Randy Sanders.....

Just think what Norm Chow or ANY OC with a pedigree greater than Morristown, Tn would have done with the same talent. He is the WORST inthe SEC. Realize the talent he has. He is dumb as a box of rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :machinegun: :machinegun: :machinegun: :machinegun: :machinegun:
Before last season Sporting News/ Athlons had him ranked 7th in the league, 5th in the East :lolup: . What a laugh.
your on MY topic now. I have told RS this to his face, in letter and on this site. Can his tobacco chewing, confused looking, clipboard reading, arm band wearing ASS!!!
well no matter what you cant say that we didnt do good this year.
he stunk and Chavis saved him in the Bama game, ND game( and he still lost) the Georgia game, Ole Miss game and that is the TRUTH. I cannot stand his simple minded self. :flush: :furious3: And good is not good enough at our level!!!
Originally posted by vols2345@Jan 21, 2005 9:14 PM
man is any sanders followers in here? comon and help me out.

Yes . . . but this dead horse has been beaten so much that it's turned into dog food.
I understood completely. You're not exactly anonymous . . . but I would love to hear the whole story.
Originally posted by vols2345@Jan 21, 2005 6:30 PM
so freak can banned people on this board?

Freak has absolute power on this board. He created it, designed it and keeps it updated.

Freak is da man!

Don't cross him.

oh. i have never seen him post before so i want to see his opinions on many of the subjects we have been talking about.
Sorry bout the Cutcliffe remark but at least Tennesse could have offered him back his old job.....I mean come on look what he did with Peyton.......Peyton learned alot from him from what I can gather.......We just need to open up our offense.....and 9 different receivers catching balls per game actually works against us.....we have NO BIG PLAYMAKER that is a goto guy......I mean yeah so what we made some alright plays this year......but how bout Roy Williams type plays or Braylon Edwards or Larry Fitzgerald.......time for someone to step up and be a LEADER in our offense.......just 1 player......that way it makes our offense that much more potent when the defense keys on 1 maybe 2 players......its too easy to keep us in check when we look for everyone......now I know that may seem like a stupid comment but when a defense doubles and maybe even triples up on someone doesn't that make our offense that much better since we have at least 6-7 guys capable of making a big play.......remember when Peyton and even Casey had that explosive receiver (Joey Kent and Pearless Price for Peyton and Donte Stallworth and Kelly Washington (would include Banks here but he's not with us anymore) for Casey) everyone knew that they could make that big play at anytime so they focused on him........now we run the KEEP EM' FRESH attitude offense.....we have All-Americans on the bench so why can't one year we have that 1000 yard and 800 yard receiving tandem......someone tell me why. :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:
Randy, keep up the good work, our offense looked great all season long. The backs ran well, all three young QB's threw well, WR's were great, what's the problem here? :dunno:

We didn't lose any games because of our offense! You may say ND but that was all about Ainge getting hurt. Our D just couldn't stop Auburn.
im surorised we are all ripping randy sanders. why arent we ripping chavis. his defensive secondary hasnpt been good for 3 years. i would rip him 100 times before sanders. good coaching snaders. and chavis, lets get that championship defensive rolling.
Originally posted by vols2345@Jan 22, 2005 11:35 AM
im surorised we are all ripping randy sanders. why arent we ripping chavis. his defensive secondary hasnpt been good for 3 years. i would rip him 100 times before sanders. good coaching snaders. and chavis, lets get that championship defensive rolling.

Our secondary was our weakness from the beginning, but the secondary has been a revolving door the last few years. Allen coming back will be a nice change and good recruits will help.
We just looked all-around bad the first time against Auburn. That was a through-and-through butt-whoopin'. Our offense lost against Notre Dame, as well. Our defense esentially held them to ten points that game. It was our offense that could not make up the difference. That INT touchdown was made pretty early in the second half. We had 20 minutes to make up a four point defecit. Instead, we opt for a field goal. It was a combination of Clausen making stupid mistakes and overly-conservative play calling. When you have a QB coming in like that, you don't allow him 18 pass plays. :banghead:
but ou also have to remeber that our running game was just not doing anything.
It was made pretty aparant at the end of the season that we had a running game all along, it was just pooryly utilized.
he when ainge's dad walked out of the locker room and told everyine he had a torn shoulder muscle, did your heart kinda of just jump out of your mouth. it took me 3 days to put my heart back in.
No. It just slowly sunk when everybody started to realize he'd be out for good... Early on I was thinking along with everybody else "this is only a minor setback, he will be good in a week or two"
man i dont ever want that feling again. do you remeber when all the espn anaylst were saying how georgia was a better team then us and how they deserved to play auburn in the sec championship game and not us. that got my blood bolling. but i guess afer our bowl game we proved them wrong.

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