Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I want to take a few minutes here to say how much I appreciate Josh Heupel and Danny White...I was just thinking of Crappabamas putrid fanbase carrying on about all the players portaling...and it made me remember exactly how I felt when the Pruitt fiasco happened...

I was completely done as a fan...I would always love the Vols, but I was finally convinced the LWS was right..I had argued with him zealously for years throughout the 2010s that we were STILL a great program, that all we needed was the right school leadership and the right Head Coach, and he always said we were done as a great program...relegated to mediocrity forever.

I thought that Dooley could at least stabilize it after Kiffin nuked us, but he just drove it deeper into the abyss...😒

I thought Butch had IT...I got excited thinking THIS is the ONE..he brought so much talent onto the field, and you could alllmmmooossst feel us turning it around...only to see the bright promise of 2016 turn into a nightmare ending with that horrifying loss to Vanderbilt..FREAKING Vanderbilt!..and so we had to watch him drive us even DEEPER in the abyss...the first 8 loss team in Tennessee history..😒

And then the totally horrifying and embarrassing clown show of a coaching search...the SchiaNO uprising..Fulmer coming in at the last minute to try and save the ship, and making what looked like a promising hire..only to finally reach the bottom of the abyss...the absolute bottom, a place where light can never reach with the weight of the world holding us down forever..after Pruitt's stupid moron ass absolutely destroyed what was left of my hope...I was finally convinced...LWS was right, we were done...😖

I heard something a guy wrote describing the California town out in the middle of the mojave desert named Siberia that perfectly described how I felt at that point, it goes like this...

"The land where the gaunt vulture of despair flaps his huge wings, and hope sinks into oblivion. Where once vivid memories seem vague..and daydreams die" 😢

But then something unbelievable and awesome seems miraculous to me that it was even possible at that point...we got finally had some real good leadership in the administration, though few of us knew it at the time, and that leadership made a fantastic hire of an AD, though few of us knew HOW good...and he hired a coach he believed in...a guy none of us really wanted...and THAT guy took a battered skeleton crew of a roster and made some promising progress his first season, and I thought.."hey maybe this guy can at least make us a little respectable again in a few years if we just give him some time"...BUT...then the unthinkable happened...he took a team of portal rejects, nobodies and guys that had never lived up to their promise..and made them a freaking National Championship contender in his 2nd year..🤯

I will never understand you toxic SOBs that bitch, piss and moan over every little thing..criticize criticize criticize is sickening and infuriating after what we have been through. How in the hell can you not see how GREAT this is?

I have hope now...I know we have the chance to be a top program again, not just for a year, but year after year after year after year..IF..we will just have patience.

I never post long winded crap like this, and I know people thing I am "negative" because I try to rein in over the top expectations that lead to toxic frustration which is corrosive as acid to a program, but I am positive that we WILL get there if everybody would just have some freaking patience for once in our freaking lives....

Josh Heupel has ALREADY shown us what he can do...he doesn't have to prove anything to me...I believe we will be a winner as long as he is here...I don't know if we ever win a championship..we've only won 1-2 in my lifetime...but I KNOW we won't be at the bottom of the abyss anymore..and that is awesome.

Have a good one boys...happy days are here again! 😊
Great post! But this bolded part is 💯 my thoughts as well. We literally were a laughing stock of CFB and no one respected us, then CJH comes along and because we didn’t go undefeated and make it to Atlanta, all of a sudden some on here want him gone. Ignorance at its best. The future is bright!
Rankings of the first 8 2025 guys mentioned in the war room 16, 18, 2, 14, 125, 111, 74, 71 🫨👀 When GMac commits after the dang snow thaws and they are back in school man this class could take off and be special.

Really hope some of the guys can make it in for Jr day because the visitor list is insane.
This young man and Nico leading Tennessee to a 10-2 regular season record and a Playoff birth..Will result in great future recruiting.
It's funny...I used to be so much different, I've always loved the Vols...well at least since 18(19...but I'm leaving it in)85 when I was introduced to them by my whole Tennessee family when we moved back from living in Texas for most of my life until then...It was just in time for that beautifully gritty underdog team that I felt like represented ME and what Tennesseans as a people are, or used to be anyway.

But I used to feel differently towards other SEC teams...I respected their history and fandom and it was like how you are ultra competitive with your friends...but that all changed over the last 20 years...

I absolutely despise them all now...I hate the SECorrupt and the NCAA that takes every opportunity on the field and off to keep us down and out of the way of their golden ones..The weirdly biased local, regional and national media that seems to absolutely revel in tearing us down with unadulterated glee...And EVERY stinking pile of runny 💩 SEC program that gleefully mocked and scorned and kicked us while we were down.

I hate em all...but most of all UGA, Bama and Florida.
^^^^ This - exponentially. Spot on post, bud. 👍

I go back to watching Steve Delong (RIP) wreck O's and Walter Chadwick (RIP) running the rock and leading the SEC in TD's while sitting in the north end bleachers with my dad while growing up in the lunatic buckeye state.

I still had much respect for the other SEC schools. Different time and different place.

The corruption has ruined that attitude. My perfect season regardless of the final outcome would be to curb stomp UGA, Bama and UF into oblivion and for them never to return. I am sure I will learn to feel the same about the Horns and Sooners as well. Those programs and fans who have enjoyed the fruits of the corruption and media lap dogs for decades can take a flying leap. Our local and state media who trash the Vols should be given the modern day Bill Battle treatment. Honest reporting/commenting is fine, trashing what has been one of the best things to ever happen to this area and state is another. They can KMA.

Gonna stop because I am losing my Christianity...😂
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Rankings of the first 8 2025 guys mentioned in the war room 16, 18, 2, 14, 125, 111, 74, 71 🫨👀 When GMac commits after the dang snow thaws and they are back in school man this class could take off and be special.

Really hope some of the guys can make it in for Jr day because the visitor list is insane.
👍 Thanks for this.
IMO, best running back ever. I saw him live in Detroit.
I use to say he was, too...maybe because I got to see him play; but, a few years back, I watched a doc on Walter, then started digging and watching clips...Sweetness is the greatest football player of all time, no matter the position, imo. That dude was from another planet.

Not taking a single thing away from Sanders...he's #2 RB behind Walter.
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