Recruiting Football Talk VII

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That's amazing. Rumi always reminds me of my favorite Sufi quote from Rabia (when you study Sufism both come up):

If I adore You out of fear of Hell, burn me in Hell!
If I adore you out of desire for Paradise,
Lock me out of Paradise.
But if I adore you for Yourself alone,
Do not deny to me Your eternal beauty.”
― Rabia al Basri

Bringing in the sexy names like Evan Stewrt, Walter Nolen, Trevor Etienne, or winning a title are pretty much the only way youre going to get the common fan involved.

Trust us we know what we are doing isnt going to get people interested.

We went 9-4 last year, you say we paid this or we paid that, but most common fans are going to look at that record and go, why would I care that we brought this player or that player back.
Then you should understand why all of the above average Vol fans only roll their eyes at your offerings and pray for the day you opt out for another school.

I have one of those, but mine is nowhere near as well struck or have the rainbow toning. When you’re going to war the quality of the strike isn’t as important as just pumping out coins to pay soldiers. If the records are correct a soldier would earn about 1 of these per day.

Not attacking you at all but giving perspective. I think everyone should support NIL and this program if they can.

But average fans see MTSU, Tulane, Oregon state, and Temple as the targets. When plenty have entered from UGA, A&M, etc. who are big talents. But we seem to offer packages and don’t adjust much when sometimes it would be best to in order to land top flight talent. I know that’s the coaches and others decision. But that they may be why people get frustrated when we have big needs at OL and DB. No one wants to waste Nico and this window to win a title.

Personal opinion is they should do a little bit of both as kids are missed all the time at smaller schools and dish out huge deals to flip bad position groups from top players from big schools. But time will tell in the next couple of years if we have made the right call. If we don’t make the playoffs in the next few years with Nico, I would say that’s a big missed opportunity. Personally, if the DBs are hits, LB play improves by the young guys, and OL stays healthy, we make the playoffs next year.
The average fan doesn't know diddly. Especially SEC fans and their elitism towards "small schools"

If the "top flight" talent isn't playing at UGA or A&M then there are a number of reasons why that may be. What crazy NIL are they asking for, are they a diva? Are they a bust? Or are they just stuck behind veterans?

Also, are we not already "doing a little of both?" As far as going after P5 targets and "small school" targets?

We got a guy from Notre Dame, the number one TE in the portal.

Does Jermod McCoy not count as coming from a big school? A true freshman corner that started on Top 25 Oregon State who only lost to Washington by 2?

I'm sure the casual fan dismisses how good Tulane has been the last two years. The American isn't the little sisters of the poor conference either. Lots of NFL talent in it every year.

MTSU is a small school. Not really that small.

This staff has gotten multiple small school and P5 players from the portal the entire time they've been here.

I'd implore more people to WATCH GAME FILM on our prospects before casting any judgements as well.
I have one of those, but mine is nowhere near as well struck or have the rainbow toning. When you’re going to war the quality of the strike isn’t as important as just pumping out coins to pay soldiers. If the records are correct a soldier would earn about 1 of these per day.

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You should just film 11 seasons of unearthing that thing and you would have more than The Curse of Oak Island has found.

That show is/was an utter time suck…. Could it be?!?!
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