Presidential Debate 2020

What actual examples did you give? And I can go back and link all the studies for you. And link the Fox News article where they apologize for manipulating the photo. And link scientists saying that now they know more about the virus so recommendations have changed.

Then do it.

Google retracted news stories on Trump. There are plenty. You can post those too.
I believe you‘ve misspelled “mocking.”
That’s a bold move cotton. Mocking while having proven nothing. But I guess it’s all you’ve got on this argument every time it comes up.

All you and BB have made is a “where there’s smoke there’s fire” weak ass plea. Without actual proof that’s just conjecture. Womp womp.
I actually responded to another post later on having a graph which correlated amounts burned being fairly constant but with increasing population I think it showed. Basic message was now they’re not burning wilderness it’s populated areas with higher valuations. That could very well be the case I conceded. However that doesn’t remove the responsibility from CA to protect their citizens so I’d still submit my statement somewhat hold true. They are not keeping up the the growth in services demand.

All of that holds some truth. It doesn’t change the fact that 60% of west coast forests are federal land. If management is an issue, it’s largely the president and his administration’s issue. If it’s something else, it’s their responsibility to address whatever those issues may be in conjunction with the states.
All of that holds some truth. It doesn’t change the fact that 60% of west coast forests are federal land. If management is an issue, it’s largely the president and his administration’s issue. If it’s something else, it’s their responsibility to address whatever those issues may be in conjunction with the states.
The Feds are responsible for their lands I agree with you on that. But it’s shared responsibility with the state making sure the other 40% comply with the upkeep regulations.
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The 1993 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act did not require future balanced budgets. The balanced budget Act was not passed until 1997. Get your facts straight Luther.
They're straight. Seems the dems led by Clinton were for balancing the budget long before Newt led the house.
That’s a bold move cotton. Mocking while having proven nothing. But I guess it’s all you’ve got on this argument every time it comes up.

All you and BB have made is a “where there’s smoke there’s fire” weak ass plea. Without actual proof that’s just conjecture. Womp womp.
Mocked for declaring victory, he declares victory.
Mocked for not remembering what argument he started, he proves he doesn’t remember.
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All of the fires? Really. Because the Feds own 58%, the state owns 3%, and private entities or native organizations own the rest. The owner of the land is responsible for upkeep.

Not all of course. There are many of them. But he can't blame it all on someone else. And you know that pisses him off.
Any of us on this board could balance the budget if we cut military spending enough. It’s not rocket science

You posted none of the stories about the people fired at CNN for fake stores. Or CNN fake imagines? Or WaPo retractions. Or NYT retractions.

You posted Fauci story. This guy has been quietly fired. He has no credibility now. Numerous reports (and common sense) tells us masks don’t work except to give people false security. They’re out there. Try reading one.

There’s plenty of stories and examples of HCQ success. You completely ignore the fact that studies can be influenced by the billions of dollars being made developing a new cure when one could already be here.
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As I recall, the "surplus" had some fancy bookkeeping.

Oh you’re back. So do you have any actual supporting proof for your and BB’s hasty conclusion fallacy that you can’t sell. Again.

One leg left. View attachment 310549

You’re asking me to support the conclusion that the Mueller or Senate Intel reports detail active involvements between the Trump campaign and agents acting on behalf of the Russian government?
You’re asking me to support the conclusion that the Mueller or Senate Intel reports detail detail active involvements between the Trump campaign and agents acting on behalf of the Russian government?
Ok we’re done. Not going to play parsing with you tonight.3B398B04-5549-4CD3-9BBE-A49A3C1240B5.png
You posted none of the stories about the people fired at CNN for fake stores. Or CNN fake imagines? Or WaPo retractions. Or NYT retractions.

You posted Fauci story. This guy has been quietly fired. He has no credibility now. Numerous reports (and common sense) tells us masks don’t work except to give people false security. They’re out there. Try reading one.

There’s plenty of stories and examples of HCQ success. You completely ignore the fact that studies can be influenced by the billions of dollars being made developing a new cure when one could already be here.

Wow you’re just, well, on a totally different level than I even imagined.

Keep denying that pesky science, brother. Good luck!
Watch early video of Dr. Fauci saying COVID-19 not a big concern in US (Opinion) | News Break

And this is your “expert”. Ex is a has been and pert is a drip under pressure. Fauci is an expert then.

This is how it works, man. Just like the links I posted regarding CDC recommendations. Just like I said in my first post response to you.

Let’s try again:

They made recommendations based on available date.

They made new, different recommendations based on new, additional, continual collection of data. Can’t stress this enough - this was a novel virus.

It’s ok to change your recommendations based on more info/studies of data. The ridiculous move is to take the first piece of advice and say “yep, that’s it, it’ll never change and that’s it and that’s all it can be forever and ever”. And that appears to be your stance.

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