Ready to be called a Negavol, but here's a real question

But none of us have to be cowards and hide behind low expectations.

I think this is a 7 or 8 win roster IF Jones is the right coach to get UT back to the top. If he wins more than that... start looking for a street to rename. If he wins less than that... be prepared to go through the turmoil of a coach on a hot seat in '15 and very possibly another coaching change.

8 Wins and Butch could be coach of the Year
For the record, NegaVol is a stupid term. We all obviously care enough about the Vols to waste a handsome portion of our lives on a message board. It's just a dumb name given to fans to aren't eternally optimistic about the program.
We all want the team to succeed, we just have different ideas on how or when that will happen.
I wonder how many posts it will take for me to be called a negavol.

This is one of the best posts I've seen on here!Job well done!
Same shiz, different thread. The same people that lack reading comprehension throwing out the idiotic term "negavol" and start taking the high ground on true fandom.
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Same shiz, different thread. The same people that lack reading comprehension throwing out the idiotic term "negavol" and start taking the high ground on true fandom.

And negavols try to take ownership of the concept of reading comprehension....hence anyone disagreeing with them IS'N IGNURNT
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Same shiz, different thread. The same people that lack reading comprehension throwing out the idiotic term "negavol" and start taking the high ground on true fandom.

I know right.Of course I would LOVE it if we won every game.When we were real good(like in the mid to late 90's)I thought we could win every game.But sometimes reality has to set in.We're not very good right now.But I feel we finally got a great coach so far.All I wanna see is improvement from game to game,year to year.We'll see if these caoches can coach em up.
All these threads bashing on people for expecting losses at Oregon, against UF, against UGA, etc.

What happens to all of y'all that are expecting we can win these games when this happens:

the Ducks run roughshod over us and we lose by 24

Florida throws at will and beats up 21

Aaron Murray has a field day against our secondary racking up 345 passing yards en route to a 27 point thumping.

Vandy/Auburn/Mizzou/USC- 3 of these four or even 2 of these four just prove to be too much for us to handle and we lose half of these games.

Just curious what happens. Replying with "won't happen, Butch gets it" doesn't count. I want to know how things will go if the above happens. A bad loss to Oregon, a bad loss to Florida, a bad loss to Florida and tough losses to two of the four mentioned last.
Well in that case it would be very similar to the last 3 years and I would do pretty much what I have done over those years. Pull for the team and hope for improvement. My Dad taught me some 40 years ago to not get too up or down over what "some 19 year old kids do on Saturday afternoon."
You didn't have to be Keith Jackson to see why the Vols were bad last year: couldn't tackle, couldn't block, dropped balls, couldn't play 60 minutes, and didn't want to play for the coach period.

This year, for me it's not so much the final score as how they play. I just want to see a team that plays sound fundamental football with some energy. I just want to watch a game and say afterwards, that's a solid, well-coached football team.
Well in that case it would be very similar to the last 3 years and I would do pretty much what I have done over those years. Pull for the team and hope for improvement. My Dad taught me some 40 years ago to not get too up or down over what "some 19 year old kids do on Saturday afternoon."

Great post

How about the semi-peds who get bent out of shape over what HS kids are doing? Check out the recruiting forum if you want to see some odd behavior. I would bet half of them own 1980'ish conversion vans with "Free Puppies" painted on the side windows.

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