Question for the board regarding Bill Cosby. Is

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Where is the outrage from Al and Jesse demanding the Attonerny General involved. I am sure he profiled
and violated their civil rights
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You realize even Bill Cosby has admitted to using drugs to get women, right? Under oath.....

Holy crap son....

How many guys have done that? Buy a girl some drugs-get her in the sack. He never admitted to drugging women without their knowledge. This is what it is all about. Stop trying to twist the facts.
How many guys have done that? Buy a girl some drugs-get her in the sack. He never admitted to drugging women without their knowledge. This is what it is all about. Stop trying to twist the facts.

Why would he need to do that when women were falling all over him iyo?
So, you single guys out there- invite a girl over, give her some wine, you have sex, you've raped her.
Why would he need to do that when women were falling all over him iyo?

He goes to a party. The women want drugs. He's rich. He can afford and buys the drugs and provides them. He doesn't have to do that-he has dozens of women who want to lay him anyway. It is just that is the type of women (and men) who run in those circles.
When I saw him in Tahoe (a couple of times). The groupies down in the front were coming up and kissing him. Throwing their bras and panties at him. There was no need for drugs.
When I saw him in Tahoe (a couple of times). The groupies down in the front were coming up and kissing him. Throwing their bras and panties at him. There was no need for drugs.

I am sure Bill could have had thousands of women.

Did you ever think that maybe he wanted women that did not want him and knocked them out with drugs in order to have them?
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I am sure Bill could have had thousands of women.

Did you ever think that maybe he wanted women that did not want him and knocked them out with drugs in order to have them?

Yeah I guess. He's in his dressing room with someone who doesn't want to be there. So he slips them a mickey. Then he goes to the door and sticks his head out and yells to the 20 women waiting in line in the hall, "Ya'll are going to have to wait because I'm drugging and raping this woman who doesn't want to be here." Yeah, sure, anything is possible.
I am sure Bill could have had thousands of women.

Did you ever think that maybe he wanted women that did not want him and knocked them out with drugs in order to have them?

I posted this in the football forum, and I'll say it here; there is no man who can have whoever he wants and someone who believes he can have anyone he wants is at least as likely to commit rape as someone who can't have anybody.
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I posted this in the football forum, and I'll say it here; there is no man who can have whoever he wants and someone who believes he can have anyone he wants is at least as likely to commit rape as someone who can't have anybody.

:thumbsup: sounds legit .... I guess.
How many guys have done that? Buy a girl some drugs-get her in the sack. He never admitted to drugging women without their knowledge. This is what it is all about. Stop trying to twist the facts.


You telling someone else to stop twisting the facts is close the most ridiculous thing I've seen on here.
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According to this guy

A History of the Quaalude, Jordan Belfort

Housewives and a certain set of night clubbers took them like candy. These women knew what they were doing.

If a housewife could take Quaaludes like they were candy, I just have one thing to say about her . She was a heck of a man. I have watched grown men be knocked out cold by taking 1/2 of a Quaalude 714.

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