Recruiting Football Talk VII

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No it sucks. Getting paid openly vs bag men. Free agency didn’t ruin the NFL and it won’t this game either. Market never pays more than it can.


Will take a lil bit before "worth" is established for particular positions but it will iron itself out. Once this happens I believe you'll see less transfers because kids will figure out they're shooting themselves in the foot by entering after they've seen multiple players do it and not find a home.

The fact Georgia and Alabama aren't in the championship is enough for me.

Saban whining about it hurting parity is one of the funniest things I've read in years! It's never been this even!

So, it was sarcasm? Idk. Are most of your posts sarcasm? Most of them are sh!t like the one I responded to; but, if you're just messing around, most of the time, consider me "got". Congratulations.
So, it was sarcasm? Idk. Are most of your posts sarcasm? Most of them are sh!t like the one I responded to; but, if you're just messing around, most of the time, consider me "got". Congratulations.
Come know we want every name that hits the portal. We've got endless money, no? Shiny objects always. Culture and fit don't matter. Having said that, I'll take your comments with the love intended. No higher honor than to have my contributions to the board characterized as excrement. You're not alone in your opinion. It's widely shared. I embrace the suck.
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Yes. I am not taking it for granted again. And figured out all my worrying, analyzing and planning are nothing but a waste of my time. It effects nothing but my happiness.

So now excited about our coach, our QB, our upgrade in talent, our New Year’s Day bowls, pitching a shutout in a bowl game, competing for the playoffs.

Not wasting time worrying about who needs to be fired, hired or bought. Will just cheer for who’s here come September.

Yes. I am not taking it for granted again. And figured out all my worrying, analyzing and planning are nothing but a waste of my time. It effects nothing but my happiness.

So now excited about our coach, our QB, our upgrade in talent, our New Year’s Day bowls, pitching a shutout in a bowl game, competing for the playoffs.

Not wasting time worrying about who needs to be fired, hired or bought. Will just cheer for who’s here come September.
Blind allegiance? I can dig it.
Come know we want every name that hits the portal. We've got endless money, no? Shiny objects always. Culture and fit don't matter. Having said that, I'll take your comments with the love intended. No higher honor than to have my contributions to the board characterized as excrement. You're not alone in your opinion. It's widely shared. I embrace the suck.
I can respect that, absolutely...embrace away. Those that can't see that they suck...destroyers of the world, imo; and, those that outright refuse to see it, hell awaits them on a platter. Yet, those that can acknowledge it, embrace it...there's always hope in the swallow.
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I didn’t read the images, but contracts would make them employees, no? So with that also comes things like health insurance, retirement benefits, etc. So in reality, allowing colleges to pay directly opens up a huge can of worms that I don’t think we as average fans will like. I mean you think tickets are expensive now, just wait.
Independent contractors have contracts and are not employees.
Didn't we chase Verse and Cypress last year?

Not seen a lot of 1st or 2nd round NFL picks hit the portal the last two seasons. But we did get a day 1 starter in Campbell who jumped Mincey and Crawford for LT.
We lost 4 games and didn't win the SEC or this season sucked and was absolutely pointless...therfore all of our players suck, and they are losers...the 2nd rate transfers Heupel and staff have signed since they got here haven't helped us win the SEC or NC, so they suck....come on man, get with the "win it all or else" program...🤷‍♂️

Bunch of soft losers up in this joint..
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