Presidential Debate 2020

What are the specific items in the green new deal that you’re concerned with?

The entire document.

But hell you don't have to go past this if you want some specifics.

Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Rep-1resentatives that— 2(1) it is the duty of the Federal Government to 3create a Green New Deal— 4(A) to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas 5emissions through a fair and just transition for 6all communities and workers; 7(B) to create millions of good, high-wage 8jobs and ensure prosperity and economic secu-9rity for all people of the United States;

In case there isn't a second debate, you can get your fix of a man covered in orange creating havoc with Bill Dance fishing bloopers. I always appreciated him putting these on his show, and now online. Anybody whose fished a lot has probably had a lot of these and worse. I have a friend who notoriously forgets to gas up his boat, so we've paddled a bass boat across a reservoir with coolers lids a couple of times.

In case there isn't a second debate, you can get your fix of a man covered in orange creating havoc with Bill Dance fishing bloopers. I always appreciated him putting these on his show, and now online. Anybody whose fished a lot has probably had a lot of these and worse. I have a friend who notoriously forgets to gas up his boat, so we've paddled a bass boat across a reservoir with coolers lids a couple of times.
at 25 sec is my favorite.
Scientists have confused themselves. How can I believe people who first say "its nothing to worry about for the US", and later says its horrible. Then says "masks dont work", but later says "we have to wear masks".

Medical professionals themselves are equally confused. Some say one thing, Others say another. As many say HCQ works as say it doesnt. Its been around 40 years. Youd think we know the side effects by now. And never underestimate the power of the dollar when it comes to your healthcare.

Sure seems like if HCQ worked then POTUS would’ve been put on it when he was diagnosed with COVID, no? Especially since he championed it, right? He has access to the best medical care in the world yet no HCQ treatment.


Still think the medical experts are confused or ......?
Sure seems like if HCQ worked then POTUS would’ve been put on it when he was diagnosed with COVID, no? Especially since he championed it, right? He has access to the best medical care in the world yet no HCQ treatment.


Still think the medical experts are confused or ......?

Been wondering where you been. Trump hasn’t been taking HCQ for some time. Now that he’s sick, he’s getting the best treatment available. You must be tickled.
Been wondering where you been. Trump hasn’t been taking HCQ for some time. Now that he’s sick, he’s getting the best treatment available. You must be tickled.

I’m not tickled he’s sick. Hope the man gets better, wish no ill will towards him or his family. I just think he’s a lousy leader.

My point is if HCQ works, why didn’t they give it to the man holding the most important office in the United States?

Answer: it does not work, it is clinically ineffective against COVID
If you watched the debate and this is your take, you’re a moron.

Wallace was actively debating Trump.

He challenged Biden on zero of Trump’s allegations.

Lol, Trump is a man child. Wallace wasn't getting paid enough to babysit the giant orange turd. Donny knew the rules and decided to flaunt them, you guys aren't convincing anyone but those in your echo chamber that Wallace was part of the problem.
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I’m not tickled he’s sick. Hope the man gets better, wish no ill will towards him or his family. I just think he’s a lousy leader.

My point is if HCQ works, why didn’t they give it to the man holding the most important office in the United States?

Answer: it does not work, it is clinically ineffective against COVID

These truth bombs you're dropping are inconvenient for the 'Trump is never wrong' fan-bois in here.
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Lol, Trump is a man child. Wallace wasn't getting paid enough to babysit the giant orange turd. Donny knew the rules and decided to flaunt them, you guys aren't convincing anyone but those in your echo chamber that Wallace was part of the problem.
The next moderator will be much better. He interned for Biden and worked for Ted Kennedy.
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I’m not tickled he’s sick. Hope the man gets better, wish no ill will towards him or his family. I just think he’s a lousy leader.

My point is if HCQ works, why didn’t they give it to the man holding the most important office in the United States?

Answer: it does not work, it is clinically ineffective against COVID

He never caught Covid while he was taking it. It’s for prevention and mild cases. You treat the President now with the highest level of treatment. Night & Day. Something you know little about.
Why is it that when Trump is portrayed in a negative light, it’s always the light that gets blamed? Could it possibly be that maybe Trump just isn’t a good person? I’ve never seen people defend someone so fervently they don’t even know.
He never caught Covid while he was taking it. It’s for prevention and mild cases. You treat the President now with the highest level of treatment. Night & Day. Something you know little about.

I don’t treat him in the highest regard now.

He still thinks he knows better than everybody, I still think he’s a crap person and a terrible leader.

But one can think that and not wish harm upon that person. I simply want to see him lose the election and wish he would fade into political oblivion afterwards.

It is very easily possible to feel and think both of these things at the same time. It’s not that difficult.

Edit: additionally, new study showing again that no benefit from HCQ for prevention.

Hydroxychloroquine no more effective than placebo in preventing COVID-19: study
Why is it that when Trump is portrayed in a negative light, it’s always the light that gets blamed? Could it possibly be that maybe Trump just isn’t a good person? I’ve never seen people defend someone so fervently they don’t even know.

Then stop being intellectually dishonest and shine that same light on Biden. You won’t. At best, he’s senile. At worst, he’s suffering complications from strokes and unmitigated mental degeneration. No one in government is morally upright. If you believe that, you can’t be reached; and if you believe that about Biden, you have gone full potato. When has Trump, or any other candidate in the history of this country, overtly challenged potential constituents to push-up contests and physical altercations? When has he said, if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t a white supremacist? Democrats are the party interested in grouping by race, class, education, gender, and queerness. That’s how the party has operated for decades. They need unsuspecting morons to feel sorry for themselves, believing politicians can solve their pseudo social wars. Thing is, their supporters are too damn stupid to realize they’re being segregated—the very thing being claimed Trump is an advocate for. If the amount of stupid required to defend this was money, we could eliminate the national debt 10x over.

Regale us with more prestidigitations. Start with “orange man bad” and impeachment, and end with Biden winning in 2020.
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I don’t treat him in the highest regard now.

He still thinks he knows better than everybody, I still think he’s a crap person and a terrible leader.

But one can think that and not wish harm upon that person. I simply want to see him lose the election and wish he would fade into political oblivion afterwards.

It is very easily possible to feel and think both of these things at the same time. It’s not that difficult.

Edit: additionally, new study showing again that no benefit from HCQ for prevention.

Hydroxychloroquine no more effective than placebo in preventing COVID-19: study

I think he’s a far better leader than Obama or Biden. He is what he is, not a fake, dishonest POS.

America’s middle class HAS to be rebuilt. He is doing that. Every President since Reagan has sold them to the China, Mexico & Central America.

You’re entitled to your opinion. I am mine. Unfortunately you benefit financially from mine being right. If you’re smart, you made more money since 2016 than you did during all of Obama’s years. But then we know you probably didn’t, right?

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