Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Hey, I hear you. And contrary to the twitter reaction and the (implied) tone of your response here, I'm not saying you all are doing a bad job. You've given a lot of context that I've never seen disclosed before, which helps to clear up some of the confusion that we as outsiders have when looking at the situation. I continue to take the stance that I (and I'm sure many others) want to see how this plays out before committing disposable income to it.

My biggest concern right now is that it looks like we have a once-a-generation talent at QB, and it would feel very reassuring to see commensurate talent in the position groups that are tasked with protecting him. You mentioned that we a lot has been spent to keep players on the roster, which we can all see. And I think our starting OL is serviceable. But it would feel really good to see an upgrade in talent in that group, or at least some good-quality backups.

I'm not trying to make this personal, just putting an opinion out there that is likely more prominent than you may think.
If you aren’t willing to join now with the evidence out there what are you waiting on, after we win the National Title? After we land a #1 class? Whats your threshold?

We aren’t done in the portal and I know OL is one of 2-3 positions left we are working to add someone.

The NIL to add anyone the staff wants is there but that doesn’t mean it will be always if our general fanbase doesn’t buy in at some point. You basically have 4,000 fans, 20 VC staffers and 30 boosters doing all the work for all these fans who “want to wait and see some more results” at a certain point we need yall to buy in.
Good job...I quit drinking 25 years ago along with every other vice I had, all at ghe same was just like Lloyd Bridges character in Airplane...for weeks I went around with the shakes and I would joke to everbody "looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking Meth, drinkin, heroin, crack, cigarettes, marijuana etc etc etc" 😁
A man without vices is a dangerous man. Also likely a sociopath.
This idea that no one wanted that job is just retcon'ing what actually happened. It's fiction.

Kevin Steele wanted the job and already had his office picked out. And he had and has a hell of a stronger resume than the safeties coach at Penn State.

Tim Banks is not a good defensive coordinator. I appreciate that you all have tried to fight that fact with pure force of will. He's here because Danny White imposed a diversity requirement, because Rodney Garner is his DL coach who's unit carries the entire defense, and because Josh Heupel seems to have major resistance to moving on from bad coaches. Beyond just Banks, evidenced by Randy Shannon and Willie Martinez.
Hubbs reports that the Vols are STEELE considering their options for DC?
This idea that no one wanted that job is just retcon'ing what actually happened. It's fiction.

Kevin Steele wanted the job and already had his office picked out. And he had and has a hell of a stronger resume than the safeties coach at Penn State.

Tim Banks is not a good defensive coordinator. I appreciate that you all have tried to fight that fact with pure force of will. He's here because Danny White imposed a diversity requirement, because Rodney Garner is his DL coach who's unit carries the entire defense, and because Josh Heupel seems to have major resistance to moving on from bad coaches. Beyond just Banks, evidenced by Randy Shannon and Willie Martinez.

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 delusional, but your reality is yours to keep and hold on to, so carry on. GBO
If you aren’t willing to join now with the evidence out there what are you waiting on, after we win the National Title? After we land a #1 class? Whats your threshold?

We aren’t done in the portal and I know OL is one of 2-3 positions left we are working to add someone.

The NIL to add anyone the staff wants is there but that doesn’t mean it will be always if our general fanbase doesn’t buy in at some point. You basically have 4,000 fans, 20 VC staffers and 30 boosters doing all the work for all these fans who “want to wait and see some more results” at a certain point we need yall to buy in.
Bringing in the sexy names like Evan Stewrt, Walter Nolen, Trevor Etienne, or winning a title are pretty much the only way youre going to get the common fan involved.

Trust us we know what we are doing isnt going to get people interested.

We went 9-4 last year, you say we paid this or we paid that, but most common fans are going to look at that record and go, why would I care that we brought this player or that player back.
This idea that no one wanted that job is just retcon'ing what actually happened. It's fiction.

Kevin Steele wanted the job and already had his office picked out. And he had and has a hell of a stronger resume than the safeties coach at Penn State.

Tim Banks is not a good defensive coordinator. I appreciate that you all have tried to fight that fact with pure force of will. He's here because Danny White imposed a diversity requirement, because Rodney Garner is his DL coach who's unit carries the entire defense, and because Josh Heupel seems to have major resistance to moving on from bad coaches. Beyond just Banks, evidenced by Randy Shannon and Willie Martinez.
I think Banks got one of worst hands dealt coming into that 2021 season. Despite the amount of transfers especially on the defense, that unit has improved year after year.

My biggest frustration is that we play way too much of that weak ass zone defense and our zone drops (especially from the LBs) are horrible. I think we should be more aggressive and play more man-to-man and come after the QB. We probably don't have the talent on the backend to play man 100% of the time but it would make QBs to be accurate with the ball more and close those passing windows. The death by 1000 cuts with the zone is irritating.
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If you aren’t willing to join now with the evidence out there what are you waiting on, after we win the National Title? After we land a #1 class? Whats your threshold?

We aren’t done in the portal and I know OL is one of 2-3 positions left we are working to add someone.

The NIL to add anyone the staff wants is there but that doesn’t mean it will be always if our general fanbase doesn’t buy in at some point. You basically have 4,000 fans, 20 VC staffers and 30 boosters doing all the work for all these fans who “want to wait and see some more results” at a certain point we need yall to buy in.
They just want to complain.
Triggered basketball fan big mad.
Go hangout in the basketball forum if you want a bunch of sunshine pumpers.

Ive literally called this team good, and said theyve improved and youre still big mad.
I'm casual basketball fan, most just Vols and I can still see you have no clue. Also that's the 50th time I've seen you use the stupid term "big mad." No wonder you got beat up all the time in school.
I prefer Colombian. Less stepped on.
Wouldnt the only difference be the type of gasoline the Coca leaves are soaked in?

Then, once in a paste its cured or treated again by El Golfo or Sinaloa. Cut with fentanyl or heroine, and shipped to a guy in a track suit with three day shadow, where its cut again with more fentanyl, or heroine, baking soda, or whatever.

Just think. You're snorting gasoline, fentanyl, and or heroine at a minumum.

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If you aren’t willing to join now with the evidence out there what are you waiting on, after we win the National Title? After we land a #1 class? Whats your threshold?

We aren’t done in the portal and I know OL is one of 2-3 positions left we are working to add someone.

The NIL to add anyone the staff wants is there but that doesn’t mean it will be always if our general fanbase doesn’t buy in at some point. You basically have 4,000 fans, 20 VC staffers and 30 boosters doing all the work for all these fans who “want to wait and see some more results” at a certain point we need yall to buy in.
Not attacking you at all but giving perspective. I think everyone should support NIL and this program if they can.

But average fans see MTSU, Tulane, Oregon state, and Temple as the targets. When plenty have entered from UGA, A&M, etc. who are big talents. But we seem to offer packages and don’t adjust much when sometimes it would be best to in order to land top flight talent. I know that’s the coaches and others decision. But that they may be why people get frustrated when we have big needs at OL and DB. No one wants to waste Nico and this window to win a title.

Personal opinion is they should do a little bit of both as kids are missed all the time at smaller schools and dish out huge deals to flip bad position groups from top players from big schools. But time will tell in the next couple of years if we have made the right call. If we don’t make the playoffs in the next few years with Nico, I would say that’s a big missed opportunity. Personally, if the DBs are hits, LB play improves by the young guys, and OL stays healthy, we make the playoffs next year.
But the thing that VN understands, and Banks doesn’t, is that our CBs suck, so we should just be living in single-high safety, press man coverage all the time. But Banks is a dummy, so he has our DBs play off the LOS. If Martinez could coach DBs, maybe we could get away with more zone blitzes or playing off the LOS in more multiple looks. Or if Rodney Gardner could recruit, maybe we would hold some crappy Big Ten team under 0 points in the bowl game. But sadly our whole defensive staff just sucks.
What part of 7 DB’s in the portal went over your head about Bank’s and WM. ‘S analysis of this past year ‘s DB. Rooms?
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