Ready to be called a Negavol, but here's a real question

I'm going into the season expecting the Vols to win them all. That's the fun and excitement of football season. If they lose a game I'll be very disappointed, down in the dumps for about an hour, recover, then enjoy watching the other games that day. Sunday morning I'm looking forward to next game. Been doing it that for over 40 years. Love football season.

This! ^^
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I don't know if Worley is the right guy or not. I am pretty sure he's still #1 on the depth chart after the rest got their legitimate shot to knock him off. Jones could have some sort of epiphany and decide that one of the others is the right guy... but that's not the likelihood.

But to your points... nothing you said is a solid foundation for judging Worley. I would really rather Peterman or Dobbs be "the guy". I like QB's who can run a little. I like Peterman's interviews more than Worley's.

But the fact is that part of the point of practice is to challenge guys with things they can't do well. You think that you have definitively determined from watching one practice where the O used only a handful of plays that Worley isn't going to "cut it". Coaches challenge players where they are. A player who is more developed may look worse simply because the coaches throw much more difficult things at him... he's already mastered the simpler things that the other player looks decent doing.

Maybe Worley really isn't the guy. But it wasn't all that long ago that I was making the same kinds of comments that you just made... about Ainge and Crompton. I thought (and foolishly said) that Crompton was the better QB based on practice/scrimmage results and was sure to take Ainge's job early in the season. Ainge had just come off of a horrible year. He stank it up in the spring. He stank it up in the fall.... at least from what we could see as fans through open practices and media reports. He was still the starter when the smoke cleared... and came out of the box ripping Cal.

I'm not declaring your conclusion wrong. I AM very much saying that what you "see" can be very, very deceiving when it comes to stuff like this.
Also as a side note the bad year Ainge had if I'm correct here Cut was gone that year and came back, the coaching made one hell of a difference.. Lets just hope this coaching staff will do the same.
All these threads bashing on people for expecting losses at Oregon, against UF, against UGA, etc.

What happens to all of y'all that are expecting we can win these games when this happens:

the Ducks run roughshod over us and we lose by 24

Florida throws at will and beats up 21

Aaron Murray has a field day against our secondary racking up 345 passing yards en route to a 27 point thumping.

Vandy/Auburn/Mizzou/USC- 3 of these four or even 2 of these four just prove to be too much for us to handle and we lose half of these games.

Just curious what happens. Replying with "won't happen, Butch gets it" doesn't count. I want to know how things will go if the above happens. A bad loss to Oregon, a bad loss to Florida, a bad loss to Florida and tough losses to two of the four mentioned last.

We accept what happens on the field...we're a reality based lot...the truth is we have no real idea how high the talent base is on this team...Doomsday posters bemoaning the quality of play in SCRIMMAGES where these kids are taking reps in an offense that is brand new...expectations of them playing like the offense is old unrealistic...if they start getting proficient in this scheme in the first two games there's hope for more victories....if not there'll be some wrenching losses..The majority of Vol faithful just want a team that will mix it with the other team...AND NOT GIVE UP AFTER question in return...kind Doomsday what happens if our Vols get it sooner...rather than later..and upset an Oregon or Florida...will you be able to handle this reality shakeup...most of you seem to have a lot of emotional investment to the point of arrogant hostility in those losses....lot to lose
Posted via VolNation Mobile
We accept what happens on the field...we're a reality based lot...the truth is we have no real idea how high the talent base is on this team...Doomsday posters bemoaning the quality of play in SCRIMMAGES where these kids are taking reps in an offense that is brand new...expectations of them playing like the offense is old unrealistic...if they start getting proficient in this scheme in the first two games there's hope for more victories....if not there'll be some wrenching losses..The majority of Vol faithful just want a team that will mix it with the other team...AND NOT GIVE UP AFTER question in return...kind Doomsday what happens if our Vols get it sooner...rather than later..and upset an Oregon or Florida...will you be able to handle this reality shakeup...most of you seem to have a lot of emotional investment to the point of arrogant hostility in those losses....lot to lose
Posted via VolNation Mobile

i just don't think based on talent and depth of this team that a 7 win season is doomsday. I think it's fantastic. I'll be ecstatic with a bowl. I don't see it as a doomsday, I just see it as a sign of the problems of the past 10 years.

But to answer the question, one upset early won't faze a whole lot. But an early upset of Oregon and Florida combined with going four of five against UGA/USCe/Vandy/Auby/Mizzou will probably make me make a mess in pants.
If you expect 10 wins, then just don't turn on you're TV this fall.

I think the coaches, players, and fans expect a 6-7 win season with the main goal just getting back to a bowl game. I fully expect us to lose to a bad team AND expect us to upset a national title contender. I'm not saying any specific team, but when you play 5 of the top 10 teams, s*** is bound to happen.

......and then in 2014, 10 wins or bust.

You really think the coaches and players expect a 6-7 win season? It's one thing for fans to predict our win total, but I seriously doubt the coaches and players are gonna go in to certain games thinking they will lose, even if we don't come out on top. That may have been Doofus' attitude, but its not CBJ's.
I'm willing to bet the farm that won't happen. Why? Because Butch gets... I mean, because we can't have two bad losses to Florida. :)

For me, it's not the opinions that bother me, it's the bashing, by both sides, and the massive generalizations. I don't think the "negavols" are predicting 0-12 and I haven't seen any homers legitimately suggesting we will run the table. Both sides aren't as far apart as some suggest.

My guess is, most team sites are probably a couple of wins more optimistic about their season than the general public. For me personally, each year my "realistic" prediction for the season tends to be a worse case scenario. And when I pick with my heart (and yes I tend to be a homer sometimes), I have us winning two or three games we aren't supposed to.

Just my $.02.

I like your $.02!
All these threads bashing on people for expecting losses at Oregon, against UF, against UGA, etc.

What happens to all of y'all that are expecting we can win these games when this happens:

the Ducks run roughshod over us and we lose by 24

Florida throws at will and beats up 21

Aaron Murray has a field day against our secondary racking up 345 passing yards en route to a 27 point thumping.

Vandy/Auburn/Mizzou/USC- 3 of these four or even 2 of these four just prove to be too much for us to handle and we lose half of these games.

Just curious what happens. Replying with "won't happen, Butch gets it" doesn't count. I want to know how things will go if the above happens. A bad loss to Oregon, a bad loss to Florida, a bad loss to Florida and tough losses to two of the four mentioned last.

It won't happen, Butch Jones gets it. about having a fixation on failure. I'm certainly glad the staff and team don't share your perspective.

Why don't you just sit this season out? Cause, with fans like you, who needs trolls from opposing teams?

You just got bUTch slapped!

Shaw is average, but Dylan Thompson can hum it.

IIRC, Thompson was a 2* out of HS specifically because he was not considered a very good passer. I think he played at Boiling Springs just north of Spartanburg. They have a good history there and get plenty of media exposure. He was not a secret... he just wasn't that highly thought of. Give Spurrier credit there I suppose.
See the post Florida reaction from last year.

I've never seen our fans go into complete denial like they did leading up to that game. It was like Florida suddenly forgot how to play and one decent win meant we were contenders for the SEC East.

Gotta admit though, pregame was an awesome atmosphere that we haven't seen since the late 90s. The reality check in the 2nd half hurt really bad.
Also as a side note the bad year Ainge had if I'm correct here Cut was gone that year and came back, the coaching made one hell of a difference.. Lets just hope this coaching staff will do the same.

Yep. Ainge's confidence was shattered by Sander's incompetence. The amazing thing is that Cut somehow rebuilt his confidence while he was completing 30% of his passes in scrimmages and making mistakes.
Choose your own emotional poison but, personally, I've been mentally unhooked from UT sports since it became glaringly obvious that Fulmer was going to have to be pried from the HC office and we hired Kiffin, Hamilton, Raleigh and Pearl.


Fulmer deserved to be fired. If you really cannot see that then it is appropriate that you misspelled your on screen name.
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See the post Florida reaction from last year.

I've never seen our fans go into complete denial like they did leading up to that game. It was like Florida suddenly forgot how to play and one decent win meant we were contenders for the SEC East.

It wasn't denial. UT should have beaten UF last year. The problem I think was that no one quite understood in the 3rd game exactly how incompetent Sunseri was or how bad his D was.
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All these threads bashing on people for expecting losses at Oregon, against UF, against UGA, etc.

What happens to all of y'all that are expecting we can win these games when this happens:

the Ducks run roughshod over us and we lose by 24

Florida throws at will and beats up 21

Aaron Murray has a field day against our secondary racking up 345 passing yards en route to a 27 point thumping.

Vandy/Auburn/Mizzou/USC- 3 of these four or even 2 of these four just prove to be too much for us to handle and we lose half of these games.

Just curious what happens. Replying with "won't happen, Butch gets it" doesn't count. I want to know how things will go if the above happens. A bad loss to Oregon, a bad loss to Florida, a bad loss to Floridaand tough losses to two of the four mentioned last.

If we lose badly to Florida twice this season, then Butch should be fired. I know I'll be pissed.
I really really hope that you 8-4, 9-3, 12-0 guys get to laugh at me and yell, "I told you so!" come January.
No sarcasm.
Not all of us can be courageous.

But none of us have to be cowards and hide behind low expectations.

I think this is a 7 or 8 win roster IF Jones is the right coach to get UT back to the top. If he wins more than that... start looking for a street to rename. If he wins less than that... be prepared to go through the turmoil of a coach on a hot seat in '15 and very possibly another coaching change.
All these threads bashing on people for expecting losses at Oregon, against UF, against UGA, etc.

What happens to all of y'all that are expecting we can win these games when this happens:

the Ducks run roughshod over us and we lose by 24

Florida throws at will and beats up 21

Aaron Murray has a field day against our secondary racking up 345 passing yards en route to a 27 point thumping.

Vandy/Auburn/Mizzou/USC- 3 of these four or even 2 of these four just prove to be too much for us to handle and we lose half of these games.

Just curious what happens. Replying with "won't happen, Butch gets it" doesn't count. I want to know how things will go if the above happens. A bad loss to Oregon, a bad loss to Florida, a bad loss to Florida and tough losses to two of the four mentioned last.
your posts suck.

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