The problem yesterday wasn't receivers getting was the fact that someone was immediately in Nicos face when he dropped back on 70-80% of his passes....I swear, it's like people can't f'n see or think. I was just watching the game again and there were no times on 3rd down and long, and very few times at all that Nico was able to actually set up and scan the field....and the pocket collapsed so completely that he had no where to run.
On the few times he actually got protection good enough to progress through his reads, good things usually happened...and there were several deep outs where guys were freaking wide open and he hit them.
The WRs were not the problem, if our whole starting OL played, I think we would have hung 50+ on them....hell if Sampson and Keyton don't brain fart we would have hung 49 on them.