Question for the board regarding Bill Cosby. Is

Your rationalization (if any reasonable person could call it that) is that Cosby couldnt have done it because he is famous and had women all over him and he could get any that he wanted. My post refuted that logic, because we have seen tons of examples that some people who have that will sometimes force themselves on women that arent part of the groupie brigade. Has nothing to do with being black.

Your post refuted that in your own mind. My question was why would he need to? He had 20 women lined up out of his dressing room door after every one of his shows. They would camp out outside his hotel window and throw their panties at him. He grew up in a good home with a good family. He was a good family man by all accounts and his wife, children, and women coworkers loved him. It doesn't fit the profile. He has spoken out against the statist agenda. That is why I have serious doubts.
It is clear he admitted to drugging young women in the 2005 deposistion. His attorney would not allow Cosby to answer the question that he gave the drug without women's knowledge. His legal team has fought to keep that deposition sealed. Why do you think they have been fighting to keep it sealed?

Cases have been played out through the press on a regular basis since the OJ case. Concerning your last sentence, Fox is also giving this story airtime.

Really? Sorry Gramps but no.
All we have are these loony birds who say "Oh, I was with Bill Cosby and I must have had sex with him but I passed out because I know he drugged me even though I have no evidence and didn't report it to the police at the time because I wouldn't have just had sex with him to further my career and when that bastard didn't help me like he said he was going to I'm going to show him the old senile fool. He doesn't remember anyway so I can say anything I want to."

Mass hysteria perpetuated by the belief by some non existent feminist dreamed up rape culture.

I'm sure back in the day when people were doing Quaaludes as a recreational drug that he just told them they were alka seltzers. I feel for these girls. I mean what kind of world do we live in where a female can't willingly go to a mans hotel room, willingly get piss drunk, willingly dabble in some drugs, and just cuddle and watch the stars in the evening sky?
You guys ever read the stories about Wilt Chamberlin? Have you ever been to a pro golf event when Tiger woods was playing? There are dozens of women there after him. It is unbelievable. That was the same for Bill Cosby.
Mass hysteria perpetuated by the belief by some non existent feminist dreamed up rape culture.

I'm sure back in the day when people were doing Quaaludes as a recreational drug that he just told them they were alka seltzers. I feel for these girls. I mean what kind of world do we live in where a female can't willingly go to a mans hotel room, willingly get piss drunk, willingly dabble in some drugs, and just cuddle and watch the stars in the evening sky?

I know. It went like this, "I'm not going to talk to you unless you take this pill. I'm not going to tell you what it is. You won't remember anything but I want you to take it anyway." By the way tell all those women outside in the hallway they'll have to wait until I'm finished with you.".....half hour later, "OK, next."
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If a prosecutor files some charges against him and produces some credible evidence then there might be something there. Or if he comes out and admits it. Just don't believe in trying someone through the press. Not going to believe he's a rapist based on Move On, AP,CNN,CBS, NBC smear campaign.

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You guys ever read the stories about Wilt Chamberlin? Have you ever been to a pro golf event when Tiger woods was playing? There are dozens of women there after him. It is unbelievable. That was the same for Bill Cosby.

Have you ever read the stories about Dave Meggett, Darren Sharper, Mike Tyson, Lawrence Taylor, etc.?
Your post refuted that in your own mind. My question was why would he need to? He had 20 women lined up out of his dressing room door after every one of his shows. They would camp out outside his hotel window and throw their panties at him. He grew up in a good home with a good family. He was a good family man by all accounts and his wife, children, and women coworkers loved him. It doesn't fit the profile. He has spoken out against the statist agenda. That is why I have serious doubts.

Can you be considered a good family man after admitting to offering drugs for sex to other women that are not your wife?
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As far as we know, MLK and JFK didn't drug women in order to subdue them for sex. It's not really comparable.

Not supporting Sand but cheating on your wife disqualifies someone from being a good family man.
So any man who has ever been with a woman and they drank alcohol and popped pills and had sex then he's guilty of rape? Gotcha.
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Not supporting Sand but cheating on your wife disqualifies someone from being a good family man.

That's fine, but it's irrelevant to the conversation. Cosby is not on trial in the court of public opinion for being a bad family man. It's about sexual assault.
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