Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I don't think it matters. You all would defend Sal Sunseri.
I most certainly did not defend Sunseri...THAT is what truly BAD defense looks like...damn man, you really do hate Banks and it makes zero sense...your zealous hatred blinds you to any thing good he does...are you really that obtuse when it comes to him?

Fall 2023

  • Removal of South Stadium Hall with structural strengthening of the stadium's south end
  • Partially completed Wi-Fi capabilities
  • Brick cladding around in-bowl vomitories
  • New restrooms under the Gate 10 ramp
  • Extended footprint for Truly's Tailgate, giving fans in the south end zone an expanded concourse

Fall 2024

  • Stadium-wide Wi-Fi connectivity
  • Stadium kitchen, commissary and loading dock
  • New southeast elevators vertically connecting all concourses
  • New Gate 4 entry plaza
  • Renovations and upgrades complete for all stadium skyboxes
  • Initial construction for the Westside Founders Suites
Fall 2025

  • Expanded south concourse 1 (increased restrooms, enhanced concessions, wider concourse)
  • Completed Founders Suites
  • Tee Martin Drive to shift south of the Gate 10 ramp

Anyone care to outline what an in-bowl vomitory is?
I think we all know what happened here. Kiffin unwisely paid new guys, and guys with less acumen a whole lot more than they're paying Judkins.

This is why Heup spent the time and took care of our guys first and foremost. Imagine if we'd paid Staes more than we are paying Pearce and then told Pearce we weren't going to pay him more. He'd be gone.
Thats also why it's surprising. You would think they had him taken care of already. He's one of their biggest star players. If they're paying him and he's leaving anyway, that's even more surprising, with how things are set up there for next season.
Thats also why it's surprising. You would think they had him taken care of already. He's one of their biggest star players. If they're paying him and he's leaving anyway, that's even more surprising, with how things are set up there for next season.
He probably has a good deal but thinks he deserves a better one. A million seems to be the new ask for guys who think they're a difference-maker to their team-- or would be for somebody else.
Stability is what won Iowa ten games last year. Nothing more. Literally nothing more. It sure wasn't talent or scheme.

Huepel leans into schematic advantages. Stability and continuity are part of that formula. Does he lean into it too hard like Ferentz? I don't think so, but some might. It is Heupel's strategy though. He does not lie to players he does not over commit, he holds his promises (Milton), and some ask why. The answer: stability for players. They know what to expect because he sticks to his word. Did that strategy land us Seaton? No. Did it produce some of the lowest turnover in the conference? Yes.

If you want to have debates I think this is the debate. Is ultimate CFB success possible with loyalty and stability as a priority? Washington is a case study this year. It will be interesting to see how they finish.
Meh. I don't think going to the playoff does a thing to increase his value. If an extra game increased value you wouldn't see the obvious early round picks opting out of non-playoff bowl games.

Seems to me it's pretty simple and something that could be seen coming a mile away. Not 1 guy they have brought in is coming for free and now one of your best players has caught wind of how much some have been paid and feels underappreciated.

Huge portal hauls will be locker room destroyers!
The game wouldnt be for increased value, but I'm sure it would help. Every player would like to have a national title and super bowl on their resume. Being the star back on a team who had a playoff/title season would most definitely increase his value, imo.

I'd say that's exactly what happened. Its surprising they didnt already have these guys taken care of or that they would low-ball them, then give more $ to lesser players.
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That’s why there’s importance on recruiting kids who believe in you and your program and buy into the culture and aren’t just paid mercenaries.
Yep...can you imagine if we had 5-10 Mincey types instead of 1?...just Mincey pulling this 💩 is irritating as hell.

I would say once the HS guys can start being dependent on to take spots down the road...that disruptive greedy me-first guys like Mincey even getting on our team will become extremely rare.

It is abundantly obvious that our staff does not like dealing with these type of dudes on the roster.
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