Presidential Debate 2020

The defense has rested but go ahead and read that last sentence out loud “counselor” and I’ll wait for the list of indictments.

It was BS shade that left it opened that they didn’t have to prove. And look at you still spouting that unproven BS how many months later?
Unproven? I just showed you the report’s conclusion, which is almost verbatim what I said in my post that you’re losing your **** over.

It isn't black and white. The report details hundreds of active involvements between the Trump campaign and agents acting on behalf of the Russian government. It really depends on how the word collusion is defined. It has become a hot button word when it's actual meaning is rather broad.

You said this post was “unsupported. It’s almost verbatim the conclusion of the Mueller report. That conclusion was almost identical to the content of the Senate Intelligence Committee report.

Grow up and stop lying about the public record on internet message boards. Lol.
Create some issue? What damn right do the Feds have to the land FFS! I’m not advocating that we remove or repurpose a single acre. I’m stating the obvious that the states should take their damn sovereign property back.

They were the only ones able to stop unlimited the seemingly unlimited manifest destiny philosophy before expansion and private industry swallowed everything whole. Their action (specifically T Roosevelt’s) is why we have public land. That’s the damn right.
Unproven? I just showed you the report’s conclusion, which is almost verbatim what I said in my post that you’re losing your **** over.

Grow up and stop lying about the public record on internet message boards. Lol.
LMAO. You could have just said “no I have nothing but the drive by shade that Mueller threw and didn’t have to prove” no reason to puff up. You’re dismissed from the stand
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They were the only ones able to stop unlimited the seemingly unlimited manifest destiny philosophy before expansion and private industry swallowed everything whole. Their action (specifically T Roosevelt’s) is why we have public land. That’s the damn right.
I don’t find that a very compelling argument sorry. Teddy was a pretty remarkable conservationist I agree. However that doesn’t give the Feds a birth right to seize a state’s lands. They could have accomplished the same effect by deeding the property to the states and then effecting a 100/200/500 year lease I dont care on the length. But the land and the resources on and under neath belong to the state as far as I’m concerned.
LMAO. You could have just said “no I have nothing but the drive by shade that Mueller threw and didn’t have to prove” no reason to puff up. You’re dismissed from the stand

Trying to imagine being the guy who goes around calling people “cletus,” accusing them of thumping their chest and of declaring victory, and then makes this post... but I just keep bursting into laughter.

You don’t even remember what you said 5 minutes ago to realize you had to move the goalposts to thump your chest and declare victory. Seek help.
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It has for the 25 years I’ve been going out there. And from talking to the locals it did before that timeframe too. So yes... yes it has.

Exactly. Even though the scale of the fires is getting worse mostly because of changing climate and development, it has always happened. So hog’s claim that it’s somehow anyone’s fault that the west coast is on fire is baseless.
Unproven? I just showed you the report’s conclusion, which is almost verbatim what I said in my post that you’re losing your **** over.

You said this post was “unsupported. It’s almost verbatim the conclusion of the Mueller report. That conclusion was almost identical to the content of the Senate Intelligence Committee report.

Grow up and stop lying about the public record on internet message boards. Lol.
Nice edit. But it still proves nothing. Here I’ve highlighted the operative clause for you so maybe you can see thru the unproven shade 939B98A7-6274-4ACC-90BA-86CFF1188CBE.jpeg
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Exactly. Even though the scale of the fires is getting worse mostly because of changing climate and development, it has always happened. So hog’s claim that it’s somehow anyone’s fault that the west coast is on fire is baseless. it is NOT Trump's fault?
Nice edit. But it still proves nothing. Here I’ve highlighted the operative clause for you so maybe you can see thru the unproven shade View attachment 310515
Yeah, cletus, that’s a conclusion about whether the facts meet a legal definition to a degree of certainty that would satisfy a legal standard. It has literally nothing to do with bowlbrother’s statements that you said were unsupported.

Boom I win! [beats chest enthusiastically]

Like I said, you don’t remember wtf you were even arguing about. Get help.
Trying to imagine being the guy who goes around calling people “cletus,” accusing them of thumping their chest and of declaring victory, and then makes this post... but I just keep bursting into laughter.

You don’t even remember what you said 5 minutes ago to realize you had to move the goalposts to thump your chest and declare victory. Seek help.
LMFAO. I’ve said nothing inconsistent here. And as usual when you bring up the mueller uproven shade you’ve proven nothing.

No indictments which provided the accused a chance to refute. It’s merely unsupported conjecture.

Yeah, cletus, that’s a conclusion about whether the facts meet a legal definition to a degree of certainty that would satisfy a legal standard. It has literally nothing to do with bowlbrother’s statements that you said were unsupported.

Boom I win! [beats chest enthusiastically]

Like I said, you don’t remember wtf you were even arguing about. Get help.

Wait I thought I called people Cletus not you.

Reiterating the unproven allegations like you always do on this doesnt make them magically proven this time. I highlighted the operative clause in the conclusion.

You seem awfully invested in this to not have proven anything. Again.
There is nothing indicating that is anything other than incompetence on CA’s part however.

I may be wrong, but my perception is only property damages are greater as a result of events. Hurricanes and fires and such were not as much news because the localities were not as populated

LMFAO. I’ve said nothing inconsistent here. And as usual when you bring up the mueller uproven shade you’ve proven nothing.

No indictments which provided the accused a chance to refute. It’s merely unsupported conjecture.

View attachment 310516

Sorry, I already declared victory and thumped my chest. Too late for you to do the same.
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I may be wrong, but my perception is only property damages are greater as a result of events. Hurricanes and fires and such were not as much news because the localities were not as populated

That could be it I’ll admit. As the areas become more populated then there is more pressure on CA to perform in protecting them sure. But they’ve burned for as long as I can remember. And on two occasions I’ve been driving on “The 15” with fire on both sides of the highway but the highway still open. Unnerving.
the fact check is incorrect A) he said 1 in 500 B) there have been 40,000 African American deaths out of 42M estimate I found from 2010 I’m sure that’s gone up by now. So that’s a little over 1 in 1000 but the statement was 1 in 500. LMAO the fact checkers are rewriting the transcript 😂
Debate Transcript
This is a man who, in fact, you talk about helping African-Americans, one in 1000 African Americans has been killed because of the coronavirus. And if he doesn’t do something quickly, by the end of the year, one in 500 will have been killed. One in 500 African Americans.
This is dated 18 hours ago and it’s how I remember it going. I missed the first half but saw this.

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