Recruiting Football Talk VII

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View attachment 607186

Ill be done. Vol Card in, fat kid dodgeball.
Hope you will STEELE be on Volnation.

For those of you that were here back in the 2017-2018 craziness Hubbs kept mentioning Steele as a legit option for HC and we were all frustrated that Steele's name kept coming up. Hence the Jokes. The comment above about Steele brought back bad memories!
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Of the following VFLs, will they be drafted and in what round?

-Joe Milton Y/N, Round _
-Jaylen Wright Y/N, Round _
-Kamal Hadden Y/N, Round _
-Jabari Small Y/N, Round _
-Gabe Jeudy-Lally Y/N, Round _
Hope you will STEELE be on Volnation.

For those of you that were here back in the 2017-2018 craziness Hubbs kept mentioning Steele as a legit option for HC and we were all frustrated that Steele's name kept coming up. Hence the Jokes. The comment above about Steele brought back bad memories!
still imagine that sumbitch out there trimming the verge for $900K
Hope you will STEELE be on Volnation.

For those of you that were here back in the 2017-2018 craziness Hubbs kept mentioning Steele as a legit option for HC and we were all frustrated that Steele's name kept coming up. Hence the Jokes. The comment above about Steele brought back bad memories!

My favorite one was the brief mention of Mike Bobo as a candidate and the entire fanbase had their pitchforks ready for Brent.
-Joe Milton Y, Round 2 (will catch in Senior Bowl practices and throwing against air in the combine. That, along with Greek hero level measurables and a very personable interview, will have some team move way up on Day 2 to get Joe.)
-Jaylen Wright Y, Round 3 (and he'll be a huge bargain for whatever team lands him)
-Kamal Hadden Y, Round 4
-Jabari Small N, Undrafted but he's on an active roster in September/October
-Gabe Jeudy-Lally Y, Round 7 (probably to an "intangibles" team... maybe the Titans?)
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If you aren’t willing to join now with the evidence out there what are you waiting on, after we win the National Title? After we land a #1 class? Whats your threshold?

We aren’t done in the portal and I know OL is one of 2-3 positions left we are working to add someone.

The NIL to add anyone the staff wants is there but that doesn’t mean it will be always if our general fanbase doesn’t buy in at some point. You basically have 4,000 fans, 20 VC staffers and 30 boosters doing all the work for all these fans who “want to wait and see some more results” at a certain point we need yall to buy in.
Yes, some activity on OL would be nice to see.
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A man without vices is a dangerous man. Also likely a sociopath.
I don't know who he was talking about (I'm sure someone on here will know), but Winston Churchill once said of one of his adversaries:

"He has all of the virtues I despise and none of the vices I admire." (or something to that effect)

I always liked that quote.
Not attacking you at all but giving perspective. I think everyone should support NIL and this program if they can.

But average fans see MTSU, Tulane, Oregon state, and Temple as the targets. When plenty have entered from UGA, A&M, etc. who are big talents. But we seem to offer packages and don’t adjust much when sometimes it would be best to in order to land top flight talent. I know that’s the coaches and others decision. But that they may be why people get frustrated when we have big needs at OL and DB. No one wants to waste Nico and this window to win a title.

Personal opinion is they should do a little bit of both as kids are missed all the time at smaller schools and dish out huge deals to flip bad position groups from top players from big schools. But time will tell in the next couple of years if we have made the right call. If we don’t make the playoffs in the next few years with Nico, I would say that’s a big missed opportunity. Personally, if the DBs are hits, LB play improves by the young guys, and OL stays healthy, we make the playoffs next year.
This. You've articulated more effectively what I'm trying to say. I promise, I'm not complaining...just trying to explain why some folks (including me) aren't ready to take the leap of faith just yet.
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