Question for the board regarding Bill Cosby. Is

I'm a very active member on couchsurfing as both a host and traveller.

It's a cool way to meet folks from around the world, get a badass tour guide, and shack up for free.

I'd take it over an overpriced hotel.

Not me. Bring something home with you. Ughhhh
I'm a very active member on couchsurfing as both a host and traveller.

It's a cool way to meet folks from around the world, get a badass tour guide, and shack up for free.

I'd take it over an overpriced hotel.

Or get raped/murdered/robbed while sleeping.
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Me being a smartazz..

Actually during Vietnam we did have some Army Intel guys serving on Navy ships assisting with navigation and targeting on the bombing raids. Part of it was really just military BS bureaucracy. The Navy's illuminated grid squares wouldn't fit or work on the Army's ground topographic maps and visa versa and neither service would allow the other access to their supply or suppliers, so Army Intel guys had to install their grid squares on the maps so Navy guys could navigate and bomb at night. There were other inter-service equipment issues as well like radio squelch, Navy pilots couldn't talk to Army spotters because of different squelch manufactures. Just a frigging mess all around.

I did not realize you were in Vietnam. I didn't think you are that old.
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I don't think so. The woman that started all this has a really odd story of, "he raped me, but then I kept hanging out with him........."
If someone were drugged and raped, why would they continue hanging out with the person? Doesn't that seem off?

Quote date 11-21-14
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