Ready to be called a Negavol, but here's a real question

I just want to point out I regret this thread. I stay out of the main forum for a reason...

Yet you started a thread that you knew would do exactly what it did. This is what you should have known it was going to be, and still is what you should've thought it would be. That's a little Berra with a splash of Dennis Green.
I think we've set off a full on pocket presents convention in this thread.
And with school starting up the board is loaded with valid victorians letting off steam before they have to buckle down to their studies.
Yet you started a thread that you knew would do exactly what it did. This is what you should have known it was going to be, and still is what you should've thought it would be. That's a little Berra with a splash of Dennis Green.

I see what you did there, but in all honestly I expected more real answers before it sank. And I figured it would sink after 2-3 pages worth of material. I never expected it would keep getting dredged back to the surface just to sink again.
All these threads bashing on people for expecting losses at Oregon, against UF, against UGA, etc.

What happens to all of y'all that are expecting we can win these games when this happens:

the Ducks run roughshod over us and we lose by 24

Florida throws at will and beats up 21

Aaron Murray has a field day against our secondary racking up 345 passing yards en route to a 27 point thumping.

Vandy/Auburn/Mizzou/USC- 3 of these four or even 2 of these four just prove to be too much for us to handle and we lose half of these games.

Just curious what happens. Replying with "won't happen, Butch gets it" doesn't count. I want to know how things will go if the above happens. A bad loss to Oregon, a bad loss to Florida, a bad loss to Florida and tough losses to two of the four mentioned last.

Exactly Nothing will happen . I will be sulky for a couple hours after , as usual . I am 52 years old Bill , I might have been disappointed one or twice in life . However " Realistic " I might be about REAL life . UT Football is still a game .

:hi: Oh Yeah We Gon Whup Dey AZZZ
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I see what you did there, but in all honestly I expected more real answers before it sank. And I figured it would sink after 2-3 pages worth of material. I never expected it would keep getting dredged back to the surface just to sink again.
Sorta like jug fishing for catfish.
Exactly Nothing will happen . I will be sulky for a couple hours after , as usual . I am 52 years old Bill , I might have been disappointed one or twice in life . However " Realistic " I might be about REAL life . UT Football is still a game .


look at that. 12 sinkings and dredgings later I get the first real answer in about 14 pages.
I see what you did there, but in all honestly I expected more real answers before it sank. And I figured it would sink after 2-3 pages worth of material. I never expected it would keep getting dredged back to the surface just to sink again.

I'm thinking of bumping it from inside the stadium when I get up there for the Austin Peay game just so I can figure out if I'm still a fan.
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if Oregon stomps us by 24 points, then the next week I will still go into the game thinking we have a chance to beat Florida..

Then if Florida beats us by 21, I will still go into the UGA game thinking we have a chance to win..

And so on.. forever and ever.

Its called supporting your team.

You should try it sometime.. the players really appreciate it

I always love this argument. You can still be supportive of something and at the same time be objective about it. They don't go hand in hand.
I always love this argument. You can still be supportive of something and at the same time be objective about it. They don't go hand in hand.

please quit. This will be the 10th time around the track with this debate. It's done. It's been done. This is the Friday night short track special that has to end under green and just keeps going until every car is wrecked beyond repair.
I'm thinking of bumping it from inside the stadium when I get up there for the Austin Peay game just so I can figure out if I'm still a fan.
Be sure to get there early for the "when to sit or stand" manuals they are passing out to the first 1000 fans.
Guess we have to have something to fill pages of threads with.... but there is a reason they play the games on a field and not on a computer. This for the subjective objectivist in all of us.
I never said we had no chance. It's just that after I saw us live in the Ga Dome, I was afraid we weren't as good and Florida wasn't as bad as advertised.

I believe that if Tennessee shows up and plays 60 minutes of solid football and maybe get a couple of breaks we can beat anyone in the nation any given Saturday.

How many realist had Tennessee go 13-0 in 98'. If you called it please speak up.

Every question is based on a lot of if's and those if's can go either way.

You never know what can happen!!!! GBO
But none of us have to be cowards and hide behind low expectations.

I think this is a 7 or 8 win roster IF Jones is the right coach to get UT back to the top. If he wins more than that... start looking for a street to rename. If he wins less than that... be prepared to go through the turmoil of a coach on a hot seat in '15 and very possibly another coaching change.

If he at least shows he can coach ill give him 3 years. But I wont act like a 7 win season makes him the best coach ever. Its very possible this year and I will give him a ton of credit for setting the tone for future years. People are saying 4-5 wins so they cant be disappointed if they suck but be excited if they just play to the level they are capable of. Very pathetic way of thinking.
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