Ready to be called a Negavol, but here's a real question

Realistic expectations for this year. Back in the Fulmer days I used to get pissed if we didn't win 10 games, so don't talk to me about having low expectations. UT football is what it is right now.

Ahhh. the good ole Fulmer days, when the other SEC coaches were at high school level. Tn. had Cutcliff to run the offense and Chavis to run the defense. All Fulmer had to do was choose the donut-of-the-day.
Hell, my five year old grandaughter could have guided the Vols to 10 wins back in those days.

As for this season, just know this. Saban is whining about the hurryup offense for a reason, and Butch is bringing his special "hurryup hell" to the SEC.

I'm sayin 8-4 + a bowl. That's me being a pessimist.:)
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Spurrier saw exactly what you now see. Average arm, average intelligence, average speed, average, average. Dooley got a (Gatorade) trophy player not a stud.
Worley was one of UT's primary targets before Kiffin left. Average arm? Average intelligence? Neither of Spurrier's current QB's have an elite arm. At best average.

I fully expect to see Worley and Peterman jockey until we get past the meat of our schedule much like Dooley did waiting for Memphis Tiger High State before going to Bray for a start.
You are probably going to be disappointed.
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All these threads bashing on people for expecting losses at Oregon, against UF, against UGA, etc.

What happens to all of y'all that are expecting we can win these games when this happens:

the Ducks run roughshod over us and we lose by 24

Florida throws at will and beats up 21

Aaron Murray has a field day against our secondary racking up 345 passing yards en route to a 27 point thumping.

Vandy/Auburn/Mizzou/USC- 3 of these four or even 2 of these four just prove to be too much for us to handle and we lose half of these games.

Just curious what happens. Replying with "won't happen, Butch gets it" doesn't count. I want to know how things will go if the above happens. A bad loss to Oregon, a bad loss to Florida, a bad loss to Florida and tough losses to two of the four mentioned last.

On the other side ..what if

Worley is the next Peyton and we beat Oregon by 24, thump Florida by 21, Our D-line recks havoc on Murray and he throws 4 interceptions. Bama gives us good competetion but we win by 14 and beat Vandy by 45 points. Kentucky doesn't even show up. We sweep 12-0, Play LSU in SEC game (28-21) and Beat Urban Meyer's ass 45-14 in NC !!

If you are going to bring all negative what ifs then yes you are a NEGAVOL:)
Worley was one of UT's primary targets before Kiffin left. Average arm? Average intelligence? Neither of Spurrier's current QB's have an elite arm. At best average.
That makes Worley better? Because no real stud QB wants to be caught dead being coached by Spurrier?

You did read that Spurrier passed on Worley when Worley HS was just down the road?

Let me put this more succinctly. If Worley is the best we have for the next two years, we are in the deepest of the deep caca and Jones doesn’t know how to recruit QBs with real talent.
I guess it's safe for negavols to be "realistic". Hell, I'm in it to win every game, that's my team. I leave expectations out going into a season. We are undefeated until we lose, after that, we still winners. WE are Tennessee. Maybe the vols will be 4-8, that will make negavols happy.....they will have "known it". Let's just get behind our team.WIN EVERY GAME!
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when did it become wrong to go into a season fired up and looking for successes? It's like you get a prize for throwing out the most I told you so's after the season

Is this a new contest Freak is starting? If so, I want an Amazon gift card.
All these threads bashing on people for expecting losses at Oregon, against UF, against UGA, etc.

What happens to all of y'all that are expecting we can win these games when this happens:

the Ducks run roughshod over us and we lose by 24

Florida throws at will and beats up 21

Aaron Murray has a field day against our secondary racking up 345 passing yards en route to a 27 point thumping.

Vandy/Auburn/Mizzou/USC- 3 of these four or even 2 of these four just prove to be too much for us to handle and we lose half of these games.

Just curious what happens. Replying with "won't happen, Butch gets it" doesn't count. I want to know how things will go if the above happens. A bad loss to Oregon, a bad loss to Florida, a bad loss to Florida and tough losses to two of the four mentioned last. about having a fixation on failure. I'm certainly glad the staff and team don't share your perspective.

Why don't you just sit this season out? Cause, with fans like you, who needs trolls from opposing teams? about having a fixation on failure. I'm certainly glad the staff and team don't share your perspective.

Why don't you just sit this season out? Cause, with fans like you, who needs trolls from opposing teams?

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Our most realistic upset oportunity will be Vandy or Missouri, but probably Vandy at home

Yup.....hopefully South Alabama doesnt kick our teeth in. cuz we just suck so bad. A coaching change wont matter at all. Plus theyre D1 now. Theyre legit man lol
If all of those things happen, then so be it. I am not going to have a defeatist attitude before a snap of football has even been played. They play the games for a reason...using your logic, we shouldn't even show up for half of the games.
Amen, brother-man. He's preaching harder than you Psuedo-fans (aka, NegaVols) are cheering. about having a fixation on failure. I'm certainly glad the staff and team don't share your perspective.

Why don't you just sit this season out? Cause, with fans like you, who needs trolls from opposing teams?

the inability to grasp where I'm coming from is overwhelming. What are people not understanding here?
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Just curious what happens. Replying with "won't happen, Butch gets it" doesn't count. I want to know how things will go if the above happens. A bad loss to Oregon, a bad loss to Florida, a bad loss to Florida and tough losses to two of the four mentioned last.

How could you possibly be curious about what will happen when you have 5 years of VolNation board material currently at your disposal? How hard is it to see what has already been done in similar situations? You just aint lookin' very hard are ya?
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It's pretty simple to anyone that was at the open practice. Worley just isn't going to cut it. He is terrible. We have to have a threat of a pass to not get absolutely destroyed against good teams. If we can get good QB play we can win some games, but that most likely isn't going to come from a freshman and won't come from Worley.

I knew Worley wasn't going to be that good when his home state school passed on him. The home state school with a HC known for having good QB play/QB's.

I don't know if Worley is the right guy or not. I am pretty sure he's still #1 on the depth chart after the rest got their legitimate shot to knock him off. Jones could have some sort of epiphany and decide that one of the others is the right guy... but that's not the likelihood.

But to your points... nothing you said is a solid foundation for judging Worley. I would really rather Peterman or Dobbs be "the guy". I like QB's who can run a little. I like Peterman's interviews more than Worley's.

But the fact is that part of the point of practice is to challenge guys with things they can't do well. You think that you have definitively determined from watching one practice where the O used only a handful of plays that Worley isn't going to "cut it". Coaches challenge players where they are. A player who is more developed may look worse simply because the coaches throw much more difficult things at him... he's already mastered the simpler things that the other player looks decent doing.

Maybe Worley really isn't the guy. But it wasn't all that long ago that I was making the same kinds of comments that you just made... about Ainge and Crompton. I thought (and foolishly said) that Crompton was the better QB based on practice/scrimmage results and was sure to take Ainge's job early in the season. Ainge had just come off of a horrible year. He stank it up in the spring. He stank it up in the fall.... at least from what we could see as fans through open practices and media reports. He was still the starter when the smoke cleared... and came out of the box ripping Cal.

I'm not declaring your conclusion wrong. I AM very much saying that what you "see" can be very, very deceiving when it comes to stuff like this.
How could you possibly be curious about what will happen when you have 5 years of VolNation board material currently at your disposal? How hard is it to see what has already been done in similar situations? You just aint lookin' very hard are ya?

There's no doubt that its a somewhat rhetorical question. That may be why people are losing their minds over the mere thought.
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Reactions: 1 person about having a fixation on failure. I'm certainly glad the staff and team don't share your perspective.

Why don't you just sit this season out? Cause, with fans like you, who needs trolls from opposing teams?
Choose your own emotional poison but, personally, I've been mentally unhooked from UT sports since it became glaringly obvious that Fulmer was going to have to be pried from the HC office and we hired Kiffin, Hamilton, Raleigh and Pearl.

How could you possibly be curious about what will happen when you have 5 years of VolNation board material currently at your disposal? How hard is it to see what has already been done in similar situations? You just aint lookin' very hard are ya?

Maybe I'm crazy, but the optimism of the board vs the reality I see just seems even further out there than normal. But I forget a lot.. Well ignore a lot of it anyway.

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