Randy Sanders.....

Cutcliffe got the Ole Miss job after the 1998 regular season. CRS was the OC for the bowl game only.
Cutcliffe is with ND?....when did this happen....
Sarge i saw that game and I know what you mean about RS looking a little less than comfortable
I am not one of the Sanders haters, and I actually think he did an OK job this year, but one thing I have always wondered - If we had not been playing in the BCS Championship game in 1998, would Fulmer have still named Randy Sanders the OC?
I don't hate him personally, I just think he is TREMENDOUSLY under qualified and under performing for the title he wears. Our program is pretty high profile isn't it?
fulmer needs to grow some and make sanders qb coach and go get us an oc.
That's a good question GAVol, if not for 98, would Sanders still have been given the title...I've wondered that for a while
That's what I'm getting at. I think it was important for CPF to install a permanent OC before the Fiesta Bowl for the sake of continuity and team moral. After we won the Nat'l Championship, it would have been hard to then turn around and dump RS as the OC.
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Jan 22, 2005 9:42 PM
I don't hate him personally, I just think he is TREMENDOUSLY under qualified and under performing for the title he wears. Our program is pretty high profile isn't it?

Amen, I may be wrong but I don't see him as a ball of fire. He seems to be afraid to take charge when Phil needs him to. I find him to be to submissive and not willing to take a risk. I found Rick Clausen to be a breath of fresh air when he was calling audiles at the line of scrimmage.
The thing is, I don't see how you can be too down on RS after the way he spoon fed the offense to the QBs this year and still won. There have been times that I wondered about Sanders, but this year was not one of them.
This is way off topic, but if you'll turn to ESPN2 real quick, Jabari Davis is in the game and just got a carry in the East/West Shrine game.
Originally posted by GAVol@Jan 22, 2005 9:51 PM
The thing is, I don't see how you can be too down on RS after the way he spoon fed the offense to the QBs this year and still won. There have been times that I wondered about Sanders, but this year was not one of them.

Yeah, but the RS looking to Fulmer for the okay, cost us at least 2 TO in the 1st Qtr every game
I'm not being intense about this one, sorry if I gave that impression. I just believe that our defense was the underachieving part of the Vols' game this season, it had its good moments, but was usually the down parts. While it may have won us our good games, our defense was also the reason we almost got beaten by Vanderbilt and Kentucky.

Don, I'll agree there were some points that we underachieved on offense, but it was only against two teams. Our offense did well against Georgia (19 points, 277 yards) and the second round with Auburn (28 points, 297 yards). I'll also agree that our offense gave us two of our three losses, but that doesn't change the fact that our defense was dismal.

We allowed an average of 31 points per game and 437 yards per game against South Carolina, Vanderbilt and Kentucky. Numbers like that are inexcusable, even with second stringers. South Carolina is nearly as mediocre as you can get, and Vanderbilt and Kentucky are two of the worst teams in all of major-conference football.
I think we need to give South Carolina a little more credit than that. It was a road game in the SEC in front of 85,000 hostile fans with a Freshman at QB. Plus, SC has had a way of uglying up a lot of offenses the last several years.

It's pretty impressive to go in at halftime on the road tied 8-8 and then hang 35 points on your opponent in the second half.
for this year our defense was ok until B Johnson was dismissed and simultaneously became slammed with injuries. Over the last 6 years though Chavis has bailed out Sanders more than a Vegas bondsman. 2004 is the first time in 5years rushing AND passing totals have not dropped. :bad:
I dont think that us giving up all those points to 3 mediocre teams in S.C, Kentucky and Vanderbilt are Chavis fault. You can be the best coach in the world but the players still play. My take on this is at least 6 or 7 years old. For some reason Tennessee's players get pumped up for Florida,Auburn, Lsu, Texas A&M and other big games. It's always tennessee players preperation for the little games that scare me. Do I dare need to mention memphis? The difference to me between us and a team like USC or Oklahoma or Auburn(just this year) is that we only show up to the games we wanna show up at. Top teams show up for EVERY game. EVERY national champ shows up and works his butt off for Central Florida as he would USC. I think this is derived from leadership and with our leaders in the next few years we should be fine. But I think this is a pattern we have to get out off we easily could have lost 5 games this year. :dunno: :nono:
Originally posted by GAVol@Jan 22, 2005 10:03 PM
It's pretty impressive to go in at halftime on the road tied 8-8 and then hang 35 points on your opponent in the second half.

you mean shut out 8 - 0 until the final minutes of the second hallf.
We won that one in the fourth quarter. Man, did SoCar put up a fight in the fourth quarter. Where was our defense then?
If you guys look at our schedule and have anxst for more than 3-4 games our program is in retreat. UF, UGA, ND, LSU. Everything else SHOULD be double digit wins. End of my arguing. :machinegun: :machinegun: :machinegun: :machinegun: :machinegun: :machinegun: :machinegun: :machinegun: :machinegun: :machinegun: :machinegun:


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Originally posted by milohimself@Jan 22, 2005 10:07 PM
We won that one in the fourth quarter. Man, did SoCar put up a fight in the fourth quarter. Where was our defense then?

I was at that game and in all honesty, I don't think you can include that one on the list of defensive debacles. That game was a 3 TD blowout early in the 4th quarter and there were some guys in the game on defense that I had never even heard of. We were playing soft 3 deep zones and gave up a couple of quick scores.

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