Question for the board regarding Bill Cosby. Is

So, why does it matter? If publicly he is speaking conservative principles to the black community and liberals are calling him on it then why does that matter? He is being attacked because he is preaching conservative values to the black community. How dare he?

You're weird.
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If I report it and there are no victims to speak of, how does that work, genius?

If you truly believe you couldn't report him for rape because there's no one accusing him and no evidence, you could have reported him for drugs. There should have been plenty of evidence seeing as you claim he did it a thousand times. And hey, they wouldn't even need a search warrant because you could invite them in. At least it would get him picked up, probably kicked out of school and perhaps prevent it from happening again in the future. Not sure that requires a genius to come up with that as opposed to shrugging and being like "what can I do". Not trying to attack you but that's my answer in response to your question.


While everyone is supposed to be entitled to being innocent until proven guilty, I'd have to guess he's guilty just based on the amount of people coming forward with similar stories and never having met each other. There has even been a former employee say he saw it go down and he has receipts from transactions to pay the women off. At the very least if he's lying about it, he's not getting back at Cosby because he was fired, he left on his own merit if he's telling the truth. I also saw a few minutes of the women that went on Dr. Phil and some of them were crying. While people can fake crying, it does from appearance add credibility that these women were raped or at the very least feel raped unless they're fake crying. Could they all be out for money, including Cosby's former employee? Yes. But that's a pretty absurd amount of accusers not only looking for a payday but having similar stories, showing emotion and really having no grudge to hold against him(other than rape if he did it).

Unfortunate if this is all true. I'll always recall him telling an auditorium of people that black people need to take accountability for their own problems before they go blaming white people. He said something along the lines of it's "their dirty laundry(black people) getting out of school at 3 pm everyday saying n word this, n word that". He said black community needs to address that themselves before making white people out to be the cause of all problems that black people face. I'd have to say I agree with that, especially after seeing Michael Brown's parents incite riots and looting after the verdict only to wash their hands clean by saying "we didn't do it and didn't make em do it". Same thing with the marches in NY that led to people chanting death to cops and when it happens the same people chanting it and agreeing with the sentiment respond "we didn't do it and we didn't make him do it". Bill Cosby's sentiments were right on point about black people taking responsibility for themselves and holding themselves accountable as opposed to blaming white people every time there is a problem in the black community. The people of Ferguson decided to burn it to the ground and then you have those same people being quoted along the lines of "they better rebuild it! or else!". That's sad... and the fact that Bill Cosby seemed to be able to think logically makes this all the more sad if it's true.
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And here's the Bill Cosby comments I was referring to in the last paragraph. They're from 2004.

Debate Continues as Cosby Again Criticizes Black Youths (

"Let me tell you something," Cosby, one of America's most admired men, told the group. "Your dirty laundry gets out of school at 2:30 every day, it's cursing and calling each other [the N-word] as they're walking up and down the street. They think they're hip. They can't read. They can't write. They're laughing and giggling, and they're going nowhere."

Several African American leaders said yesterday they mostly agreed with Cosby's message of personal responsibility, but opinion was more volatile among the young people at whom Cosby leveled his comments.

After reading this article again today, I find the last line interesting. We're about a decade removed from those comments and those young volatile people the article is referring would be the same volatile youngsters who have developed into volatile adults that trashed a city and chanted for death. While it can't be said with certainty that Cosby is rapist, he certainly sounds like a wise man. Maybe that's how he got away with all of those rapes(allegedly) for so many years.
Oh, and this is the former employee who worked for Cosby.


Most people on their death bed come forward telling the truth, not making up lies. If these women are in it for some type of cash grab, that would mean this guy is also. I'd have to ask though, why? This dude doesn't even look like he's guaranteed to make it through 2015. Hell, this month. He not only wouldn't have much time left on this planet to spend the money, he probably wouldn't even be around by the time money was doled out anyways. And aside from that, it sounds like the statute has passed as far as lawsuits go and even if it wasn't, what could he sue Cosby for? Dude seems to have nothing to gain from coming forward in the first place. Especially at this point in his life.
If you truly believe you couldn't report him for rape because there's no one accusing him and no evidence, you could have reported him for drugs. There should have been plenty of evidence seeing as you claim he did it a thousand times. And hey, they wouldn't even need a search warrant because you could invite them in. At least it would get him picked up, probably kicked out of school and perhaps prevent it from happening again in the future. Not sure that requires a genius to come up with that as opposed to shrugging and being like "what can I do". Not trying to attack you but that's my answer in response to your question.

He never stashed anything there, as I mentioned before. He only had personal amounts. This guy was a piece of ****, but he was smart and knew how to cover his tracks. It wasn't just me shrugging my shoulders and accepting what he was doing. Outside of calling the cops every time he got laid, there was very little I could do.
"What did my husband ever do that Bill Clinton didn't?
It seems like racially-motivated persecution..."
-Camille Cosby
I guess the Women asked him "Is that a pudding pop in your pocket or are you happy to see me?".
So Bill raped less than 20 people? How many are still alive to tell about it?

youre questions are so retarded I don't even know how to you not understand the difference between consensual affairs and rape?
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Oh, and this is the former employee who worked for Cosby.


Most people on their death bed come forward telling the truth, not making up lies. If these women are in it for some type of cash grab, that would mean this guy is also. I'd have to ask though, why? This dude doesn't even look like he's guaranteed to make it through 2015. Hell, this month. He not only wouldn't have much time left on this planet to spend the money, he probably wouldn't even be around by the time money was doled out anyways. And aside from that, it sounds like the statute has passed as far as lawsuits go and even if it wasn't, what could he sue Cosby for? Dude seems to have nothing to gain from coming forward in the first place. Especially at this point in his life.

sidenot..Irene Cara was kinda hot back then.
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youre questions are so retarded I don't even know how to you not understand the difference between consensual affairs and rape?

Hey airman, you're the one who brought up rape. Consensual sex was never mentioned, retard. No wonder you couldn't hack the USAF. You disrespect your chain?
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Hey airman, you're the one who brought up rape. Consensual sex was never mentioned, retard. No wonder you couldn't hack the USAF. You disrespect your chain?

Lol what? I'm the one who brought up rape?

You just compared clinton to Cosby....incase you're unaware. Cosby has been accused of rape. Clinton had multiple affairs....there's a major difference.
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Lol what? I'm the one who brought up rape?

You just compared clinton to Cosby....incase you're unaware. Cosby has been accused of rape. Clinton had multiple affairs....there's a major difference.

Clintons been accused as well..
Answer: rape 20+ people

Lol what? I'm the one who brought up rape?

You just compared clinton to Cosby....incase you're unaware. Cosby has been accused of rape. Clinton had multiple affairs....there's a major difference.

That was your answer airman. You said rape. I quoted what Camille said and you spewed out rape 20+ people. Keep up jack wagon. Remember now, or did the elementary kids get to you today?
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That was your answer airman. You said rape. I quoted what Camille said and you spewed out rape 20+ people. Keep up jack wagon. Remember now, or did the elementary kids get to you today?

Are you so damn stupid that you missed the entire point of the thread....Cosby was accused of rape. By over 20 people.

So the answer to "what has he been accused of that Clinton wasn't accused of" is very simple....he was accused of raping over 20 woman. The vast majority of clintons accusations were of him having an affair.
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Are you so damn stupid that you missed the entire point of the thread....Cosby was accused of rape. By over 20 people.

So the answer to "what has he been accused of that Clinton wasn't accused of" is very simple....he was accused of raping over 20 woman. The vast majority of clintons accusations were of him having an affair.

Don't cuss me or God, airman.

You need to read up on all the sexual allegations against Clinton. Guess Bill isn't involved with this billionaire pedophile either.
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Don't cuss me or God, airman.

You need to read up on all the sexual allegations against Clinton. Guess Bill isn't involved with this billionaire pedophile either.

Yeah, Clinton was accused of rape one time. Cosby was accused over 20 times. Not even close

And I'll curse your retarded ass if I damn well please
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