Recruiting Football Talk VII

In the Return of the King movie, Denethor says 'We will burn like the  heathen kings of old'. Is this a reference to the Numenoreans? Or is this  another error by Peter'We will burn like the  heathen kings of old'. Is this a reference to the Numenoreans? Or is this  another error by Peter

Bravo, brave Glitch!
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I don't think those last second check-with-me's were his idea. I bet we don't do that on the road again. It did more harm than good imo.

I think we really missed Coop calling assignment

Bravo, brave Glitch!
That could definitely be true too. We’ll see as the season keep going maybe they’ll all magically get it together. Line, Joe, receivers, secondary
I still don't understand how nobody else knew the OL was a problem...especially down 2 of the best ones in Coop and Mincey.

I tried to warn everybody...but I will also say this...I did not see them sucking as bad as they did Saturday against an ok Florida DL...that was garbage.
I had a ton of faith that Elarbee would have his group ready, whoever he put out there. He developed good OL at UCF, and I thought he did a fantastic job with the group left behind from the Pruitt era. So I kinda figured that he would be able to put at least 5-7 guys out there that could play in this league, even if they weren’t all-SEC caliber.

Right now, it looks like he has 3-4, and two aren’t playing.
Connelly also said UT should be 5-1 “very easily” which isn’t bad at all just without as much offensive fireworks
Interesting, what was his reasoning for easily beating SC and A&M? Guessing home games helps. Does he think UF is that much better than SC and A&M? Is there a link to him saying this?
Honestly, he's the best we have this year. This could be a Crompton-like year. As the Oline gets healthy, he'll play better, but he has a ceiling. Nico is not ready. If this is a down year, so be it. I still think he can get us 9 wins if things break our way and we can get past the injury bug, which has been particularly nasty so far this year.
Agree with all of that, losing Cooper hurt pretty bad, it’s affecting a lot of things.

And I still don’t get the Mincey limitation in the swamp. Very Butch-like to travel him and play ST and not offense. If he’s a problem, leave him in Knoxville.
Gang, why don’t we stop dissecting the collapse of the Florida game? Everything has been covered countless times. We still sucked is what it boiled down to. I sure hope the team isn’t continuing to think about how horrible that game went. Let’s flush it and move forward, and hope they correct the horror of the last 2 weeks.
agreed lost pissed but it is what it is and just need to improve and move on. Whole team underperformed from head coach to smokey.
I had a ton of faith that Elarbee would have his group ready, whoever he put out there. He developed good OL at UCF, and I thought he did a fantastic job with the group left behind from the Pruitt era. So I kinda figured that he would be able to put at least 5-7 guys out there that could play in this league, even if they weren’t all-SEC caliber.

Right now, it looks like he has 3-4, and two aren’t playing.
This is my feelings…. i can’t believe no one behind those guys can play at a decent level….. I was for sure Addison Nichols would be ready but they don’t seem able to trust him either.
from the "On the verge of panic" section of his latest article this morning:
View attachment 580799
Also from his article:




All of that is to say that we could be hovering right back on the verge of the Top 10 by the Bye Week if we take care of business and the other teams around us go to war. Crazy few weeks ahead.

Win at home vs A&M to restore our Top 10 ranking, then carry that momentum to Bama.

Season is still wide open, folks.
Any person can create a narrative through 1 single perception. "Oh I saw a player laughing with a girl the next day, they don't care about losing!!"


They fought all 2nd half and whipped the gators the last 30 mins, then straight up fought them at the end 😅🤣😂

Yeah, really sounds like quitters...
i agree with most of that….. it wasn’t just one person though… i have read several times about different culture issues on the hill. We have already had the dreaded team meeting…. i have never seen that as a good sign… it usually means that there are deeper issues…

Hopefully Tennessee starts playing better and this will seem like a bunch of nonsense by the end of the year.
I still don't understand how nobody else knew the OL was a problem...especially down 2 of the best ones in Coop and Mincey.

I tried to warn everybody...but I will also say this...I did not see them sucking as bad as they did Saturday against an ok Florida DL...that was garbage.
Let's be honest here. Most of the time when you're being grumpy and shaking hands at the sky. We just sorta walk by, whistling, and dont make eye contact.
You have to try really hard to be any worse than Ollie Lane has been
He’s been bad. He was terrible the first year he started. I was shocked to see they were going to start him again this year. Surely to goodness others can play better. What does it hurt to play them?
@cHiZzLeVOL On a copy of your photo, above, I have circled the WR Milton was throwing to. He is wide open for a touchdown. At the bottom of the photo I have circled the 370 lb DT who has knocked Milton to the ground as he released his pass and is about to land on him with full body weight. Milton perhaps handled that with better results than Nico might have with his small frame. It was not an errant throw it up ball. Milton got struck violently in the act of throwing the ball.View attachment 580759
Milton did not move around in the pocket at all to be able to deliver a clean throw. He never moves, even when he runs it’s just not fluid. Very stiff like. Should’ve attended Peyton Mannings school of dancing in the pocket. Nico on one drive showed more ability to avoid a rush than Joe has since he been here. It’s football, you won’t always have a clean pocket to throw from, the great QBs improvise.

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