Presidential Debate 2020

Every guest they had on this morning and now saying oh yes this was a threat sent to his racist base lol. They absolutely are the enemy of the people

All the while their supporters have been burning looting and killing people ..... but that's all good though w/them.
These people are deranged & are mentally tarded. TDS is real.
Just landed in Nashville and of course CNN is on and they are still talking about the same thing they were 12 hours ago: Trump refuses to denounce white nationalists. Lol f’ing morons
Just landed in Nashville and of course CNN is on and they are still talking about the same thing they were 12 hours ago: Trump refuses to denounce white nationalists. Lol f’ing morons
Since when did white supremacists allow Cubans to lead their organizations?
Proud Boys chairman condemns white supremacists, says Trump’s message of ‘stand by’ wasn’t call to action
Mark Levin just played 6 minutes of plugs interrupting Paul Ryan, don’t think for a second Trump wasn’t aware of how plugs did that to Ryan. He wasn’t going to be bullied, the President is a brawler

Keep on preaching it, Bro. I doubt any loony libs here care how their cult leader acts.
Vote blue no matter who is all they care about.
Mark Levin just played 6 minutes of plugs interrupting Paul Ryan, don’t think for a second Trump wasn’t aware of how plugs did that to Ryan. He wasn’t going to be bullied, the President is a brawler

He's on Hannity right now ranting & raving about how Joe Biden is a racist and a bigot...but nobody ever says a peep about it.....he has quotes from Joe Biden from years ago saying horrible things about black people. Some people love having to stay on that Democratic bigot plantation. Trump is not the enemy as they want people to think's lies.
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Trump on Fox News right now with Hannity complaining about Fox News. LOL...Savage.

That’s a pretty broad question, but off the top of my head:
A longer timeline than 10 years on carbon reductions, allowing for a more gradual transition.
No marginal 70%marginal tax proposals.
No calls to eliminate cows and airplanes.
Scaled back regulations on non-renewable resource harvesting, I.e. fracking.
Supporting advanced research, rather than elimination of nuclear energy.
General tone sounds more like market incentives rather than government control.

What are the specific items in the green new deal that you’re concerned with?

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