Question for the board regarding Bill Cosby. Is

Lesson learned here:

When 20+ people come forward with similiar stories, this probably isn't a political attack.
This is much ado about nothing. The only thing he admitted was giving qualudes to women who wanted qualudes. He never admitted drugging anybody.
This is much ado about nothing. The only thing he admitted was giving qualudes to women who wanted qualudes. He never admitted drugging anybody.

Yeah, he clearly didnt drug anyone

"When you got the Quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these Quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?" Troiani asked.
"Yes," Cosby replied.
"Did you ever give any of those young women the Quaaludes without their knowledge?" Troiani asked.
Cosby's attorney objected and told him not to answer the question.
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Cosby has admitted many times before that he was a part of the Hollywood drug culture in the 60"s and 70's. I'm sure there were all kinds of wild parties where qualudes and other pills were passed around in candy jars. Every time you saw a picture of a Playboy Mansion Party back then Cosby was in the picture. So what? Now the guy is old and senile and Allred has stirred up all this women to try to collect a big payday. BS.
You cant honestly believe that he didnt drug anyone for the purposes of sex. I mean, is that possible to be that naive?

When you present something other than your normal blabbering, unsupported, gobblygook, then maybe I could respond with something intelligent. Quid Pro Quo.
You cant honestly believe that he didnt drug anyone for the purposes of sex. I mean, is that possible to be that naive?

Realistically though why would he need to? He has had women lined out his door willing to have sex with him. I saw him in Lake Tahoe about 25 years ago and the groupies were all over him. I think Allred has rounded up a bunch of loony birds. You don't hear any of the women who worked with him talk about him any other way than reverential.
When you present something other than your normal blabbering, unsupported, gobblygook, then maybe I could respond with something intelligent. Quid Pro Quo.

You're obviously mad because I called you out for being a buffoon. It's ok, you'll live.

I know that when I'm asked a yes or no question about a crime, my response is normally "no" if I'm innocent. The "no comment" is possibly a much better way to claim my innocence though.
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Realistically though why would he need to? He has had women lined out his door willing to have sex with him. I saw him in Lake Tahoe about 25 years ago and the groupies were all over him. I think Allred has rounded up a bunch of loony birds. You don't hear any of the women who worked with him talk about him any other way than reverential.
The same logic that would explain why these college football players have been raping "allegedly" these chicks........I mean they couldn't possibly do that because they have all these chicks already hanging all over them.
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Sandvol is not only a clown, he is a rape apologist.

I love getting information on how best to manage the country and economy from rape apologists.
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You're obviously mad because I called you out for being a buffoon. It's ok, you'll live.

I know that when I'm asked a yes or no question about a crime, my response is normally "no" if I'm innocent. The "no comment" is possibly a much better way to claim my innocence though.

That was a civil case and his attorney rightfully objected to a potentially incriminating question. You don't answer potentially incriminating questions in a civil case as is his Constitutional right not to do so.
Sandvol is not only a clown, he is a rape apologist.

I love getting information on how best to manage the country and economy from rape apologists.

Just don't call me a rape denier. I don't think I could handle that.
The same logic that would explain why these college football players have been raping "allegedly" these chicks........I mean they couldn't possibly do that because they have all these chicks already hanging all over them.

Oh yeah, I see your analogy. If black football players do it then Bill Cosby must have.
All we have are these loony birds who say "Oh, I was with Bill Cosby and I must have had sex with him but I passed out because I know he drugged me even though I have no evidence and didn't report it to the police at the time because I wouldn't have just had sex with him to further my career and when that bastard didn't help me like he said he was going to I'm going to show him the old senile fool. He doesn't remember anyway so I can say anything I want to."
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Poor sandy's heroes are falling apart before his own eyes. I hope something doesn't come out about Palin, he might not be able to survive the trauma.
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Sandvol is not only a clown, he is a rape apologist.

I love getting information on how best to manage the country and economy from rape apologists.

Sounds like you'll be supporting Hillary, I can't recall a bigger apologist for Bill than her..😜
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That's what you got from my post? Good Lord

If a prosecutor files some charges against him and produces some credible evidence then there might be something there. Or if he comes out and admits it. Just don't believe in trying someone through the press. Not going to believe he's a rapist based on Move On, AP,CNN,CBS, NBC smear campaign.
If a prosecutor files some charges against him and produces some credible evidence then there might be something there. Or if he comes out and admits it. Just don't believe in trying someone through the press. Not going to believe he's a rapist based on Move On, AP,CNN,CBS, NBC smear campaign.

Your rationalization (if any reasonable person could call it that) is that Cosby couldnt have done it because he is famous and had women all over him and he could get any that he wanted. My post refuted that logic, because we have seen tons of examples that some people who have that will sometimes force themselves on women that arent part of the groupie brigade. Has nothing to do with being black.
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If a prosecutor files some charges against him and produces some credible evidence then there might be something there. Or if he comes out and admits it. Just don't believe in trying someone through the press. Not going to believe he's a rapist based on Move On, AP,CNN,CBS, NBC smear campaign.

It is clear he admitted to drugging young women in the 2005 deposistion. His attorney would not allow Cosby to answer the question that he gave the drug without women's knowledge. His legal team has fought to keep that deposition sealed. Why do you think they have been fighting to keep it sealed?

Cases have been played out through the press on a regular basis since the OJ case. Concerning your last sentence, Fox is also giving this story airtime.
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All we have are these loony birds who say "Oh, I was with Bill Cosby and I must have had sex with him but I passed out because I know he drugged me even though I have no evidence and didn't report it to the police at the time because I wouldn't have just had sex with him to further my career and when that bastard didn't help me like he said he was going to I'm going to show him the old senile fool. He doesn't remember anyway so I can say anything I want to."
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