Presidential Debate 2020

Wow you’re just, well, on a totally different level than I even imagined.

Keep denying that pesky science, brother. Good luck!

Watch early video of Dr. Fauci saying COVID-19 not a big concern in US (Opinion) | News Break

This is how it works, man. Just like the links I posted regarding CDC recommendations. Just like I said in my first post response to you.

Let’s try again:

They made recommendations based on available date.

They made new, different recommendations based on new, additional, continual collection of data. Can’t stress this enough - this was a novel virus.

It’s ok to change your recommendations based on more info/studies of data. The ridiculous move is to take the first piece of advice and say “yep, that’s it, it’ll never change and that’s it and that’s all it can be forever and ever”. And that appears to be your stance.

Real experts don’t tell you there’s no risk when it’s unknown. The guy is either a complete fool or a political plant. You choose. Either way he’s no longer creditable. He admitted lying to the public about masks.
And that statement fits perfectly with the black knight. Awesome 😂
Do people run like bitches, declaring victory over their shoulder, from him, too?

It isn't black and white. The report details hundreds of active involvements between the Trump campaign and agents acting on behalf of the Russian government. It really depends on how the word collusion is defined. It has become a hot button word when it's actual meaning is rather broad.

Sound familiar?

I’m sure you’ll now claim it’s a total coincidence that your “exasperated” retreat came immediately after being beaten over the head with reminders that this was the “conclusion” that you’ve been claiming was unproven for 3+ hours now.

Can’t wait. 😂
Watch early video of Dr. Fauci saying COVID-19 not a big concern in US (Opinion) | News Break

Real experts don’t tell you there’s no risk when it’s unknown. The guy is either a complete fool or a political plant. You choose. Either way he’s no longer creditable. He admitted lying to the public about masks.

Dude, fine don’t listen to him. Choose any of the other numerous infectious disease experts and listen to them. The actual infectious disease experts. Bc they all say the same thing.
Dude, fine don’t listen to him. Choose any of the other numerous infectious disease experts and listen to them. The actual infectious disease experts. Bc they all say the same thing.

So you give up on Fauci. That didn’t take long. CDC is all over the board also.
Do people run like bitches, declaring victory over their shoulder, from him, too?

Sound familiar?

I’m sure you’ll now claim it’s a total coincidence that your “exasperated” retreat came immediately after being beaten over the head with reminders that this was the “conclusion” that you’ve been claiming was unproven for 3+ hours now.

Can’t wait. 😂
All I have to do is keep pointing to the operative clause in the conclusion and asking for the list of articles of impeachment.

I reject your hasty conclusion completely as you’ve provided zero proof. For the how many times on this topic now? 😂

You always go to the pedantic BS and just try to wear people down to claim victory. Once again no proof of any of the claims. So roll along.

My hasty retreat is what I said it was. Not wasting time on your pedantic diatribes pettifogger

You and BB are playing the same narrowing tactics OC destroyed you on last time we did this. It is your goto play pettifogger

“It isn’t black and white”

“It depends on how you define collusion”

So you give up on Fauci. That didn’t take long. CDC is all over the board also.

I’m not giving up on Fauci. There’s just no changing your mind and I don’t want to spend the whole evening banging my head against a wall.

Then don’t use the CDC. Use all the other infectious disease experts out there. They don’t all work at cdc
All I have to do is keep pointing to the operative clause in the conclusion and asking for the list of articles of impeachment.

I reject your hasty conclusion completely as you’ve provided zero proof. For the how many times on this topic now? 😂

You always go to the pedantic BS and just try to wear people down to claim victory. Once again no proof of any of the claims. So roll along.

My hasty retreat is what I said it was. Not wasting time on your pedantic diatribes pettifogger

You and BB are playing the same narrowing tactics OC destroyed you on last time we did this. It is your goto play pettifogger

“It isn’t black and white”

“It depends on how you define collusion”


That dude will try to drown you in words. He responds like he’s billing time. I believe he’s definitely an attorney.
That dude will try to drown you in words. He responds like he’s billing time. I believe he’s definitely an attorney.
Oh no doubt he’s an attorney.

“so ND40 in post 3746 on line 5 words 7 and 8 you referenced ‘you people’ I need you to explicitly state your meaning of the using of that phrase”

Every. Damn. Time 😂
This time tomorrow you’ll be cussing Fauci. That’s the way he’s been. He changes more than the weather. Trump should have never listened to him.

How much has the Ky teenager got from fake news at CNN and WaPo? He has about 4 or 5 more to bring to justice. And you claim there’s no fake news? Someone is paying big money for their lies.
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All I have to do is keep pointing to the operative clause in the conclusion and asking for the list of articles of impeachment.

I reject your hasty conclusion completely as you’ve provided zero proof. For the how many times on this topic now? 😂

You always go to the pedantic BS and just try to wear people down to claim victory. Once again no proof of any of the claims. So roll along.

My hasty retreat is what I said it was. Not wasting time on your pedantic diatribes pettifogger

You and BB are playing the same narrowing tactics OC destroyed you on last time we did this. It is your goto play pettifogger

“It isn’t black and white”

“It depends on how you define collusion”

Not gonna lie, I truly did not expect you to actually argue that the report detailing the connections is not proof that the report details the connections. Kudos for reaching levels of creativity in stupidity that surpass the capacity of my imagination. Last night, Trump/Biden, tonight you. Clearly I need to work on my imagination.
Not gonna lie, I truly did not expect you to actually argue that the report detailing the connections is not proof that the report details the connections. Kudos for reaching levels of creativity in stupidity that surpass the capacity of my imagination. Last night, Trump/Biden, tonight you. Clearly I need to work on my imagination.
This is YOUR picture/proof statement pettifogger!


In the first clip he disavows the KKK and David Duke, not white supremacists. Did you even watch the video before you posted it?

He was asked point blank last night's if he would condemn white supremacists last night and refused to do so, but that won't stop some proud posters from trying to cover up for his racist bs.
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