Recruiting Football Talk VII

If there's a way for a VQ member to post the interview yesterday with Brian Jean-Mary (transcript or video) I'd like to see it.
Is there some way we can burn @Glitch's avi as the first post in the new game thread. Who knows how to combine a copy of the avi with a gif of fire or blazing funeral pyre, even if only to layer it on top?

I can append some verses from the horse sacrifice in the Rig Veda, if y'all think it would help.

I'm ready turn the corner to our game with UTSA on Saturday.
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This receiver was wide open on the errant throw it up ball that got intercepted. It was also open the whole time (Joe could have thrown it before he got close to getting hit)

Also, if you rewatch this throw, protection wasn’t that bad. Joe stepped up and left into the guy instead of rolling left or rolling right away from the pressure.

This was a bad play by Joe and he did not make a good decision. He had his eyes down field the whole time (he is staring the receiver down) when he could have hit this check down and got massive yards. (There is literally just green grass in front of this receiver)

You really do hate to see it. (Not a joke).
View attachment 580737I will have to add (me being me) that Castell was the beneficiary of the PI no-call on Thornton. Otherwise he really held his own. He's a true freshman, which I know will interest people with respect to our DB situation.
I wouldn’t expect much from our frosh DB or any DB will Martinez is here
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This receiver was wide open on the errant throw it up ball that got intercepted. It was also open the whole time (Joe could have thrown it before he got close to getting hit)

Also, if you rewatch this throw, protection wasn’t that bad. Joe stepped up and left into the guy instead of rolling left or rolling right away from the pressure.

This was a bad play by Joe and he did not make a good decision. He had his eyes down field the whole time (he is staring the receiver down) when he could have hit this check down and got massive yards. (There is literally just green grass in front of this receiver)

View attachment 580744
Yeah the play calling is still there this year. Every game you see wide open WR. He just can’t anticipate and makes poor choices like moving into pressure.
His and Ollie’s reads at the LOS are really bad. Instead of seeing the blitz and shifting they just let it come, it seems.
I will say both our RBs were ballers, as were Bru and Squirrel. And we did have success the one time that I remember that we ran power (pulling guard and TE) at the point of the attack. Someone who knows more than I might inform me why we didn't do that more than once. Maybe there was no one calling assignments on the line and everyone just zone blocked for 60 minutes. I don't think Joe played poorly after what I saw him up against. I'm not going to talk about our defense except to say that we didn't have any assignment discipline at LB, and someone noted that the misdirection was likely something FL saw Austin Peay do regularly with success. I'm not going to talk about the DBs. Just not. Take care.
You talk like a coach.
please post more.
Really concerned about rotation for playoffs ....Clayton is great and a future HOF but him pitching 2 games in best of 5... and 3 games in a best of 7 eeeh idk...but no one else to lead with .....Bobby Miller too young to be that guy rite now...

I blame Joe torre and every manager after him for Clayton’s fast decline.Mainly Joe because he pitched the hell out of Clayton and let him pitch full games.dodgers had no one else in the bullpen those years.we had all the bats and no pitchers other than Clayton..
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And some said HH wasn't either. And Hyatt wasnt an NFL WR. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Everybody has an opinion. I could post opinions of 'experts' who say otherwise about all 3 if I wanted to push that narrative.

Hendon has yet to see the field in the NFL but brought us roughly 9 or 10 wins last year and we knew Hyatt was going to be a star just from the bama game alone…Joe just gave us a loss to a depleted Florida team who got pounced by Utah…trust me we all see the talent difference in this case😭😂
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This receiver was wide open on the errant throw it up ball that got intercepted. It was also open the whole time (Joe could have thrown it before he got close to getting hit)

Also, if you rewatch this throw, protection wasn’t that bad. Joe stepped up and left into the guy instead of rolling left or rolling right away from the pressure.

This was a bad play by Joe and he did not make a good decision. He had his eyes down field the whole time (he is staring the receiver down) when he could have hit this check down and got massive yards. (There is literally just green grass in front of this receiver)

View attachment 580744
Thank you - exactly what I saw then and in the replay.

Speaking of narratives. Some on here need to take a lap and quit going after other posters who say things they don't like without anything to back it up.

Joe was throwing to the middle of field. There was no field of vision issue. He locked on who he wanted to go to without surveying the field after the snap. That is not what a highly experienced QB should do. It's what a rookie does. If a guy does that he should at least feel the rush and roll away from it. He did not do that either. This scheme provides pre-snap reads and quick decisioning once the play starts, so there is no real excuse for what happened.

Which is and has been the problem with Joe since his UM days. He then rushes his throws, can no longer stand flat footed and is inaccurate,

HH handled it to perfection against every team not named Georgia.

It's OK to say the truth. He messed up. Come back and do better next time. But don't blame the O-line for Joe's mistake. If the coaches say Nico is not ready for live bullets, they are the bosses. It will be on them to mitigate what Joe does and does not do.
Yeah, CJH is about to find out how negative our fans can be. They'll turn on him in a heartbeat if he doesn't do what they think he should do.
He made the huge mistake of having a really good team last year.

This has to be killing him..he has put good-elite offenses on the field everywhere he has ever been...this is not a good offense and I think it has caught him off guard how miserable they have performed once the lights went on.

I don't think he wants to ruin Nico by throwing him to the wolves when he us not ready, and that is what he would be doing behind this I wouldn't get too excited about the prospect.
Fake post reposted here by a fake fan. Miss me with your 🐖💩

Fake fan?….…nice.please be on the record stating that you think he is just so I can see you get absolutely flamed from this forum😭😂😂

it’s a talking piece.i just share what’s being said in the media..fake or not doesn’t mean I have the same opinion with what’s being said…it’s not even my post😭😂 but don’t act like you didn’t have any harsh criticism towards him after Saturday just like everyone else in here…

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Had a memory pop up on one of my social medias yesterday. It was a post of the team running through the T the week after the loss to OU in Knoxville. I remembered how deflated I felt until they were running it in that field. Got to have faith in the guys and coaches.
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