Proof to put the 9/11 Truthers to bed in less than 2 mins

Why do retired American colonels claim that the US is actively seeking nuclear war with Russia and China? Why does half of Russia and probably a quarter of Americans think the Moon landing is a hoax? Why does your neighbor, who seems otherwise well-adjusted, think that the Crab People inhabit the bodies of members of the government?

If you look hard enough, you can find any seemingly well-adjusted people to think anything. This is still a very small group of people. The only reason why you think it's such a large group is because of the Internet and global media, which can make any phenomenon seem global in scale and can give a voice to any knucklehead with access to a computer. It's the same reason why we think rates of violence are going up when, in fact, they've been going down for some time now.

So these people who have gone through similar, if not the same training as the ones who agreed with what the government said are just wrong? Why? Is it just because the majority of them agree? What if that majority's opinions hinged on a government grant or back door deal? Also, please dont pretend like the government doesnt pay groups of people under the table to get whatever it wants.

Seems to me there are many conflicting opinions on 9/11 as a whole. Of course anyone who questions the government is automatically labeled as a "conspiracy theorist." Its sad that its easier to find those who blindly believe anything the government says as opposed to those who question. Blue pill or red pill I guess.
So these people who have gone through similar, if not the same training as the ones who agreed with what the government said are just wrong? Why? Is it just because the majority of them agree? What if that majority's opinions hinged on a government grant or back door deal? Also, please dont pretend like the government doesnt pay groups of people under the table to get whatever it wants.

Seems to me there are many conflicting opinions on 9/11 as a whole. Of course anyone who questions the government is automatically labeled as a "conspiracy theorist." Its sad that its easier to find those who blindly believe anything the government says as opposed to those who question. Blue pill or red pill I guess.

Stop. I don't believe everything the government tells me. And stop acting like you're some sort of enlightened soul that sees the truth, while the rest of us just wallow in filth. That's textbook conspiracy theorist mentality.

You believe these claims because you're probably one of those who thinks the government is behind it. I'm to believe that the same government that can't keep anything a secret pulled off 9-11 with this much ease? Sorry, I'm not biting that with no actual evidence. I like to live in the world that I can actually sort out, given what I know and what I have access to, not one of fantasy.
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So are you saying there are no structual engineers, architects, pilots or others who are unqualified to give opinions?

No. I'm guessing you meant qualified?

If you want your opinion to be taken seriously then cite your sources.

Published articles and/or links including the qualifications of the author(s) and the thousands of others.

Otherwise just repeating yourself over and over that there are thousands of qualified individuals who disagree will provoke the same response you've been getting.

I've seen zero evidence or fact from the truther side - just wild speculation and questions.
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Stop. I don't believe everything the government tells me. And stop acting like you're some sort of enlightened soul that sees the truth, while the rest of us just wallow in filth. That's textbook conspiracy theorist mentality.

You believe these claims because you're probably one of those who thinks the government is behind it. I'm to believe that the same government that can't keep anything a secret pulled off 9-11 with this much ease? Sorry, I'm not biting that with no actual evidence. I like to live in the world that I can actually sort out, given what I know and what I have access to, not one of fantasy.

I am not enlightened in any way. Never said you wallow in filth. You're obviously challenged when it comes to conversing in an adult way. I mean defaulting to the conspiracy mentality comment proves that.

I don't necessarily believe any claims either way. Could the governments report be factually correct? Yes. Could it be wrong? Yes. If there is no chance that the government could be wrong, then offer up evidence that supports that.

You dont think the government could have pulled 9/11 off, then fine. Thats your opinion. My opinion is that it could have been done by the government. Its got nothing to do with living in fantasy. Nobody has access to everything that the government uncovered. So you're opinion is predicated on what you know? Well neither you or I have ALL the facts. So basically you're basing your opinion on incomplete information. All I am saying, is I really dont know.
Probably been stated in this thread somewhere or on the countless conspiracy blogs/forums, but what reason would the USG have in creating and carrying out this event. Sorry, haven't paid much attention to truthers or what they have been saying.
Conspiracy theorists is a bad word.

Check the net. There's plenty. Pilots. Engineers. Etc.

There are forums dedicated to this.

My point is that those forums are difficult for me to take serious.

Why hasn't the report from MIT (Eaglar) been publicly criticized or disputed with an alternative detailed explanation ?

If highly respected engineers, architects, et al published an alternate theory or a critique of the Eaglar/Russo report, then people would listen.

No offense, but not many people go to Internet forums for hard facts.
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No. I'm guessing you meant qualified?

If you want your opinion to be taken seriously then cite your sources.

Published articles and/or links including the qualifications of the author(s) and the thousands of others.

Otherwise just repeating yourself over and over that there are thousands of qualified individuals who disagree will provoke the same response you've been getting.

I've seen zero evidence or fact from the truther side - just wild speculation and questions.

Just because you haven't seen proof doesn't mean none exists. Do you propose to know ALL the facts and evidence from 9/11?
Probably been stated in this thread somewhere or on the countless conspiracy blogs/forums, but what reason would the USG have in creating and carrying out this event. Sorry, haven't paid much attention to truthers or what they have been saying.

I don't have a clue. I am just saying that there is conflicting information about it and nobody knows the truth.
Look, I'm going to ask the elephant in the room question as it's been asked many times before...

Why would a controlled demolition of the twin towers be necessary? Wouldn't the planes crashing into the buildings be enough already as they were/would have eventually burned up?

And furthermore, why bring them straight down? To preserve life/property? Umm, errr, ummm, doesn't compute. If your motive was to incite fear and anger, wouldn't making them topple onto other nearby buildings causing even more death and destruction be the way you'd want to do that?

And last, but not least, why control demo WTC 7 well after it's been evacuated and well after the initial incident when you know the press would be on scene? What is the purpose? To make the American people angry? We were angry over 3,000 casualties. Imagine just how blood thirsty we would have been had 30,000 been killed.

Anyone that supports a government conspiracy want to take a crack at the questions I posed above?
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This. I am not a structural engineer but am a commercial construction superintendent. I build structures with floor trusses and structural connections similar to this all the time. No type of clip could handle the sheer force of even a single floor above falling on it. Much less many of them at once. An elementary under standing of physics and construction methods would make it obvious that the speed of descent would increase as 3ach floor was breached due to more mass applying down force on each successive floor. This is an example of a tower falling in the way it was designed, and constructed, and the fact that it fell in doubtless saved thousands of lives. I highly doubt that there are thousands of engineers that dispute this. Smoking dope in college didn't make them all loonies lol.

How many failures have you seen or heard about where asymmetrical damage causes floors to perfectly/symmetrically collapse on each other like pancakes at near free fall velocity?
How many failures have you seen or heard about where asymmetrical damage causes floors to perfectly/symmetrically collapse on each other like pancakes at near free fall velocity?

How many buildings over 400 meters and 500,000 tons have had catastrophic failures?

Where is the apples-to-apples comparison?
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How many failures have you seen or heard about where asymmetrical damage causes floors to perfectly/symmetrically collapse on each other like pancakes at near free fall velocity?

The government did it all.... They had demolitionists dressed as cleaning crews using drills and other tools with silencers for over a year leading up to 9/11.
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I think 9/11 actually was a terrorist attack. Pearl Harbor, on the other hand, was definitely setup by FDR. He had been helping our allies for so long, and needed something to propel us into war.
I think 9/11 actually was a terrorist attack. Pearl Harbor, on the other hand, was definitely setup by FDR. He had been helping our allies for so long, and needed something to propel us into war.

What about the Gulf of Tonkin or the sinking of The Maine and The Lusitania?
I think 9/11 actually was a terrorist attack. Pearl Harbor, on the other hand, was definitely setup by FDR. He had been helping our allies for so long, and needed something to propel us into war.

It's always a good idea to destroy the hell out of your ships in order to have a reason to join a war:

2 battleships totally lost
2 battleships sunk and recovered
3 battleships damaged
1 battleship grounded
2 other ships sunk[nb 2]
3 cruisers damaged[nb 3]
3 destroyers damaged
3 other ships damaged
188 aircraft destroyed
159[3] aircraft damaged
2,403 killed
1,178 wounded[4][5] 4 midget submarines sunk
1 midget submarine grounded
29 aircraft destroyed
64 killed
1 captured[6]
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It's always a good idea to destroy the hell out of your ships in order to have a reason to join a war:

2 battleships totally lost
2 battleships sunk and recovered
3 battleships damaged
1 battleship grounded
2 other ships sunk[nb 2]
3 cruisers damaged[nb 3]
3 destroyers damaged
3 other ships damaged
188 aircraft destroyed
159[3] aircraft damaged
2,403 killed
1,178 wounded[4][5] 4 midget submarines sunk
1 midget submarine grounded
29 aircraft destroyed
64 killed
1 captured[6]

yep, FDR devised all that. It was a good plan to get into WWII. The only problem was that only 500,000 Americans were killed. I bet he was really hoping for a higher number.

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