Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I just looked up the rules and it said players are allowed to call timeouts so I'm even more confused about what Kelly is saying.
Maybe he just needs to watch the film and see Major Burns clearly called a TO.

I think the others are right that it's a team rule but Burns obviously broke the rule.
He's second all-time behind Peyton in total TDs by a QB and third in total yards. So the record books say he's arguably the second best of all-time. Also he's got a chance to have a better NFL career than every other Vol QB outside of Peyton.

Men lie. Women lie. Numbers don't.
That's horse hockey. I know a little (a lot) about statistics and in the words of the poet, "There's lies, damned lies, and statistics," In calculus the numbers don't lie (unless they are extraneous), statistics is as much art and interpretation as it is mathematics.
He's second all-time behind Peyton in total TDs by a QB and third in total yards. So the record books say he's arguably the second best of all-time. Also he's got a chance to have a better NFL career than every other Vol QB outside of Peyton.

Men lie. Women lie. Numbers don't.
I didnt read this entire thing, as it seemed illogical from the start.

Wth are you talking about?
Hire all women to ref the games. Majority of the female population don’t give a shitttttttt about gambling, or let alone making money from a sporting event lol

Definitely sounds like I’m trying to be sexist, but I’m not. Does it sound stupid? It sure does lmao.

Was trying to make a point but lost it 😭😂
Let me train to be a referee, at least I would call games fair and square..Like you said, I don’t give two s**** about in game betting.🤷‍♀️And Bama would be called for holding and PI equally as much as we do in games.o

*no offense to those who like to bet on games because my hubby does it himself.😊
Let me train to be a referee, at least I would call games fair and square..Like you said, I don’t give two s**** about in game betting.🤷‍♀️And Bama would be called for holding and PI equally as much as we do in games.
That's all we need a crew full of PMS women calling a football game....oh the travesty....flags would be flying everywhere..
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