
I see the racism charge thrown around these boards by numerous individuals and the mis-use of the word makes me sick. Racism is a beleief that your race is genetically superior to another. The correct charge to lodge against most of these "alleged" incidents that LG is talking about is one of bigotry.

Now, I'm going to level an actual charge of racism. It is my contention that the Democratic party and those that support the expansion of the entitlement state are true racists. In their minds, people that are on entitlement programs are too stupid to stand on their own, a clear cut case of superiority if I ever saw it. The charge against Alan Keyes and other prominent African-American conservative thinkers of being Uncle Tom's is incorrect. The true Uncle Tom's in today's world are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, wanting to keep there fellow African-Americans on the entitlement plantation.

Alan Keyes, Bill Cosby, and others should be considered the Harriet Tubman's of their time.

Don't let them control the language anymore, they are the ones that want EVERYONE sent back to the plantation.
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Promoting racial hatred is also racism, groups like the ACLU and the NAACP were founded by the communist party.

The word bigot (ACLG and others should look up the meaning in a dictionary) is probably the most misused word in the English language.

The NAACP and ACLU are both as bigoted as it gets.I remember a couple of years ago that Bill Cosby, addressing the NAACP was met with stony silence when he charged them to be responsible in raising their children but in the end he was met with a standing ovantion when he saide; "white people today are doing to us that their grandparents did."

Althought the NAACP members were applauding what they thought of as continued white oppression of blacks, I thought of my grandmother who once, during the depression spent over three months going over to help a black neighbor woman who was ill and bedridden.

In those days no one had electicity or indoor plumbing.

All week each week she prepared meals, washed clothes and did all the things her neighbor wasn't able to do.

That meant chopping kindling for the kitchen stove and wash pot. Scrubbing clothes on a scrub board and lots of other odds and ends for the lady, her husband and several children.

On weekends a niece of the ill lady would come to help out, my grandmother would go home and do all the same for her husband and three children.

My grandmother thought she was being a good neghbor and friend. I could write a book on what racial relations were really like in those days and maybe someday I will.

All my grandparents did what the could to help the less fortunate, black, white or whatever, not that some favors weren't ever returned either but what some groups promote is divisive on purpose and is an example of the 'divide and conquer' principle.

The racial hatred promoted today by such groups as the ACLU, the NAACP and the Southern Law center is abhorant to the truth and an insult to all my grandparents.

Supreme court justice Thomas said that the racial predjudice of the elitest liberal eastern establishement was far worse than he had ever experienced from the KKKK back home in the south.

MLK said the the racial hatred he found in norther cities like Chicago and Detroit was far worse than he had experienced in Alabama or Georgia.

The continual finger pointing toward southerners as the source of racial strife is an insult to most anyone's intelligence.

To anyone with the faintest grasp of reality.
Is racism on the rise or decline in America?

It's on the decline but the amount varies from place to place. I'm in sales and travel for work. There is a big difference in people from Charleston, WV vs. Raleigh, NC.

I live in Roanoke, VA and there are still people with issues here. For example, my wife (who is white) worked a for a couple of months part-time at Belk in their jewelry department. Most of the sales people would always ignore minority customers because they assumed those customers were a waste of time.

Sometimes I would drop in to say hi and they would always profile me and have someone watch me. Once, the store manager even approached her while we were talking and asked if everything was alright. After that happening a couple of times she quit and we have never shopped at Belk again.

Racism is out there but I never use it as an excuse. People who do are just lazy. It is annoying sometimes (like the time I was thrown out of a biker bar in WV) but generally I find ignorant stupid people amusing.
Of course racism is still alive, racism comes from all colors though, not just white people are racist. I believe the most racism alive right now is liberal blacks against conservative blacks.
Of course racism is still alive, racism comes from all colors though, not just white people are racist. I believe the most racism alive right now is liberal blacks against conservative blacks.

Don't know about the political angle, but I would say both sides have racists elements. I had a black girl rail me a couple of months ago because I married a white girl. She even suggested I divorce my wife. Every side has crazies.
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So, because a minority of people want to return to the past, we should all be enslaved?

Please don't misuse that term... You can call Obama and the government a lot of things, but this is not slavery...

Did you even look the word up?

Enslave - Definition from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

It means to SUBJUGATE, Subjugate - Definition from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Main Entry: sub·ju·gate
Pronunciation: \ˈsəb-ji-ˌgāt\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): sub·ju·gat·ed; sub·ju·gat·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin subjugatus, past participle of subjugare, from sub- + jugum yoke — more at yoke
Date: 15th century

1 : to bring under control and governance as a subject : conquer
2 : to make submissive : subdue

— sub·ju·ga·tion \ˌsəb-ji-ˈgā-shən\ noun

— sub·ju·ga·tor \ˈsəb-ji-ˌgā-tər\ noun

I correctly used the term. That is PRECISELY what the federal gov't has BEEN trying to do and is currently doing, it didn't just start under OBAMA, it's been going on for years, it's just on an accelerated timeline now.

Actually i have a problem with the OP on this thread either he did not put alot of thought into it or he just doesn't understand but caucasions make up most of the entitlement programs which is everything from ssi to medicare.Now if he is talking about welfare and foodstamps etc. I can't understand why he turned it into a racial issue considering alot if not a majority of those entitlement $ goes to caucasions also yet he makes no mention of white Harriet Tubmans who should be put on a pedastal as figures to look up to for those in the white race that get government assistance, just makes you wonder about the original motives of the OP.

Read the other threads in this forum, baseless accusations of racism are leveled at various groups, I thought I'd level my own accusation and turn the tables for a change.

In my daily work, I manage/hire/fire a multitude of races; I personally don't care what color/sex/sexual preference someone is, I want them to perform. In fact, I've had to let go more Causcasians for poor performance than any other racial group over the last 5 years than any other group. My two top performers are a black woman and an Asian man.

I'm well aware that Caucasians make up the majority of welfare payments (by a small margin), and have learned an entitlement mentality. It doesn't matter the race of one receiving welfare, we need to be spending money on figuring out how to get these people off of welfare and contributing to society. The expansion of the nanny state is a detriment to liberty regardless of the race of the individual receiving said entitlement.
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I always try to remind myself, that you put yourself in whatever situation you WANT to put yourself in. If your a trailer trash white guy and love it, then deal with the stereotypes. If your a black guy that's spewing hate towards the white man, then pick up a book and realize people are on an even playing field now. People are always going to be products of their environments, and only they can choose to get out from under their own self-induced oppression. You want out the hood, read a book, go to class, get involved in a good church, and make better life choices for yourself. Then, you break the cycle and can testify that you make your own path, and no government agency can do that for you.

/ Thread. Great post Eric.
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I can find countless people that can tell me why they CAN'T do something. I'm looking for the individual that can tell me why he CAN.
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I can find countless people that can tell me why they CAN'T do something. I'm looking for the individual that can tell me why he CAN.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

And frankly, you have hit on the crux of the racism cry in America. You have a certain percentage of the population, be they black, white or purple, that wants an excuse for their plight. You have another percentage that wants to move forward. You have a fight in the middle over the best way to deal with plight.
What is the politically correct term to use now? I thought African American was preferred over negro or black, because a small minority didn't like those terms.
I have no idea the palatable word of the day, but African-American is a contrived term that isn't remotely accurate.
is this racist?

I do not think about color as either an advantage or disadvantage. The person should earn the thinks they receive in this world. Not be given them based on color. If someone is given something just because of ANY color, it is wrong.

I agree with this 100%.
This thread is a perfect example of not only the political differences, but just the overall mindset of many people. And that's where the arguing begins between the R's and the D's... it's all about class warfare.

Anyone on this board has the capability of doing anything they want in this country. Anyone (well, except for Lg. I kid.).
I am white and quite tan. I would have to agree that being tan is great. No trips to the tanning bed(no 10% tax for me) and I dont burn near as bad in the sun. The chicks dig my soft, golden skin.

Its definitely a benefit
Did you even look the word up?

Enslave - Definition from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

It means to SUBJUGATE, Subjugate - Definition from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

I correctly used the term. That is PRECISELY what the federal gov't has BEEN trying to do and is currently doing, it didn't just start under OBAMA, it's been going on for years, it's just on an accelerated timeline now.

Ummmmmm, enslaved means to make someone a slave... So like thekicker3 said, this isn't slavery- nowhere close to it.

Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary
Nice try............. but no. All of those leagues you mentioned are so far out in the public eye if the best players weren't used, there would be outrage. And if those leagues had white people who weren't getting a fair shot to play, there would be outrage and rightfully so.

And it's funny you use those leagues. The ownership, the coaches (I.E. things that are less objective and more subjective) are MOSTLY white, despite those leagues having a LARGE majority of black people (Since they played, doesn't that mean they're more qualified. I would think so.)

You mean to tell me Wade frickin Phillips was the best candidate for the Dallas Cowboys job??? You mean to tell me there wasn't a black candidate out there who couldn't have done a better job. THe problem is, the owners who belong to the good ole boys club (old money) will not hire, for the most part, a minority coach.
It's a shame and thanks for providing a great example of a present day, unregulated business that is so blatant in not hiring minorities. So please stop giving me the crap that it's an even playing field in anywhere close to ALL cases... It's just not true.

So I find it funny that nobody has answered thekicker3's question... Given the same qualifications, would you rather be black or white in an unreguleated business world?? I, for one, think it's a great question and find it funny that nobody will answer that question. Perhaps it's because they already know the answer and won't admit it because it goes against their political belief.
Nice try............. but no. All of those leagues you mentioned are so far out in the public eye if the best players weren't used, there would be outrage. And if those leagues had white people who weren't getting a fair shot to play, there would be outrage and rightfully so.

And it's funny you use those leagues. The ownership, the coaches (I.E. things that are less objective and more subjective) are MOSTLY white, despite those leagues having a LARGE majority of black people (Since they played, doesn't that mean they're more qualified. I would think so.)

You mean to tell me Wade frickin Phillips was the best candidate for the Dallas Cowboys job??? You mean to tell me there wasn't a black candidate out there who couldn't have done a better job. THe problem is, the owners who belong to the good ole boys club (old money) will not hire, for the most part, a minority coach.
It's a shame and thanks for providing a great example of a present day, unregulated business that is so blatant in not hiring minorities. So please stop giving me the crap that it's an even playing field in anywhere close to ALL cases... It's just not true.

So I find it funny that nobody has answered thekicker3's question... Given the same qualifications, would you rather be black or white in an unreguleated business world?? I, for one, think it's a great question and find it funny that nobody will answer that question. Perhaps it's because they already know the answer and won't admit it because it goes against their political belief.

The funny part is, what is fair?
Should the government force a private business owner to hire someone against his will? Does the government have any idea said person is the best qualified to fit that business man's needs?

The earlier discussion was about fairness. Meaning it was fair to pass over the most qualified person for the job due to the color of their skin. The answer is no!

But should the government force a private business owner to hire someone that he doesn't feel best suits his needs. Again, the answer is no!
no because answering thekicker's question is stupid since he can't answer back. No need to reply to trolls like him

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