Recruiting Football Talk VII

We usually allow the Florida QB to have a breakout career type day. It’s weird.

We “usually” had dogsh*t coaches. That’s no longer the case.

Richardson’s performance doesn’t count. Dude was the 4th overall pick and our secondary had depth issues last year. Mertz is no AR.
Sometimes I wish I could take the posters I like from each forum and combine them into one forum where we talk about everything.

But that would result in chaos and the Earth spinning off its axis and flying into the Sun.

So I just accept things are the way they are.
Sometimes I wish I could take the posters I like from each forum and combine them into one forum where we talk about everything.

But that would result in chaos and the Earth spinning off its axis and flying into the Sun.

So I just accept things are the way they are.

Here we go. Those folks are smart, almost on my level 🤣. Seriously, they're very confident, and have a plan. The biggest concern is her infection, but they want her out there about a month before surgery, and then treat her themselves. Me and her would also have to use an antibiotic flush to clean her stoma every day. There's no waiting really for a bladder, and he said their area is the highest in the US for organ harvesting, so they'd basically get a match whenever they wanted. As we talked, you could see these people thinking, and even impressive what the main Dr said. He said, "this is what we do, we take cases nobody else can figure out. There's concerns, but we're confident in what we do". She'll have to stay about 3 months after, so she's going to be there for about 4 months. I'll be there until 2-3 weeks after surgery, until I know she's going to be okay. Her sister will likely stay the rest of the time. They will let her out, but stay at the hotel directly across the street. Pray for us, we got some stuff to work out, but I'm confident God will work it all out . Love you guys.
I don't post a lot in here, but I do keep up occasionally. This is my post from a thread in the zone about my wife. Long story short, she lost her bladder a few years ago. They use part of your intestine to make a conduit for a drain to a bag(sorry to be gross). Most people drain the bacteria, but hers has always went back to her kidneys. Constant infection, several times she's gotten sepsis, and we almost lost her a couple of times. Very shortly, Drs at USC Keck medical center are going to attempt to make her the world's first bladder transplant recipient. This is big, could make her normal again (she's basically living off of daily IV treatment), but risky. Just sharing to ask if you pray, please keep her in your prayers.
I don't post a lot in here, but I do keep up occasionally. This is my post from a thread in the zone about my wife. Long story short, she lost her bladder a few years ago. They use part of your intestine to make a conduit for a drain to a bag(sorry to be gross). Most people drain the bacteria, but hers has always went back to her kidneys. Constant infection, several times she's gotten sepsis, and we almost lost her a couple of times. Very shortly, Drs at USC Keck medical center are going to attempt to make her the world's first bladder transplant recipient. This is big, could make her normal again (she's basically living off of daily IV treatment), but risky. Just sharing to ask if you pray, please keep her in your prayers.
Your wife will be in my prayers. God's strength and healing upon your family.

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