Question for the board regarding Bill Cosby. Is

Yeah, but you copy a link and want him to grind wheels and expend time and energy. He responds with something he's already familiar with.

It's a message board post; not manual labor. It's up to him if he wants to expend the energy.
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I never would have guessed you as being someone who took a lot drugs in their youth.

I had about 1 1/2 -2 years of stupidly sowing my oats then I was done with it. I walked into a party at an apartment one night and one of my very good friends had a belt around his arm with the end in his mouth to pull on it with his teeth to make it tighter and poking a needle in his arm with his other hand. I looked turned around, walked out the door and never smoked weed or popped a pill again. I knew on the spot that was not the life I wanted.

I haven't smoked pot or done a recreational pill since the early 1970's. I haven't had a drink of alcohol since the early 1990's. The only drinking I ever did, other than my oat sowing days was a social drink at dinner etc.

Some make fun of me because I don't drink alcohol but that is fine with me. I have watched several people completely destroy their lives over the years via drug and drink. I don't want no part of it. I rather get high on Jesus.
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I feel like there has to be some trauma in Sandy's past which causes his fervent support of such a scumbag today. Perhaps he was falsely accused of rape long ago, and now every rape accusation triggers him?

Anyone else have another sandytheory?
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He had celebrity and played on the fact that the opportunity to spend time with him seemed like an honor.

And along with that, I'm sure he made promises and lead a few women to think that they could advance their careers somehow if they got with him. But then, years later when all of those promises didn't pan out, they used this opportunity as motivation to get back at him.

That doesn't make him a rapist, though.
Again, he didn't force these drugs on the women or shove them down their throats. He offered them the drugs in the same manner that men often offer alcohol, weed or coke.

There is zero evidence of trickery involved in any of this.


So is it ok to screw a woman after she passes out as long as she took the pills willingly?
Where is the evidence that he did that? Just because he offered them quaaludes, that doesnt mean they were knocked out during the time they were engaged in the act.

Take him out of the equation Ras..... If a dude gives a woman drugs and she willingly takes them is it ok for him to screw her? if she's passed out....
Take him out of the equation Ras..... If a dude gives a woman drugs and she willingly takes them is it ok for him to screw her? if she's passed out....

No, it isnt.

Now, having said that, now I will say something that will probably get a lot of flak directed at me, but hear me out anyways.

I was born in the 1970, so I wasnt around the drug scene of that era between the late 1960s and mid 1980s when most of these baby boomers were engaging in their binge drinking/smoking/sexing/drugging stage. I am fully aware that at least over the last 20-25 years, one good thing that feminist have done is point out the dangers of inebriated sex and what not. College kids of this era and my generation have generally understood that this is a no-no.

But in that hippie/disco era, I'm not so sure the stigma or condemnation would have been as great as it is right now regarding that subject... again, I didn't grow up in that era so I don't know. But what I do know is that there were a lot of lines that were crossed and pushing of boundaries when it came to drugs and sex.

In regards to this subject, I'm wondering if we are using contemporary standards in our judgement of the quaaludes and sex mixture in the same way many condemn the Founding Fathers for owning slaves in the 18th Century. We are judging both Cosby and The FFs through contemporary standard.

And before anyone reads that and tries to put a spin on it, I'm not comparing Cosby to a Founding Father, nor am I justifying any actions he may have done if any of these women were passed out. All I'm saying is that (maybe) the stigma wasn't as bad back then as it is now.

Even with the disclaimer, I can't wait to see the responses.
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It sure sounds like you and your girlfriend Ras are. You guys keep harping on "willingly" taking the drugs. Don't try to weasel out of this..... It was plain as day

Yeah, your reading comprehension level is very low. I expect you to be one of the first ones to blowa gasket after what I just wrote.
It sure sounds like you and your girlfriend Ras are. You guys keep harping on "willingly" taking the drugs. Don't try to weasel out of this..... It was plain as day

What was plain as day? Again, there is no proof that Cosby surreptitiously gave any of these women drugs. And, I don't believe he did. The only drug even mentioned in the Constand case is Benadryl. I don't believe Benadryl could make any woman pass out to the point she wouldn't know if someone was raping her.
Ohh, and before I put the shovel back in the garage, let me dig the hole a little deeper before I close.

I said that one good thing that feminist have done is point out the dangers of men taking advantage of inebriated or impaired women. They have done and excellent job of making men the target audience of that message. However, I wish there was an equal amount of zeal and effort aimed at women to not put themselves in that position with men by impairing their judgement with drugs and alcohol. Unfortunately, that would today be called victim blaming or slut shaming...
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