Recruiting Football Talk VII

Interesting, what was his reasoning for easily beating SC and A&M? Guessing home games helps. Does he think UF is that much better than SC and A&M? Is there a link to him saying this?
Yeah just based on what I've seen, SC looks better than FLA and could probably say A&M is as well. FLA isn't THAT good, we just isht the bed.
That's what I concluded too. In those posts with the photos I was specifically concerned with showing that the "wrong receiver" account was inaccurate. I apologize for not making that clear.

He was half a second short of time to throw to anyone. But I do bet anything that he would have been criticized for taking the sack.
No one blames anyone for a sack where you don’t hold the ball too long. And no he tried to throw the seam with a safety stride for stride and a corner underneath. Unless a perfect right shoulder in stride throw, not where he should have gone. The crosser was the correct read
I would love it. LOVE it, Huep, pointed at Saban - real old school. Stared him down. Fixed his elbow pad. And did a quick stretch, before making a grunt like 'this is gonna hurt.'

View attachment 580805
Why not give him a Ric Flair "Woo!"?

The only time "Woo" is acceptable IMO.
Yeah I agree, just thought what he said was pretty interesting. USCe might be a notch below UT right now but A&M can move the ball offensively so Idk about calling that one easy
We are very fortunate that both are at home, seeing as how we have performed in hostile environments as of late
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We are grossly underestimating the importance of home field advantage in my opinion, particularly in the Swamp. Those people are in the news everyday for doing something crazier than the last. I think the environment was too big for the Vols and I think that if we don't false start half a dozen times then its a different game. I think we will learn from that game and end up 9-3 or 10-2 even in the regular season. We have to remember where we have come from and that even last years team (which was likely better than this years) had the flops at UGA and USC. I think we are on the right track and am not letting the performance in the Swamp change my outlook on the program too much. We definitely have holes but so does every other team (UGA included).
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@cHiZzLeVOL On a copy of your photo, above, I have circled the WR Milton was throwing to. He is wide open for a touchdown. At the bottom of the photo I have circled the 370 lb DT who has knocked Milton to the ground as he released his pass and is about to land on him with full body weight. Milton perhaps handled that with better results than Nico might have with his small frame. It was not an errant throw it up ball. Milton got struck violently in the act of throwing the ball.View attachment 580759
I love Joe but that looks like double coverage to me. The safety committed and it was a TD to the underneath WR running into open space. The throw you circled was the lower percentage play here.
hopefully no one tweets or comments on instagram at him or his family. Talk about the bad performances by the offense without directly commenting at them. Goes for the defense too even with Hadden as much as everyone wants to bench him. Keep it on the message boards or DMs
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