
The defense has rested but go ahead and read that last sentence out loud “counselor” and I’ll wait for the list of indictments.

It was BS shade that left it opened that they didn’t have to prove. And look at you still spouting that unproven BS how many months later?
If I show you a picture of a homeless person in Tulsa, would you assume Tulsa is all homeless?

Doesn’t matter what we think , does Portland’s mayor believe Antifa is real and causes riots , burns buildings and destroys buildings .. you know like high rise condos ?
I'm just happy that I got to hear a "professional" broadcaster say "neener neener neener" on national TV.
No it isn’t. If it isn’t titled to an individual or Corp it’s the state’s property. No reason for the Feds to own public lands. I hunt and fish on public lands and lakes all over Texas too. STATE lands. And the parks are generally better maintained.

That’s not my experience around this country. You want to create an issue where there isn’t one based on some weird state-over-federal philosophy. I hunt and fish state lands too in PA, WV, NC, TN, WY, and OH. State lands are fine. So are federal lands. The large swaths of BLM lands out west are exactly what they’re supposed to be. Relatively undisturbed and available to the public.
NO KIDDING: America’s Children Weigh in on the Trump-Biden Debate


One of the perks of being a professional journalist is all the text messages we get from friends explaining how their children reacted to various political events. CNN's Jake Tapper, for example, shared one of these exchanges on air following the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

"We're all getting text messages from friends all over the country. A friend of mine in Kansas City watching her first debate with her sixth-grade daughter. Daughter bursts into tears, has to run to bed because she was so appalled, this sixth-grade girl, at what she saw from the president of the United States," Tapper relayed to his colleagues, who were also appalled.

Johnny G., Age 10:

"That orange fella was awfully loud. I can see why some people took offense. But in my view, Joe Biden's refusal to take a position on court packing and ending the filibuster was simply disqualifying, and a real bummer—especially for someone like me, a member of the future generation."

Jasmine F., Age 9:

"That debate was turnt AF! I'm obsessed with listening to great minds battle it out in debate. Sure, there was a lot of interrupting, but it was the name-calling that really upset me. Joe Biden kept calling Donald Trump a ‘clown,' which I thought was pretty tasteless and immature. My homeroom teacher is always telling us to respect others, even our enemies."

NO KIDDING: America's Children Weigh in on the Trump-Biden Debate - Washington Free Beacon
That’s not my experience around this country. You want to create an issue where there isn’t one based on some weird state-over-federal philosophy. I hunt and fish state lands too in PA, WV, NC, TN, WY, and OH. State lands are fine. So are federal lands. The large swaths of BLM lands out west are exactly what they’re supposed to be. Relatively undisturbed and available to the public.
Create some issue? What damn right do the Feds have to the land FFS! I’m not advocating that we remove or repurpose a single acre. I’m stating the obvious that the states should take their damn sovereign property back.

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